Have you ever seen some young people singing along with their favorite music group’s songs; they are able to say the lryics verbatum, without missing any, without missing a beat. They can remember 100’s of words in perfect order; but they can’t memorize a single Bible verse! The lyrics are powerful in the fact that when the words are put with music they are much more easily remembered.

The music itself can work on the will and cause it to settle, to relax, to open, and then the lyrics can come into that wide open brain and powerfully affect the listener. This is a great danger with the more wicked music out there.

Brian Warner (Marilyn Manson)(father was a Pentecostal preacher) stated: "The Antichrist isn’t just me, or just one person. It’s all of us, a collective state of mind that America needs to have awakened in them. I want to wake it in them. That’s the purpose of this tour, maybe even my life, to make Americans realize they don’t have to believe in something just because they’ve been told it all their lives. You can’t have someone who’s never had sex or drugs telling you it’s wrong. Only through experience can you determine your own morality" "Hopefully, I’ll be remembered as the one who brought an end to Christianity. … Each age must have at least one brave individual that tries to bring an end to Christianity. ... No one has managed to succeed yet; maybe through music we can finally do it".

Brian understood the power of music; and the power of the lyrics he put forth. Most of his lyrics are unprintable due to the blasphemy and vulgarity. He has had a very large following of young people. One of the key reasons so many like his music is because of the lyrics; usually it’s the music…but not in his case.

Rap music is an interesting critter; it is almost devoid of music, but is full of lyrics. But, the lyrics are devoid of substance, logic, beauty. Rap music is basically devoid. But, millions buy their CD’s every year and have made Rap music in the top 3 genre’s of music sold.

Lyrics are powerful. The fact that many, if not most, CCM singers try to keep the lyrics of their songs easy going and not too ‘preachy’ is proof in itself of this. Preaching the word of God through music will be nothing but powerful, that’s why these compromisers run away from it; they understand its power.

Steven Curtis Chapman says he tries to communicate a Biblical world view in a way that WILL NOT BE "ABRASIVELY PREACHY".

Michael W. Smith: "MY SONGS ARE NOT PREACHY -- at all . . ."

CCM writer/performer Wayne Watson says: "I won't write a song that says, 'You better get right with God.' From my own experience I find that way sometimes makes people defensive"

In a 1987 interview with CCM Magazine, the late Rich Mullins, popular CCM writer/performer, said that he was "really sick of all this heavy-handed Christianity," that MUSICIANS "SHOULD STOP PREACHING unless that's what God has called them to".

Jason Wade of Lifehouse says, "I think we have a positive message of hope. WE'RE NOT TRYING TO BLATANTLY PREACH. It all comes down to love".

Does music have to have lyrics in order to be music? No.

Why add words…lyrics? Words are often added to it to tell us more of what it already has begun to make us feel. Lyrics help express the music’s intent in a logical, clearly understandable fashion. It affects mainly the brain.

Lyrics can be used greatly influence the hearer’s spirituality…their faith.

Rom 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Why not have the lyrics full of the Word of God…especially salvation?!

Christianity is all about Jesus Christ. It is all about the Bible, Christ’s words. Thus, doesn’t it seem reasonable, that the music in Christianity have lyrics that are full of Jesus Christ and His words…the Bible?!

Col 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

The lyrics need to make sense; they need to be able to be heard and understood.

1 Cor 14:15 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.

But, much of today’s “Christian” music is somewhat incomprehensible; one needs to get the printed lyrics in order to know what’s being said.

What should be the content of the lyrics?

Eph 5:18-20 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

An examination of the word ‘sing’ in the Bible brings up these associations:

2 Sam 22:50 Therefore I will give thanks unto thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and I will sing praises unto thy name.

1 Chron 16:9 Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk ye of all his wondrous works.

Ps 30:4 Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.

Ps 51:14 Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.

Ps 59:16 But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.

Rev 15:3 And they sing the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.

The lyrics must be in full agreement with Scripture (i.e. doctrine) to be accepatble to the Lord God.

Why not have the lyrics full of the word of God? Why should it be any other way?

Some interesting queries about lyrics are:

What happens if the song’s lyrics are based a little in worldly themes?

What happens if the song’s lyrics are doctrinally weak?

What happens if the song’s lyrics have some minor doctrinal errors?

What happens if the song’s lyrics has one major doctrinal error?

What happens if the song’s lyrics don’t speak of spiritual things at all?

What happens if the song’s lyrics promote sin? rebellion? witchcrafe? drugs? immorality? pride? violence??!!!!!


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