[Pages:4]Lovereading Reader reviews of Oksa Pollock: The Last Hope by Cendrine Wolf

Below are the complete reviews, written by Lovereading members.

Eloise Mae Clarkson, age 11

I really liked Oksa Pollock. I loved the lunatrix and lunatrixa they were so cool! I thought that the book was a little long winded but I still enjoyed it. The ending was good where you don't actually find out if dragomira lives and recovers from her injuries or dies from them. It was a bit of a cliffhanger really. I would definitely read the next one and find out if they ever return to Edefia. I thought the evil Dr McGraw was a big bully picking on them when they haven't done anything apart from tell him the truth! I would rate this book 4 out of 5 stars.

Jade Craddock

Much has been made of the new Oksa Pollock series, drawing comparisons with one Harry Potter. And indeed, we find a magical thread to this novel that obviously connects it to its forebear, as well as an evil teacher, a host of strange creatures and plants, a Malfoy-esque bully and the familiar-sounding secret-never-to-betold that create strong echoes. But unfortunately this novel suffers by comparison. Whilst the story offers a good fantasy and a fun new tale, the writing is disappointing, often stilted and overly formal. There's also a great deal to keep up with, not only the names of the many creatures, but the backstory and history, and as a result at times it can be confusing. Furthermore, at over five hundred pages long, there's surprisingly little action or plot, with the majority of the book filling in the backstory. Perhaps this opens the door for a fuller story in the sequel, however. Whilst this book may work for younger readers and teens (although the language doesn't always seem suited

to this readership), I don't think it has the same wide-ranging or crossover appeal as other fantasy adventure novels of this type.

Abigail Smart, age 11 Oksa Pollock: The Last Hope' is an amazing book. I really enjoyed reading it and found it a real page-turner! This book was really good! I literally couldn't stop reading. Oksa Pollock is a fantastic, charismatic heroine who constantly made me want to laugh, cry and gasp, all at the same time. In this book, Oksa learns she has magical powers, including the ability to move objects with her mind, throw fearsome punches without touching anyone, and even fly. She tells her awesome Grandma, who then tells her the formidable truth, she is actually from an invisible country called Edefia. So, with the help of her genius best friend Gus, her Grandma, her uncle Leomido, her other uncle/hare Abakum, and some amazing creatures such as Lunatrixes (epic slaves who use as much vocabulary as they possibly can), Incompetents (cute little awesome things) and Tumble-Bawlers (very noisy creatures). All the adorable magical creatures are so sweet; it would be amazing if they were real! I seriously recommend this book to anyone over the age of 10, it is simple yet that is what gives it so much character. I loved every second of reading this book. It makes you feel as if you were actually Oksa, having to make split second decisions that could change her life. I really enjoyed reading this! This is a brilliant book, I loved it so much!

Ellen Faulkner, age 12 Oksa Pollock thrilled me and enraptured me, so much that I read it over and over again. Fabulous. `Oksa Pollock: The Last Hope' was thrilling and it caught me into it's trap. The whole backstory got a bit confusing but the further in I got the clearer it became. Don't be put off though! It is amazing, and any 9-14 year old would love it. Spectacular.

Daniel Mann, age 10 A fabulous fantasy story with a girl who has amazing abilities.

I really enjoyed reading this book. It's a fabulous fantasy story. It is very exciting, very mysterious and some very cool secrets are revealed. I find the abilities that Oksa has so awesome. She can fly, shoot fire balls and has a weapon that she just whispers into and anything can come out. One time she created a bubble that was like a magnifying glass. I would recommend this book to everyone.

Toby Moon, age 12

The first instalment in a riveting new series.

`Oksa Pollock: The Last Hope' is the first instalment in what I'm sure is going to be a riveting series. Oksa is definitely one of the best heroines I have come across in a while. In fact, she is so courageous that she resembles a young Katniss Everdene.

The world that Anne Plichota and Cendrine Wolf have created is as magical as that of Harry Potter. In a tale riddled with twists and morals, the creatures are inspiring and vividly portrayed. The story shows the importance of family and friends through the trials and tribulations of adolescence.

Once you start reading you cannot stop until you finish this rollercoaster adventure. With sophisticated yet accessible vocabulary, this book will never let you down with its multiple subplots, new creations and inventions. The authors introduce many ideas that I'm sure will be expanded upon as the series progresses.

I would recommend `Oksa Pollock' to fantasy fans and to anyone who enjoys fantasy creatures, badass heroines and feisty older characters. Overall, this is a spectacular start to what should be a highly popular series.

Nell Sansom, age 10

`Oksa Pollack' details the adventures of Oksa and her best friend Gus as they move to England and uncover a few rather surprising family secrets.

After some unusual happenings Oksa learns that she has rather more magical powers than the average teenager and is in fact `the last hope' of an entire civilization. Consequently she and her family and friends have to work together in order to battle against an evil enemy Although there are obvious similarities with the Harry Potter series, (which is actually a really good thing right?), the

story is original and full of excitement. As well as a rousing cast of human-ish characters there are also a variety of magical creatures and plants in the story, many of which add a bit of comedy to the story. Despite being a bit slow to get going I really enjoyed being plunged the fantasy world described in this book and I can't wait to read the next one in the series.

James Smart, age 14 - Thomas Cowley School I found `Oksa Pollock' an awesome fast paced book that was full of mystery and magic. In the book Oksa , the main character, finds out that she is descended from a group of wizards that split away from their home and are trying to return. The story of the book is constantly interesting and kept me gripped the whole way through, I could barely put it down. I think this book is mainly for girls, but I'm a boy and I still really that enjoyed it. All in all I think that Oksa Pollock is a great book, for all ages and groups of people.

Jennifer Bridgeman, age 9 Perfect for older readers or confident younger ones, this series begins with a bang and intorduces a startling new character, Oksa Pollock. We cannot wait to read the sequel! Inevitable comparisons with `Harry Potter' for girls aside, this book stands on its own merits as landing fully formed and fighting. It is action filled, suspenseful and dramatic and Oksa is a worthy successor to `Buff'y (in the opinion of Buffy fanatic Jenny!). If it's action and drama you are after it delivers in spades. Dive in and enjoy!


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