User-centered Design of the Interface Prototype of a ...

Gon?alo Lopes Ferreira

Licenciado em Ci?ncias da Engenharia e Gest?o Industrial

User-Centered Design of the Interface Prototype of a Business Intelligence

Mobile Application

Disserta??o para obten??o do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gest?o Industrial

Orientadora: Professora Doutora Isabel Lopes Nunes, Professora Auxiliar, Faculdade de Ci?ncias e Tecnologia

da Universidade Nova de Lisboa

J?ri: Presidente: Prof. Doutor Virg?lio Ant?nio Cruz Machado Arguente: Prof. Doutor Nuno Manuel Robalo Correia Vogais: Prof. Doutora Isabel Maria Nascimento Lopes Nunes

Eng? Bruno Migu?ns Mour?o

Junho 2013

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ci?ncias e Tecnologia

User-Centered Design of the Interface Prototype of a Business Intelligence Mobile Application

Gon?alo Lopes Ferreira Licenciado em Ci?ncias da Engenharia e Gest?o Industrial

Disserta??o para obten??o do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gest?o Industrial

Orientadora: Professora Doutora Isabel Lopes Nunes, Professora Auxiliar, Faculdade de Ci?ncias e Tecnologia da

Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Mar?o 2013

User-centered design of the interface prototype of a business intelligence mobile application

Copyright ? Gon?alo Lopes Ferreira, FCT/UNL e UNL

A Faculdade de Ci?ncias e Tecnologia e a Universidade Nova de Lisboa t?m o direito, perp?tuo e sem limita??es geogr?ficos, de arquivar e publicar esta disserta??o atrav?s de exemplares impressos reproduzidos em papel ou de forma digital, ou por qualquer outro meio conhecido ou que venha a ser inventado, e de a divulgar atrav?s de reposit?rios cient?ficos e de admitir a sua c?pia e distribui??o com objetivos educacionais ou de investiga??o, n?o comerciais, desde que seja dado cr?dito ao autor e editor.


User-Centered Design of the Interface Prototype of a Business Intelligence Mobile Application


To my dissertation advisor, Professor Doctor Isabel Lopes Nunes, for the availability, encouragement, support, text reviews and for always pointing me in the right direction. To my internship advisors, Bruno Mour?o and Jo?o Ferreira for all the help, knowledge, advice, commitment and availability. To everyone at the office: Sofia, Jos?, Daniela, Rita, In?s Torres, In?s Dias, Mariana, Hugo, Vanessa and Pedro for the help and for making me feel like a part of the team. To the users and participants of the research process: Miguel Andrade, Lu?s Tom?s, V?tor Santos, Paulo Nazar? and Jos? Grilo for their availability and interest in helping this dissertation reach its goals. To Alfredo Rodrigues, for the interest in making this dissertation possible. To Professor Doctor Rui Rodrigues, for his wise words and for believing in me. To Joana, for the support, faith, kindness and joy. To my college friends, The AVC: Coelho, Diogo, DJ, Gus, Johnny, Nakata, Rato, Salgado and Z? for the moral support and all the good times spent together in these last few years. To my family for all the love, kindness and support. To my parents, for all their support, dedication, concern and faith and for educating me and providing me with all the comfort needed to focus on my academic course. I owe you everything, Thank you.



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