RMC Meeting Agenda - Wichita meeting 3/11/03

RMC Meeting Agenda –

Wichita meeting

June 11 – 12, 2003

Meeting overall schedule: [pic]

RMC will meet Tuesday 6/10 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

And Wednesday 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Tuesday 6/10/03 note minutes of the meeting are in red.

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

RMC 101 - a presentation by Mike Roberts on the Basics of the RMC and the Americas system - good as a refresher or for new attendees


8:45 AM RMC Meeting starts - CLOSED SESSION - only actual RMC members and OEM representatives can attend at 8:45 AM

list of RMC members: [pic]


|M. Roberts |Boeing |

|P. Trotochaud |P &W |

|A. Zina Correia |Embraer * rep for Brandao |

|R. Daugherty |RAB |

|R. Blake |BSI |

|T. Lee |Boeing |

|D. Gordon |Rolls-Royce |

|D. Buehler |GE |

| | |

|Non RMC members | |

|Mike Gallagher |L-M |

|Carlos Alberto |CTA – Brazil |

|Ed Bayne |Boeing |

|Bart Walrath |AQA |

|Robert Collier |SGS |

|Walter Long |Tinker AFB/OC-ALC/ |

|Rick Downs |Textron/Cessna |

|Phil Abbott |LRQA |

|Terry Barber-Tournaud |UTC – P&W |

|Miguel Gaitan |BVQI |

|Phil Kuklas |TUV Essen |

|Tom Geer |Boeing |

|Jawed Khan |ISA |

|Brad Savage |KEMA |

|Shanya Salamaca |RAB |

|Fred Becker |Intertek |

|Richard Vinton |Raytheon |

|Darris L. Martin |L-M |

|Sid Vienna |DNV |

|Jay Myers |SAE |

|Mike Spencer |Vought |

|Roger Ritterbeck |QMI |

|Chuck Russo |ABS QE |

|Bernadette Martinez |ABS QE |

|Drew Dysinger |NSF – ISR |

|Bill Varner |AQC, LLC |

|Pete Kucan |PRI Registrar |

|Trudy Keaveney |NQA- USA |

|Jeff Carr |NQA-USA |

|Steve Buckwell |TUV America |

|Tony Marino |Boeing |

1.) Organizational issues - review organizational structure:


2.) Election new Chairman RMC - ask for self nominees

Elected Mike Roberts as new Chair RMC. Other org changes: add Paul Trotochaud to Surveillance sub team; move Jay Park to Data Base team; add Rick Downs to Audit Approval team; Marshall Hickey to act as AAQG Sector Rep to OAQSIS data base.

3. Replacement of members

Review RMC 105 [pic]

Proposal by Cessna/Textron to replace DonB/GE on the RMC. Agreed to by Dale Gordon – temporary chair AAQG. RMC accepts Rick as replacement for DonB.

We discussed the process of affecting a suppliers AS 9100 approval when a CRB loses approval of our system.

Need a process for this. Action item: DonB & Mike Roberts to write.

9:30 AM OPEN SESSION - all RMC members and guests return for the meeting

4. Sub team reports

• Auditor Reviews - M. Roberts Auditor Process (Overview of different grades and different methods of becoming qualified) - Jeff Carr and Randy (I am going to ask Mike Roberts to participate)


We discussed the process of getting auditors approved - reviewed a presentation on RAB improvements in the process.


Action item: ABs & CRBs to define the qualification; documentation & evaluation criteria for a Qualified Witness Auditor (QWA). Team members: RAB; Trudy Keaveney (NQA); Reg Blake – (BSI) (Leader); Phil Abbott (LRQA); Roger Ritterbeck (QMI).

• Surveillance activity - T. Lee

Discussion on role of OEM personnel during surveillance - auditor or observer? These issues were discussed and resolved during the discussion & are captured in Tim’s pitch.


• Data Base operation - M. Hickey

10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Extended break (time for RMC & visitors to mingle)

5. Review of action items list from last meeting

[pic] proposal on public web site: [pic]

Review of implementation actions for 5359B;

Review draft of DonB letter [pic]

Review of FAA response (Dale) Response rec’d to April presentation on IAQG/AAQG Other party program. FAA response was they had some issues relevant to hierarchy of documents, etc. We will need to reference some documents throughout - may change AIR 5359B to AS5359.

6. Training issue

[pic] We discussed & recommend that INMETRO & SCC utilize helpers with industry experience from local primes (Embraer & Bombardier, etc.)


5493A revision will require a re write of the in-depth industry training. People can continue current training until Dec 1, 2003, before the changes must be made. BVQI and NQA have been alerted to this & they are working on the revisions.

Noon - 1:00 PM Lunch (On your own)

1:00 PM - - 2:30 PM continue meeting agenda

RAB proposal for course accreditation

Shanya Salamaca and Randy Dougherty


We agreed with the proposal – with the exception of sun setting all existing courses on Dec 1, 2003. RAB agreed to change their date to coincide with Dec 1, 2003.

7. Update on scoring & training materials for CRB scoring. DonB

Need letter on scoring - updated with clarifications

Need letter + trng materials sent to AB for dist to CRBs


We decided that we would encourage the CRBs to implement the training as soon as possible and start scoring 9100 audits then. We would not put a deadline on the implementation of scoring - except the Dec 1, 2003 deadline consistent with implementation of 5359B. Recognize that suppliers with European customers may require scoring now for their audit to be accepted.

2:30 – 3:00 PM extended break (time to mingle/discuss)

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM agenda continues

8. Review procedure 104 - yearly review

[pic] action item : DonB to post fro comment/vote on the RMC private WEB.

10.) Multi site facility question notes from the Wash DC Meeting –

initial & surveillance audits - RMC action to make a decision on this - RAB to generate Guide 62 reqmts - + IAAR to get a couple of examples - RMC may also need to define what is one site vs multi site. RMC to make a position on this by June meeting.

11.) SWOT Materials

We started looking at the SWOT material during the Wash DC March 2003 meeting & then on a conference call on 3/21/03

Did not finish the review off line.


12. Open items - any new issues or concerns from anyone

Lessons Learned (info from suppliers) T. Keaveney [pic]

12. Next meetings:

September 8 – 10 Montreal, CANADA RMC mtg Sept 8

October 13 – 17 IAQG in Cincinnati, Ohio

Wednesday June 11th

8:00 AM Complete any remaining items from yesterday

We agreed to resolution 11 in reference to OEMs being able to suppress certain data for their facilities in the IAQG data base.


OASIS live demonstration - IAQG data base

We are going to request that the data base be changed to allow the identification of witness auditors. Action item: Mike Roberts

11:00 AM meeting adjourn

At the end of the meeting, Randy Dougherty and Jeff Carr discussed the following with the members:



DS Buehler, Chair RMC


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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