BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Cooperstown | NY


Board of Trustees

August 25, 2014

6:30 p.m.


Call to Order

Comments from the public

Public Hearings: (to be heard at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible):

Proposed Local Law #12 – Amend Parking Regulations – establish a 15-minute parking space on the north side of Main Street, first space west of the crosswalk at 100 Main Street (current CVS store location)

Review of Minutes: July 28, 2014 Regular Trustee meeting

August 11, 2014 – Special Trustee meeting

August 15, 2014 – Special Trustee meeting

Zoning Official Report (report attached)

1. Planning Board Report – Special Permit Referrals – single family residence in Waterfront Overlay District and hotel in the Business District

Hospital Zoning Committee

1. Draft Establishment of Institutional Zone District Law and amended zoning map

Public Safety Committee:

Police Committee (committee report attached)

Fire Committee

Other Committee Reports:

Doubleday Advisory Committee (committee report attached)

Streets Committee (committee report attached)

Buildings Committee (no meeting this month)

Tree Committee

Treasurer’s Report

Finance and Personnel Committee


1. Review RBC Wealth Management July 2014 Statement

2. Review Sales Tax Comparison Report

Doubleday Field

1. Review, Discuss and Approve Refund - Mark VanOverloop ($304.25)


1. Review and Approve Conference & Training Requests:

A) Bob Satriano, A. Fred Lemister & Walter Hogan – Vital Signs

2. Review July 2014 Hours of Leave Report

3. Review Overtime Analysis for Pay Periods Ending 08/01, 08/15 Payroll


1 Abstracts & Transfers

2. Update on New Software

3. Permission to Purchase MICR Printer ( Estimated Cost $750.00 to $ 1,000.00)

4. Authorize purchase of generator batteries and annual maintenance on 3 Mile generator

Trolley Committee (no meeting this month)

Watershed Supervisory Committee

Economic Development and Sustainability Committee (committee report attached)

Board Reports:

Parks Board

Water Board (minutes attached)

Sewer Board (minutes attached)

New Business:


1. Application to Use Village Property – Friends of the Library (front lawn) – 9/13/14

2. Application to Use Village Property – Fairy Spring – Firework Display – 9/20/14

3. Application to Use Village Streets – Clark Sports Center – Cupola 5K – 10/11/14

4. Application to Use Three Mile Point – Birnie Bus – September 20, 2014

Upcoming Meetings:

Next regular Trustee meeting – September 22, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.


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