Benutzerhandbuch - UNECE


User Manual DETA

D atabase for the

E xchange of

T ype

A pproval Documentation

DETA Version 3.1

Last updated: February 2013

Table of Contents


0 Abbreviations 4

1 Preamble 5

2 The DETA Platform 5

3 How to get access to DETA 6

4 Security 6

5 Structure 7

5.1. Archives 7

5.2. Document 7

5.3. Document part 7

5.4. Rights 7

5.5. Wizard 7

6 Login, Password 8

7 General principles of use 12

7.1. Main Toolbar 12

7.1.1. User Interface setting 12

7.1.2. Language 13

7.1.3. Refresh window 13

7.1.4. Logout from server 13

7.1.5. Help 13

7.2. Context Toolbar 14

7.2.1. New 14

7.2.2. Edit 14

7.2.3. Delete 14

7.2.4. Excel-Export 14

7.2.5. Maximize table 14

7.3. Selection/deselection 14

8 News Archive 15

9 The Systems+Parts Screen 18

9.1. Page split preferences 19

9.2. Column preferences 20

10 Providing a new document by member state 21

11 Search Function 25

12 Viewing documents 30

13 Document 31

13.1. Document save 32

13.2. Edit Attributes 32

13.3. Document delete 33

13.4. Copy/Move 34

13.5. Document Basket 34

13.6. Document rights 34

14 Document part 35

15 Basket 36

16 Help 37

17 Closing the application 38

18 DETA administration 39

0 Abbreviations

DETA Database for the Exchange of Type Approval Documentation

e.g. for example

ETAES European Type Approval Exchange System

EU European Union

HTTP(S) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (Secure)

IT Information Technology

PDF Portable Document Format

SSL Secure Sockets Layer

TAA Type Approval Authority

URL Uniform Resource Locator

WVTA Whole Vehicle Type Approvals

1 Preamble

The Database for the Exchange of Type Approval Documentation (DETA) is a system for storing and distributing documents or data.

Certain UN-regulations mandate the exchange of type approvals that were granted in accordance with these regulations. Type approvals based on these regulations shall be uploaded to DETA.

Complete access to the data is limited to the type approval authorities (TAA). Manufacturers get reading rights for their own approvals.

Type approval authorities upload the relevant approvals in the system.

Each document uploaded to DETA receives an five digit unique identifier generated by the system.

For approvals mentioned above the complex process of attaching approval markings to the components may be replaced by using the unique identifier from DETA.

As every member of DETA has access to the documents a fast distribution of type approvals is possible and an exchange throughout an additional way is not necessary. A further advantage is a secure exchange of documents without any restrictions of file sizes.

This manual shall help users getting a quick access to the application DETA and to

become acquainted with the user interface.

2 The DETA platform

DETA is based on TypMaster/DD, a software developed by T-Systems. The current version is 3.1. Currently the European Type Approval Exchange System (ETAES) uses the same platform for storing and exchanging whole vehicle type approvals between all European type- approval authorities.

The client part of the application runs within a web browser. Communication from the client to the application goes via a web server with HTTPS. Data and documents are stored in a database.

3 How to get access to DETA

The address to the application is:

DETA is accessible via the internet. For accessing DETA a browser is needed for example Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.

The browser has to support Java and HTTPS and has to allow pop-ups.

The settings for HTTP-proxy are individual for each institution. In case of problems please ask your local IT administration.

Additional software for reading documents (here: PDF-Reader) has to be installed and an unzip program is needed.

For working with DETA you need a user name and a password. You will get both from the DETA administration:

Try out phase: ( see chapter 18)

Final phase: (DETA-Admin…….@.) to be defined

Important: The password has to be kept secret. That is the responsibility of every user. It is not allowed to give user-id and/or password to another person. Any misuse will have the consequence that access to the system will be taken away from the person disregarding the rules.

Besides that all information within DETA is confidential and must not be disclosed to public.

4 Security

For secure data transmission SSL is used.

Only registered users can log in. After entering the URL of DETA the user must enter his/her user-id and password.

Within the application the detailed rights structure ensures that only users/groups get access to archives/documents/document parts they are allowed to see (multi client capability).

5 Structure

5.1. Archives

The application consists of archives. The archives "News" and "Basket" are always provided. The archives for storing the type approvals is called "Systems+Parts". Access to the archives is granted to the groups via certain rights.

5.2. Document

A document is:

– the electronic binder with its attributes

– a holder for the document parts

– a directory for document parts.

5.3. Document part

A document part is (in this case) the type approval as a PDF-file.

5.4. Rights

Rights are always granted to a group. Every user is member of one or more group(s). Rights that can be granted are: READ, CREATE, UPDATE.

The meaning of the rights is described in following chart:

| |Archive |Document |Document part |

|READ |The archive can be read, meaning |The document can be read or |The document part can be read or |

| |that search queries are allowed. |displayed. Changing and deleting |displayed. It can not be changed or|

| |Documents are neither allowed to be|documents is not allowed. Creating |deleted. |

| |changed, nor deleted nor created. |new document parts is also not | |

| | |allowed. | |

|CREATE |New documents can be created in |Registering new document parts is | |

| |this archive. Existing documents |allowed. It is not allowed to | |

| |are neither allowed to be changed |change or delete existing document | |

| |nor deleted. |parts. | |

|UPDATE |All changes are allowed. |All changes are possible. |All changes are possible. |

Someone who has no rights on an archive or a document doesn’t even see it.

5.5. Wizard

The actions within DETA are supported by wizards, which means that the system helps the user e.g. when creating a new document by telling him what the next step is.

6 Login, Password

After typing into your browser the following screen appears:


Click anywhere inside the frame to start the application.

After that the login dialogue is shown:


Enter your user name and password.

User name and password are case sensitive.

After confirming with “Ok” you enter the application.

When starting the application the browser Internet Explorer may show a warning asking if only contents from a secure website shall be shown. In this case press “No”. Otherwise the application does not work correctly.

If you have made a mistake when entering your user name or password following message occurs:


A user’s login will be blocked after typing the wrong password three times. You will see following message:


If that is the case please contact the DETA administrator ( see chapter 18).

For changing your password you must first enter your user name and then choose “Change”.


Following dialogue opens:


Please enter your old password and the new one twice.

Following rules to create a password have to be observed:

▪ minimum length is 8 signs. Please use the following signs:

o at least 1 capital letter from the character repertoire: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

o at least 1 digit from: 0123456789

o at least 1 special character from: |,.-;:_#+'*~!\"$%&/()=?{[]}

o small letters

▪ In addition please note that you cannot use one of your last 10 passwords and that your new password must not contain 5 connected signs of the old one, e.g. you cannot change your password from January%13 to February%13.

After confirming with “OK” the login dialogue appears and you enter the new password to enter the application.

If you choose a password that is not valid according to the rules or you did not enter the new password twice you get following message:


The validity of the password is limited to 30 days.

If the password is expired the screen for changing the password opens after filling in user name and up to that time valid password.

Then change your password as described above.

7 General principles of use

Within the application you must not use the browser buttons for navigation. Please use the buttons and tools of the application.

If you press F11 you can use DETA in full screen mode and you won’t see the browser symbols. Pressing F11 again brings you back to the other view.

All functions of the application can be accessed via toolbar buttons, menu bar buttons, tabs and context menus on the right mouse key.

7.1. Main Toolbar


The toolbar buttons offer you a quick access to common features of the application. Click on an icon to start the corresponding feature. By positioning the mouse cursor on an icon a bubble field will be displayed to give you some information about the corresponding feature.

7.1.1. User Interface



When you choose “Simple and fast” as setting for your window it means that there are not so many graphic elements on your screen but the application is faster than with the comfortable surface.

“Comfortable” means that you have more graphic elements on your screen for example:

[pic] “Search with wildcards” or

[pic]”Search case sensitive” in the search area.

You must click “Use separate download window” when the download does not work when saving a document or document part.

2 Language


Clicking on this button you choose the German language for the application.


With this button you choose English. You only need that button if you have chosen German in between. By default DETA starts in English.

3 Refresh window



You need these options if the application does not react correctly. “Reload application” means that you start the whole application again. “Reload current display” refreshes the current window and “Reload current data” updates the current data.

7.1.4. Logout from server


Pressing this button will close the application.

7.1.5. Help



Here you find help for the application and information “About…” the version of the application.

You also find further information in the document “TMDD_3.1_UserManual_en.pdf” that is available via the following link: DETA-17-08.

7.2. Context Toolbar


1 New


Use this button for creating a new document, document part or news.

7.2.2. Edit


Use this button to modify news or attributes of a document.

7.2.3. Delete


Deletes news, documents or document parts (according to your permissions)

7.2.4. Excel-Export


For exporting your search results to Excel (Excel must be installed on your computer/client)

7.2.5. Maximize table


With this option you can use the whole screen, the search area is hidden. Click again on this button to get the original screen again.

7.3. Selection/deselection

Clicking with the left mouse key on an object e.g. a news, a document, a document part, selects it. The object is then highlighted.

To deselect an object use Ctrl-key and click with left mouse key.

8 News Archive

After logging into the system you see the news archive:


In this archive messages for other users can be posted. It is not a mailing-system. Other users only see the messages after logging into the system. In this archive any user has the right to read and write news. The news in DETA can be used to tell the partners about having uploaded documents or when something is wrong or missing.


The content of a news is displayed in the area “News Content” after selecting it in the area “News”.

For creating news use the symbol “New” from the toolbar or choose “New” from the context menu on the right mouse key.




A news title has to be created. Then the news text is written in the area “Text”.

After that you can change the “Expiry date” by selecting the date from the calendar or leave the default (2 months from today).


After clicking “Next” you choose by selecting

“Add user” or “Add group” the recipient(s) of the news.



If you want to inform every type approval authority of DETA select the group “DETA-TA-Authorities”. Having added all recipients select “Finished”.

Now the news is in the system and the recipients see it on next login.

News can be modified or deleted only by the creator or the administrator.

9 The Systems+Parts Screen

Click on the tab “Systems+Parts” to switch to the main archive of DETA.


Following screen appears:

archive column header

search button documents with attributes

system name user logged in toolbar



query area

status bar document part

9.1. Page split preferences

To change the size of the window areas use the right mouse key on the frame and select “Page split preferences”.


You can make the window areas bigger or smaller. Just change the shown values into the desired height or width.

If you want to restore the original values click on “Reset to defaults”.


9.2. Column preferences

By selecting “Column preferences…” from the context menu following window opens:



Here you can change the order the columns are shown on your screen by selecting the column and moving it up or down.

When you uncheck the box “Visible?” that column is hidden then.

By changing the value in the field “Width” you can make the columns broader or narrower.

“Reset to defaults” brings you back to the original settings.

Your settings are saved and remain active at next login.

10 Providing a new document by the Contracting Party

The approval authority of the Contracting Party creates a new document for every granted type approval.


A new document is created by selecting “New” from the toolbar or

“New document…” from the context menu on the right mouse key.


A wizard opens that will guide you through the creation of a new document in DETA.

In step 1 you have to assign several attributes of the type approval:


Some attributes are already filled by default values. So the field “Authority” is already filled with the respective value for example e1 for Germany, e2 for France and so on.

The field “Approval No.” has already the beginning value filled in.

Both values can not be changed.

The fields with the yellow exclamation mark are mandatory fields and have to be filled.

Clicking on [pic] opens a calendar at the fields “Approval Date” and “Revision Date”. You can choose the wanted date from it.The fields with the symbol [pic] contain lists of values. Here you can choose a value.

Here for example some of the values of the field “Regulation” are listed:


Having entered all attributes confirm with “Next”.

Then the screen for administering the document rights opens. By default the rights are set that the document owner always has ‘update’ right on his document and all the other Contracting Parties (all belonging to the group DETA-TA-Authorities) get ‘read’ right.


Usually you confirm with “Next”. Only if you want to give someone else in DETA a right on your document you choose “Add” and then add the wanted group and assign the wanted right.

In step 3 the document part has to be assigned.


Enter the approval number in the field “Name”, which is the title of the document part.

Then you have to click on the “Durchsuchen” (Search”) button to select the wanted file from your local file system.

When the file name is shown click on “Finished” to transfer the file to DETA.

You can add more document parts by clicking “New” or finish the dialogue. Then the document with its document part(s) is shown on the Systems+Parts screen. Every document created in DETA receives an individual five digit ID by the system that is usually shown in the first column.


11 Search Function

You can enter several search fields in the query area on the left frame of the screen:


You start a search by clicking on


It is not recommended to search for all documents in the system because that will take quite a while.

One possibility getting a smaller number of documents is to search for “Approval Date” within a certain period (here between 05.03.2012 and 30.03.2012):


Search criteria can be chosen e.g. in the field “Authority” by clicking on …

or directly into the yellow field.


Then the possible values are shown. You can select one or more values and then click on “Ok”.

The menu „Search“ offers further possibilities:


When you uncheck the box „Delete Result on Search“ you can combine the results of several queries.

When you uncheck the box “Ignore Case” your search will be case sensitive. In this menu you switch it off for all search fields.

Uncheck the box “Use Wildcard” to switch off wildcards for all search fields.

By default queries in DETA are not case sensitive and wildcards are used. That means you just enter a part of the keyword and the system inserts a joker before and after the typing.

If you want to switch off case sensitive only for a certain search field use the following:




if you have chosen the comfortable User Interface setting.

If you want to switch off wildcard only for a certain search field use the following:




using the comfortable User Interface setting.

The outcome of the query is displayed as a table. By scrolling right or left all fields can be displayed.


This table can be sorted by clicking with the left mouse button on the column header.

The search result can be exported to Excel:


Here you can see how many documents are found.


Here you enter the value of how many documents you want to be shown on each page.

With these buttons you switch pages.


Before starting a new search you can clear the search attribute fields by choosing the rubber.


Clicking on “Reset search result” will clear the displayed result list.


12 Viewing documents

After searching for documents you can mark the wanted document by a single click with the left mouse button. The document is then highlighted. You see the assigned document parts in the bottom part of the screen.

If you want to deselect the choice use Ctrl-key and click with left mouse key.


The document part can be opened by clicking on it twice with the left mouse button or by using the right mouse button and selecting "Open". Besides that you can save the document part, delete it or add a new document part (according to rights).


13 Document


This is the context menu on “Document”. The available options depend on the granted rights.

The options “New document”, “Save” and “Basket” are available for all DETA members.

The options “New document part”, “Edit attributes”, “Delete”, “Copy/Move” and “Rights” are only available for the owner-group of the document.

The option “Send” is not implemented in DETA.

The options “Check Out/Check in” are not relevant in DETA.

13.1. Document save

After searching for one or more documents you mark the document(s) you want to save on your local system and then select “Save”.

In DETA documents are saved as zip archives.

First you must anwser the question wether you want to open or to save the document with “save”. Then your local file system opens and you mark the place to save the document. When the download is finished you choose your archive and open the zip archive there by double click. Then you get a folder with the name of the doc ID and in there you will find the file.

If the download does not start activate “Use separate download window”.



13.2. Edit Attributes

Attributes can only be modified by the owner-group of the document respectively by someone who has update rights on that document. Choose “Edit Attributes” from the context menu or “Edit”


from the toolbar.

Then the dialogue for entering the attributes opens and changes on the attributes can be made:


Clicking on “Next” leads you to the rights dialogue.

Confirm your changes by choosing “Finished”.

13.3. Document delete

When you select “Delete” you get following notice:


If you confirm with “Finished” the document and the associated document parts are deleted from the system. Only the owner of the document respectively someone who has update rights on that document can do so.

13.4. Copy/Move

You can use the copy function if you want to put several documents into the system where the attributes are similar. Then just assign a different document part to the copy.


13.5. Document Basket

The “Basket” is a kind of shopping basket you can put documents from several queries in and then save all documents from the basket.

To put documents into the basket select the documents and then select “Basket” from the context menu.

13.6. Document rights

Only the document owner or someone who has update rights on the document can modify the rights of a document.


14 Document part

In DETA the document part is the PDF-file containing the approval.

The document part is shown in the bottom part of the screen when a document is selected.

Following actions on a document part are available (depending on granted rights):


When you select “New document part” a wizard opens and you can add another file to the document.

Only the owner-group has the right to delete a document part or someone who has got ‘update’ right on the document part.

With “Open” you open the selected document part as if using double-click.

“Rights” opens the dialogue for assigning rights to the document part.

15 Basket

You switch to the basket by selecting the tab “Basket”:


The option “Send” is not realized in DETA.

The option “Remove from basket” removes selected documents from the basket, “Clear basket” clears the whole basket.

“Create CD-Archive” is not relevant for DETA.

“Save” copies of the selected documents on your local computer.

16 Help

The option "Help" from the toolbar offers help to some general functions of the TypMaster system.



Besides that you find the button “Help” in some wizards.


On that button you get help for the current action.

17 Closing the application

You close the application by clicking on the “Logout from server” button.


Besides that your DETA session will automatically be closed when you were not active inside the application for 30 minutes.

18 DETA administration

The administration of DETA is made by:


Ms. Andrea Foerster

Foerdestraße 16,  24944 Flensburg

Postfach 20 63,    24910 Flensburg

Phone:        +49 461 3 16-17 84

Fax:        +49 461 3 14-1789



For matters concerning the procedure contact:

Mr. Frank Wrobel



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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