BBC LEARNING ENGLISH Bad Dates Mobile phone addict

Claudia Hi, are you Daniel?

Daniel I am Daniel, are you...

Claudia Hi, I'm Claudia. Nice to meet you.

Daniel Lovely to meet you. I love your hair.

Claudia Oh thanks.

Daniel That's gorgeous.

Daniel She was quirky, you know. A really brilliant sense of style. She seemed very elegant... she was bubbly. You know, really my kind of person, I think.

Daniel Have you come far?

Claudia Erm, no no, erm well I was on the Tube for a bit but it was quite good cos I've erm, yeah I've just been kind of doing stuff online battery's actually quite low you don't have a charger with you do you?

Daniel I actually don't, no.

Claudia Okay, I might see if they've got one behind the bar here.

Daniel I wouldn't say that. She was on her phone a lot. And I'm not really that technologically

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minded, you know? So I felt a little bit like she didn't care about me... she cared little bit more about her friends.

Claudia You've been working today, right?

Daniel That's right. I work in advertising.

Claudia Cool.

Daniel Yeah, lots of stuff on the web that kind of thing.

Claudia Yeah nice, nice. Anything, any campaigns I'd know about?

Daniel Ooh, I don't know about that. Er... we've got various clients, but it's boring. Let's not talk about work. What are you... what are you up to? You're just on... You got a text?

Claudia Sorry, I've just... I'm just checking something, yeah.

Daniel Yeah.

Claudia Erm...

Daniel Well actually, I tell you what, I'm just gonna put my phone on silent. I don't like phones, they just bother. You know what I mean?

Claudia I don't, I couldn't do that. I would just get too out of the loop. I would, I'd have to spend I don't know how long just catching up if I did that.

Daniel I'd really appreciate it.

Claudia So, yeah...

Claudia So yeah, what is it that you do?

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Daniel Oh I told you remember?

Claudia Oh what, when we were texting? Or...

Daniel Oh no, just a few seconds ago. I mean you, you were texting. Maybe you weren't listening.

Claudia Did you say advertising?

Daniel Yeah.

Claudia Yeah, that rings a bell.

Daniel Yeah, yeah.

Claudia Sorry, you'll get to know this about me.

Daniel Yeah.

Daniel They got worse. There were phone calls, texts, she was sharing everything. I couldn't eat my meal because she took a photo of it before... before I could even take a bite.

Claudia Ooh, like no don't, don't... err thank you, but like yeah. Just don't, erm. Don't eat that just yet. Just I want to...

Daniel Oh please I'm really hungry.

Claudia Ha ha.

Daniel No don't take a photo.

Claudia No, no.

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Daniel Oh no, I've moved it out of place.

Claudia No, no listen. Move your like cutlery and that out of the way. Just let me take this photo because it'll look really cute, and then I can post it and like tag this place.

Daniel I'll tell you what, I'm, I'll pop to the toilet.

Claudia You don't need to do that!

Daniel You can take your photos. When I come back, we'll put our phones away.

Claudia Oh, look I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. Look it's cool. Go to the loo though, that's fine. I've got some stuff I can catch up with.

Daniel Would you mind just putting your phone away?



Daniel There will not be a second date. #idontthinkso. Get off your phone Claudia.

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