Making Omelet






Drs. Djatmika, M.A

Agus Dwi Priyanto, S.S, M.CALL

Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Sastra dan Seni Rupa

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Surakarta, 2007


1. Physical

2. Social

3. Linguistics

Why Context?

1. Can you lift 200 kg?

2. Can you lift this for me?

3. What is the capital city of Japan?

4. The ladder is not stable.


|A |: |Do you still keep in touch with Jane? |

|B |: |Yes, I saw her last week. She is being promoted for a manager. |

|A |: |What a lucky girl! |

|B |: |She is what she is now as she studied hard when she was a student. |


|A |: |Do you still keep in touch with Jane? |

|B |: |Yes, Jane likes swimming very much. |

|A |: |Pardon me? |

|B |: |Yes, I love Jane and she loves me too. What a lucky girl. |


|Customer |: |Waitress |

|Waitress |: |I’m coming. It won’t be long. |

|Customer |: |That’s right. Take your time. |

|Waitress |: |Here you are. Oh dear |

|Customer | |Oh for heavens sake. First I have to wait for hours and now you spill the coffee. Just look at my |

| | |dress. |

|Waitress | |Excuse me, but it wasn’t my fault. |

|Customer | |Not your fault? Well, it wasn’t my fault either, I didn’t spill it. |

|Waitress | |Oh, but I mean I couldn’t help it. |


|Anne |: |Thanks for the game Claus. Look I’ve got to fly. See you later. |

|Claus |: |What time? |

|Anne |: |What do you mean? |

|Claus |: |What time will you see me tonight? |

|Anne | |What time? |

|Claus | |Yes, you said see you later so I thought we could go out to a restaurant or something. |

|Anne | |Oh, I’m sorry, but I’m already going out tonight. |

|Claus | |But you said see you later. |

|Anne | |Oh, look, when we say see you later, it’s just another way of saying goodbye. |

|Claus | |Goodbye? You won’t see me later today? |

|Anne | |No, I’m sorry. If I was going to see you later today I would have said when, like see you in half an |

| | |hour or see you later tonight or see you at 7.00. |

|Claus | |I see. |

|Anne | |Sorry. I’ve got to go. Bye. |

|Claus | |Bye. Oh yeah see you later |

|Anne | |Yeah |


|They were at the pictures. An old man from the outback sat in front of them and, after a few minutes, there was a terrible |

|smell. They gave him a tap on the shoulder. |

|Young men |: |Did you shit yourself, you old man? |

|Old man |: |Yep. |

|Young men |: |Then why don’t you move? |

|Old man | |Not finished yet. |

Contoh Materi

Tapescript 1

|Todd |: |Oh, hey, Keri! You cook, right? You're a pretty good cook. |

|Keri |: |I'm OK. |

|Todd |: |OK. I want to make an omelet, so actually this is really silly, I've never made one before. How do you make an |

| | |omelet? |

|Keri: |: |OK, Well, I can teach you how I make them, which is the same way my father and grandmother make them, which is a|

| | |little special. |

|Todd: |: |OK. Yeah! Yeah! |

|Keri |: | First you take some eggs and crack them in a bowl, and whisk them up, quite, so they're quite high and fluffy, |

| | |and in a hot pan, and you need a pan that's kind of small, that the sides go up at an angle. You put some oil |

| | |and heat it up, so it's quite hot, and then you take your whipped up eggs, or whisked up eggs, and pour them |

| | |into the pan, and as it's cooking, if you take a spatula, and push the bottom layer of the egg, to the side, to |

| | |the sides, and then to the middle, so the uncooked egg gets to the bottom of the pan. |

|Todd |: | Oh, OK. Wow! |

|Keri |: |OK. And keep doing that until most of the egg is cooked so you should have a nice thick omelet and then flip it |

| | |over, you'll only have to cook that side lightly. Put your fillings on the top and fold it over and let it sit |

| | |just long enough to melt the cheese. |

|Todd | | Wow. That sounds really good. |

|Keri | |Mm, it is. |

|Todd | | Wow. What fillings do you recommend? |

|Keri | |Um, well, if you want to do a real simple one, you can just use some pre-made salsa and cheese, and that's easy,|

| | |or you can do something like cut up some ham and cheese, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, anything that you like. If|

| | |you want to make a spinach omelet then you have to add the cooked spinach to the egg mixture. So it's actually |

| | |cooked in it. It's inside bacon and sour cream is nice and Jack cheese. |

|Todd | | Oh, OK. I'll have to give that a try. |

|Keri | |OK. Sure |

|Todd |: |Oh, hey, Keri! |Greeting |Turn one |Opening |

| | |You cook, right? |Questioning | | |

| | |You're a pretty good cook. |Commenting | | |

|Keri |: |I'm OK. |Acknowledging |Turn two | |

|Todd |: |OK. I want to make an omelet, so actually this is really silly, I've never made one before. |Stating |Turn three | |

| | |How do you make an omelet? |Questioning | | |

|Keri: |: |OK, Well, I can teach you how I make them, which is the same way my father and grandmother make them, |Stating |Turn four | |

| | |which is a little special. | | | |

|Todd: |: |OK. Yeah! Yeah! |Backchanneling |Turn five | |

|Keri |: | First you take some eggs and crack them in a bowl, and whisk them up, quite, so they're quite high and |Explaining |Turn six |Body |

| | |fluffy, and in a hot pan, and you need a pan that's kind of small, that the sides go up at an angle. You | | | |

| | |put some oil and heat it up, so it's quite hot, and then you take your whipped up eggs, or whisked up | | | |

| | |eggs, and pour them into the pan, and as it's cooking, if you take a spatula, and push the bottom layer | | | |

| | |of the egg, to the side, to the sides, and then to the middle, so the uncooked egg gets to the bottom of | | | |

| | |the pan. | | | |

|Todd |: | Oh, OK. Wow! |Backchanelling |Turn seven | |

|Keri |: |OK. And keep doing that until most of the egg is cooked so you should have a nice thick omelet and then |Explaining |Turn eight | |

| | |flip it over, you'll only have to cook that side lightly. Put your fillings on the top and fold it over | | | |

| | |and let it sit just long enough to melt the cheese. | | | |

|Todd |: | Wow. That sounds really good. |Commenting |Turn nine | |

|Keri |: |Mm, it is. |Acknowledging |Turn ten | |

|Todd |: | Wow. What fillings do you recommend? |Questioning |Turn eleven | |

|Keri |: |Um, well, if you want to do a real simple one, you can just use some pre-made salsa and cheese, and |Answering |Turn twelve | |

| | |that's easy, or you can do something like cut up some ham and cheese, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, | | | |

| | |anything that you like. If you want to make a spinach omelet then you have to add the cooked spinach to | | | |

| | |the egg mixture. So it's actually cooked in it. It's inside bacon and sour cream is nice and Jack cheese.| | | |

|Todd |: | Oh, OK. I'll have to give that a try. |Committing |Turn thirteen |Closing |

|Keri |: |OK. Sure |Supporting |Turn fourteen | |

Tape script 2


|Making Omelets |Goal |

|Omelets are made from eggs and few other things. They are quite easy. | |

|First, crack the eggs and put them into a bowl. Use two or three eggs for each person. Mix the |Series of steps. |

|eggs well with a fork or chopsticks. Mix the eggs until the mixture is all the same color, all | |

|light yellow. | |

| | |

|Second, take the things or the ingredients that you want to add to the omelet. For example, you | |

|can add cheese, or ham, or vegetables. Cut the ingredients into small pieces. | |

| | |

|Third, put a little bit of butter or margarine into the bottom of the frying pan. Light the | |

|stove, and melt the butter. You need butter or margarine so that the eggs won’t stick to the pan.| |

| | |

| | |

|Fourth, pour the eggs into the frying pan. Then put the other ingredients on top of the eggs. | |

|After a couple of minutes, turn the eggs over. Use a fork, a spatula, or an egg turner. When both| |

|sides of the eggs are cooked, remove the eggs form the pan. | |

|It’s ready to eat. | |

Activity 1: Warming up -- Brainstorming

What’s your favorite food? Can you make it? What ingredients do you need to make it? Do you like cooking?

Do you like eggs? How do you usually cook the eggs? Do you boil or fry them?

What kinds of food are made of eggs?

Activity 2: Listening for Main Ideas

1. What is the recipe about?

2. How many main steps are there to make it?

Activity 3: Listening for Details: Ingredients

1. What ingredients do you need to make omelet?

2. How many eggs do you need for one person?

Activity 4: Listening for Details: Tools

Which of the following tools are needed to make an omelet?

a. spoon

b. fork

c. spatula

d. frying pan

e. stove

f. knife

g. egg turner

Activity 5: Listening for Details: Steps

The following questions are about the steps to make an omelet.

1. What do we have to do first with the eggs?

2. What do we have to do with the ingredients?

3. Why do we have to melt the butter or margarine?

4. When do we have to pour the ingredients into the frying pan?

5. What do we have to do after putting the ingredients into the frying pan?

Activity 6: Listening for Details: Steps

The following are the steps to make an omelet. Put them in the correct order.

1. Put the ingredients on top of the eggs.

2. Mix the eggs until the color changes into light yellow.

3. Cut the ingredients into small pieces.

4. Melt the butter on the frying pan.

5. Put the egg mixture into the pan.

6. Crack the eggs into a bowl.

7. Turn the eggs over.

8. Remove the eggs from the pan.

Activity 7: Post-Listening Activity: Making a recipe.

Write a recipe of your favorite food or drink. Do not forget to write the ingredients.




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