Action Sheet: Reduce, Reuse, Recycling



Read the Consumption chapter in the manual.

What are your overall comments about the chapter? Is it clear? Too much information on a particular topic? Not enough information on a particular topic?

Did you find a typo or mistake? If yes, where?

What is one thing that you learned that surprised you?

Check for leaks in showers, sinks, and toilets (30-60 minutes)

If you find a leak, call Work Control at ex. 7-3496

Check in all the bathrooms and toilet stalls, if there are any leaks.

If you have an old-fashioned toilet with a tank, lift the tank and see if there is already a water saving device in there. If not, get a half-gallon plastic bottle, fill it with water and place it in the tank. Watch out that you do not disturb the flushing mechanism. Do a test flush and see if it works properly.

How many leaks did you find? Did they get fixed?

Ads, ads, ads (1 hour)

For the next week, pay particular attention to advertisements. Try to pay attention to all the possible ways that you are being courted by advertisers, marketers, and companies wanting your business and your loyalty.

Write down one slogan you found particularly interesting (e.g., because it is so ludicrous, dangerous, wrong, nonsensical, ingenious, etc.)

One of my favorites is: "To be one with everything, you gotta have one of everything."

Why did you pick this slogan?

What were the three most unexpected places you found advertising?




'Tis the season to give (15 minutes)

Hanukkah and Christmas are coming up. Giving gifts to family and friends is great (and of course getting gifts is too). When you shop for holiday gifts, do you keep the environment in mind? What are you getting for your parents and your siblings? List 4 gifts you are planning to get:

|Gift Idea |Why did you choose this gift? |Is it an environmental choice? |

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Environmental Gift Ideas:

There is of course the option of making your gifts yourself. If you use recycled and reused or local and organic products, the gift will not only be very personal, it will also be environmental. Here are some suggestions:

a. Home-made food items (it is all the better if the ingredients are organic and locally grown): jam, pesto, bread, ravioli, cake, etc.

b. Sew a quilt out of old clothes (your own or from Goodwill).

c. For kids: get an old stuffed animal from goodwill (wash it, if necessary) and sew new cloth over it: you can create the strangest creature that way, and it is 100% reused!

d. Make your own Christmas cards by recycling old calendar pictures.

If you are not the cooking, arts-and-crafts kind of person, you can nevertheless choose environmental gifts:

o Choose things that last long (are good quality)

o Avoid battery operated items.

o Go to an arts-and-crafts fair.

o Donate money to a non-profit in the name of a friend or relative.

o Buy green products (such as shade-grown, organic coffee).

5. Finish all project sheets, finish your article and e-mail it to me. Bring all project sheets to the next meeting! Below write a few sentences about the dorm event/exhibit you did.





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