
-757555-829945Description: I provided the students with six recycled Deer Park water bottles that had a hole in the lid and were filled with different colors of paint.In this activity, the students picked a pre-cut colored piece of poster board paper in whatever color they wished. They then wrote their names on the paper, and turned it over. The next step was to pick a color of paint to use and then to squeeze the paint onto the paper. The students were allowed to use as many or as few colors as they wanted to. They were also encouraged to make the paint move around the paper by tipping their paper in different directions. We also provided the children with packing peanuts to stick into their paint if they so desired.LEARNING OBJECTIVES for the activity:Understand (Concepts/Skills)Know/Do (Learning objectives)1.Fine motor control is necessary in order to squeeze the bottle and make the paint go onto the paper. (SKILL)The students will be able to use the bottles successfully by squeezing them and keep a majority of the paint coming out of the bottle on their papers.2. Instruction cards with pictures and words help students understand what to do and in what order.The students will look at the instruction cards and follow the steps in the correct order.3. Recycled materials can be used for different purposes than their regular and intended purpose.The students will talk about how water bottles hold water and they drink from water bottles, but now they are using them as painting tools.-640715173355036341051733550The ability for children to discover and create their own art is important. Allowing for creative art encourages individuality and creativity, allowing the students to have their own vision of what art should be while being able to draw on their own personal previous experiences and knowledge. Doing “crafts” does little to nothing for children. It is simply dictating what they should do, inhibiting their ability to create. Children are naturally creative and have a natural desire to create and to use their imaginations to create and use their imagination while allowing them to discover through the PROCESS of using different material, media, and tools. This activity gave the students freedom, but freedom with focus. Without an example to follow or super specific instructions of what to do and when allows for children to take their time and create. Sometimes, a child’s art can be an expression of how they feel and think and it is important to let them freely express that! ................

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