American Red Cross

TO: FROM: Mandy PeeblesSUBJECT: Red Cross Board Engagement Tools for Tiffany CircleDear Tiffany Circle Members,Did you know that over 24% of our members serve on ARC Boards? With this impressive statistic on the rise, it is time for TC Board members to provide consistently branded updates during local Board meetings. Starting this quarter, we will provide an annually updated PowerPoint and 2-page flyer that is customizable to each local region. The purpose of creating a Board report PowerPoint and two-page flyer for our TC members is three-fold: Improve Red Cross Board Relations Grow Tiffany Circle MembershipBuild Branding & Messaging When reporting to the local Board, Tiffany Circle Board members have the option to customize the PowerPoint or flyer, using the tool they feel will best suit their local meeting style. Some regions may want to use both tools: the PowerPoint for a presentation, and flyer for a handout which Board members can take home. We have created these different options because of the varying meeting styles around the country. Additionally, some regions have very little background knowledge on Tiffany Circle. We encourage members to keep their reports interesting by utilizing individual interviews, Summit videos and local photographs.The national stats will be updated with the deck recirculating annually in July. For access throughout the year, the documents are being stored on The Source and The Exchange.?We are excited to have these tools available to our Tiffany Circle members. Please, if you have any questions or comments, let me know.Thank you,Mandy ................

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