Campaign for Justice: Redress Now for Japanese Latin Americans!

[Pages:2]Campaign for Justice: Redress Now for Japanese Latin Americans!

For Immediate Release February 11, 2022

For more information, contact: Grace Shimizu at 510-459-7288

Phase 2 of Japanese American Redress is Underway! Redress NOW for Japanese Latin Americans!

Phase 2 of the Japanese American campaign for redress is underway. The signing of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 gave redress to Japanese Americans who were citizens and legal permanent residents when they were interned during World War II, but the Japanese Latin American internees (JLAs) were excluded. Now, after a major victory in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), JLAs and our families are calling upon everyone who supported Phase 1 of the redress campaign to urge the Biden Administration to honor the rule of international law and grant appropriate reparations for WWII human rights violations perpetrated against the JLAs.

"It has been 80 years since our families were kidnapped from Peru and other countries, transported against our will to the United States, interned behind barbed wire, and subjected to hostage exchange, like the Japanese American and other communities targeted as `the enemy'," said Grace Shimizu, Executive Director of Campaign for Justice: Redress NOW for Japanese Latin Americans. "The Commission, as a premier international human rights institution in the Americas, issued its ruling that the United States must grant reparations to the JLAs. We urge the Biden Administration to do the right thing and close this sad chapter in American history."

An online Press Conference will be held on Friday, February 11th from 9-10am PT / 12-1pm ET

(i) to describe Phase 2 of this historic redress struggle and

(ii) to launch the JLA Day of Action, set for Thursday, February 24th from 8am-noon PT / 11-3pm ET, when phone calls for JLA reparations will be made to the White House.

Zoom link:

The CFJ website has examples of a phone call script, a letter to the Biden Administration, a press release, and other resources that both individuals and organizations can use to craft their support message. Supportive individuals and organizations are urged to:

1. Sign the JLA petition to US President Biden to meet with the JLAs and secure reparations at

2. Volunteer with the CFJ to help publicize this issue in your organization and community.

3. Invite CFJ speakers or screen a short JLA informational video at your Day of Remembrance events in February, as well as any other community education events. We stand in solidarity with the Black community in support of HR 40 and other efforts to redress their centuries of enslavement and the ongoing manifestations and impact of such systemic racism and exploitation. We welcome opportunities to participate in joint redress programs.

4. Call the White House during the JLA Day of Action on Thurs. February 24th from 8am-noon PT / 11-3pm ET to urge the Biden Administration to bring Phase 2 of the Japanese American redress campaign to a close by granting redress to the Japanese Latin American internees. Details available at

5. To volunteer, make a donation to the Campaign for Justice, or learn more about the JLA redress effort, please go to

campaignforjusticeJLA/ jlacampaignforjustice/

Thank you! Arigat gozaimasu! ?Gracias!

P.O. Box 1384, El Cerrito, California 94530 jlacampaign@ campaignforjusticeJLA/ jlacampaignforjustice/


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