Reflection Paper Assignment - Scott Kirchner

Reflection Paper Assignment


You will be completing four reflection papers for this course. The purpose of the reflection is to 1) help you identify course concepts, 2) help you apply the concepts to your life experience and observations, and 3) help you analyze the interaction.


Type the reflection in 12-point font per the writing requirements for the course as indicated in the syllabus. The paper should be written in three sections that are clearly labeled. Use spell check and submit a grammatically correct paper. Minimum length is at least one and one half pages, double spaced, not including headings and references.

Section Content:

1. Name and define the concept: Clearly define and describe a concept introduced in the assigned chapter readings or class discussions for that week. Give complete information about the concept, with the textbook definition and a description/explanation in regular language using text book terminology. Make it clear that you understand the concept. There are a range of topics within each chapter category, so select one that will give you enough content to write about. You should cite page numbers from the text and any other source information you use in any part of this paper. If you use other sources than our text you should include a bibliographic reference at the end of your paper.

2. Conceptual Linkage (example of the concept): Describe how you have personally experienced or observed in action the concept you have selected. Your description should be a detailed, clear example of the concept in operation. Keep your writing relevant to the concept. Do not go off on tangents not related to the concept.

3. Conceptual Insight (analysis of the experience): This section answers the “so what?” question. After describing and establishing a connection between the event and a course concept, you should explain or interpret the meaning and implications of the connections you see as if functions in human communication. Your goal here is to explain how knowledge of the concept or idea has value for you in understanding yourself and others and the way we connect through communication. Step back and give an objective viewpoint to analyze what happened and how it happened in terms of the concept. Use terminology (clearly underlined) from the text to show your understanding and application of the concepts. This section should connect your example (section 2) with the definition (section 1). This needs to be an in-depth analysis that shows understanding of the concept. This is not merely a continuation of the event description; you must analyze how the concept functions in the example you gave. Explain how you can apply your insight in your own interpersonal communication.

(See attached sample of a Reflection paper)

Sally Student

Coms 5

MWF 11 am

Reflection Paper # 1

Chapter 1 – The Process of Communication

Concept defined and described: Noise

Noise is one component of the communication model. It is a term used to describe any distractions that disrupt communication (Pearson, Nelson, Titsworth, Harter, 2008, p. 223). The disruptions can affect the accuracy of the transmission and/or the reception of a message. Three types of noise can disrupt communication. External noise includes those factors outside the receiver that make it difficult to hear. This disruption can occur almost anywhere in the process. Physiological noise involves biological factors, like hunger or not feeling well, in the receiver or sender that interfere with accurate reception. Psychological noise refers to factors within a communicator, such as state of mind or emotions or mental distractions that interfere with the ability to express or understand a message accurately.

Conceptual Linkage (example of the concept):

I was talking on the phone with my friend last week. We were trying to set up plans to go out with a third friend. Her kids were making noise in the background, which I could hear over the phone. She would tell me she couldn’t hear what I had said, and I would need to repeat it. Sometimes she would interrupt my talking by yelling out to the kids to stop fighting or to do some task they still had not completed. At times this also interrupted my train of thought. We had to keep backing up and repeating what we thought was said, or just admit we hadn’t heard what the other was saying. My friend decided that she needed to hang up because the kids were interfering too much with the conversation.

Conceptual Insight (analysis of the experience):

The event really incorporated several forms of noise. The kids yelling and making noise created external noise that literally interfered with her ability to hear what I was saying or caused her to interrupt what I was saying. It was also psychological noise for her because she would lose her train of thought both while speaking and while trying to listen to me even though she could hear me. At time she asked me to repeat what I was saying because the external noise kept her from physically hearing me; at other times she asked me to repeat because the distraction had created psychological noise that broke her concentration. Hearing them in the background was also psychological noise for me because I would get distracted by overhearing what was going on; sometimes I would pause to see if she were going to say something to them. Because of both the external noise of the kids and the psychological noise of fighting the distractions, we ended the conversation in frustration and planned to try again later. The noise interfered with our ability to communicate the “nuts and bolts” of our plans quickly and as a result also cut off the opportunity to continue the conversation just as friends. I learned that in order to communicate clearly I must be aware of internal and external noise. It is difficult to communicate in surroundings that have a great deal of noise and may interfere with sending a clear message.

Works Cited

Pearson, J, Nelson, L, Titsworth, B., & Harter L. (2008). Human Communication.

New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Journal Reflection Grading Rubric

| |Outstanding Effort! |Adequate, but not |Needs improvement. |Missing or |

|Criteria |Well-done. |outstanding- | |significantly |

| | | | |incomplete. |

| |10 points | |6 points | |

| | |8 points | |0-5 points |

|Concept Defined | | | | |

|Clear, relevant and appropriate | | | | |

|definition contains textbook source | | | | |

|and personal explanation of the | | | | |

|concept. | | | | |

|Concept Example | | | | |

|Clear, concise example describes a | | | | |

|personal experience of the concept in | | | | |

|action. | | | | |

|Analysis | | | | |

|Application of conceptual ideas to | | | | |

|connect observation and theoretical | | | | |

|insights with the definition. | | | | |

|Writing Mechanics | | | | |

|Correct spelling, grammar and proper | | | | |

|source documentation in MLA or APA | | | | |

|format | | | | |

|Followed Assignment Requirements | | | | |

|1-2 pages in length, typed with labels| | | | |

|for each section, key concepts | | | | |

|highlighted and underlined. | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Grading rubric attached | | | | |

Comments: Points:________________

(out of 60)


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