Buyer Agency Relationship

Buyer Agency Relationship

Buyer agency provides you with client level service. Protecting and advocating for your interests is the buyer agent’s primary and only objective as your fiduciary agent. Our buyer agency relationship includes:

Determining your needs:

In a confidential interview, your agent will discuss your specific wants and needs; such as type of home, size, price, financing, motivation and timeframe. With this information, we can help you position yourself as a viable buyer in a competitive market.

Finding the right properties:

We can explore all avenues in searching for your new home. In addition to properties marketed through MLS, we can also represent you in pursuing foreclosures, private sales and even properties not currently marketed. With your personal financing history and capabilities in mind, we can also work to provide more financing options to better support your offer to purchase.


Your buyer agent will offer unbiased advice on price, strengths and weaknesses of properties, including comparable sale information to support your offer to buy. Your buyer agent will represent you in the negotiations to get the best value for you. Even after the offer is accepted your buyer agent will continue to work for you by helping you select financing and to manage the closing process. Your interests remain your buyer agent’s primary concern right up to and including the transfer of title.

• A Buyer’s Agent is legally bound to represent the buyer’s interest exclusively

• A Buyer’s Agent assists the buyer and his/her attorney in writing the offer in the buyer’s favor.

• Buyer Representation gives the buyer the same level of loyalty that the seller receives from their listing agent.

• A Buyer’s Agent cannot disclose any personal, confidential or financial information about their client unless they have written permission from their Buyer Client.

Buyer Agent Relationship

Agents work for different agencies.

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Sellers Listing Agent Buyers Agent Buyers

Agent Services & Duties Listing Agent Buyer’s Agent

Services to Seller Services to Buyer

• Arrange property showings X X

• Assist with financing X X

• Provide accurate information X X

• Explain forms and agreements X X

• Monitor escrow and closing X X

• Assist in writing the offer X X

• Advise and counsel X X

• Keep all conversations about your X X

personal and financial information confidential

• Promote and protect your best interest X X

• Strategize and negotiate the best price X X

terms and conditions

• Point out reasons not to buy/sell X X

• Research MLS, FSBO, Foreclosures and X X

Expired Listings

• Prepare comparables to support offer X X

Disclosed Dual Agency Relationship

Because we handle so many homes and assist so many buyers, it is not uncommon for us to represent both buyer and seller in the same transaction. When this occurs, your agent will do the following:

For the Seller:

• Continue to represent you in the sale of your home

• Negotiate terms and price without disclosing information about you that is *Confidential

For the Buyer:

• Continue to assist you in evaluating the home

• Negotiate terms and price without disclosing information about you that is *Confidential

Dual agency representation ensures full and energetic representation, whether you are the seller or the buyer. At the same time, it allows the agent to introduce the buyer to inventory available, that meet their needs, wants and price range.

Our sellers have been educated as to why it is in their best interest to cooperate with a

buyer agent. What dual agency creates are educated sellers and educated buyers who are both working toward the same goal—for the seller to sell and the buyer to buy.

• In a Dual Agency situation both the Buyer’s Agent and the Seller’s Agent maintain strict confidentiality at all time.

• With Disclosed Dual Agency a meeting of the minds can be facilitated. The transfer of property should be a win/win situation.

• *Neither the seller’s agent nor the buyer’s agent is allowed to disclose any personal, confidential or financial information about their respective clients without written permission from the client.

Disclosed Dual Agency Relationship

Both Agents Work for Same Agency

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Sellers Listing Agent Buyer’s Agent Buyers

Agent Services & Duties Listing Agent Buyer’s Agent

Services to Seller Services to Buyer

• Arrange property showings X X

• Assist with financing X X

• Provide accurate information X X

• Explain forms and agreements X X

• Monitor escrow and closing X X

• Assist in writing the offer X X

• Advise and counsel X X

• Keep all conversations about your X X

personal and financial information confidential

• Promote and protect your best interest X X

• Strategize and negotiate the best price X X

terms and conditions

• Point out reasons not to buy/sell X X

• Research MLS, FSBO, Foreclosures and X X

Expired Listings

• Prepare comparables to support offer X X

Disclosed Dual Agent Relationship

Disclosed Dual Agent’s Role:

Because a Dual Agent is acting as agent for both the Seller and the Buyer in a transaction, the Dual Agent is required by law to remain impartial to both the seller and the buyer. Unless specific disclosure is required by law, the seller and the buyer agree that the Dual Agent is not liable to either party for refusing or failing to disclose personal, confidential or financial information about the other party.

More specifically the Dual Agent may not disclose:

• the Buyer’s and Seller’s personal motivation for buying or selling

• the amount of any prior offers or counteroffers by either the buyer or the seller

• that the buyer is willing to pay more than the amount offered or that the seller is willing to accept less then the listing price

• the agent can only disclose personal, confidential or financial information about either client when either client has given specific permission in writing.

Disclosed Dual Agent Relationship


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Sellers Dual Agent Buyers

Represents Both Sellers and Buyers

Agent Services & Duties Listing Agent Buyer Agent

Services to Seller Services to Buyer

• Arrange property showings X X

• Assist with financing X X

• Provide accurate information X X

• Explain forms and agreements X X

• Monitor escrow and closing X X

• Assist in writing the offer X X

• Advise and counsel X X

• Keep all conversations about your X X

personal and financial information confidential

• Promote and protect your best interest X X

• Strategize and negotiate the best price X X

terms and conditions

• Point out reasons not to buy/sell X X

• Research MLS, FSBO, Foreclosures and X X

Expired Listings

• Prepare comparables to support offer X X


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