Common APA Mistakes

Common APA Mistakes in Students’ Writing

|If you see this... |tell students that this is correct... |because... |

|In some cases, procrastination may be a response to an authoritative|In some cases, procrastination may be a response to an |APA is an author-date system. |

|parenting style (). or |authoritative parenting style (Marano, 2003). |The only time information about a Web site should appear in |

|In some cases, procrastination may be a response to an authoritative| |a parenthetical citation is when you’re referring to an |

|parenting style ( | |entire site: |

|rss/pto-20030823-000001.html). | |Information about many health conditions is available at the|

| | |CDC Web site (). |

|Chronic procrastinators tend to have low self-esteem and focus on |Chronic procrastinators tend to have low self-esteem and focus on|Parenthetical citations and reference list entries should |

|the past more than the future (Journal of Social Behavior and |the past more than the future (Specter & Ferrari, 2000). |begin the same way. Pulling information from the middle of a|

|Personality, 2000). | |citation makes it hard for readers to identify the source. |

| | |Specter, M., & Ferrari, J. (2000, Special Issue). Time |

| | |orientations of procrastinators: Focusing on the past, |

| | |present, or future? Journal of Social Behavior & |

| | |Personality, 15(5), 197-202. Retrieved August 3, 2007, from |

| | |Academic Search Elite database. |

|(2004). Overcoming procrastination. Retrieved May 24, 2008, from |Overcoming procrastination. (2004). Retrieved May 24, 2008, from |APA is an author-date system. If there is no author, the |

|Texas Women’s University Counseling Center Web site: |Texas Women’s University Counseling Center Web site: |citation begins with the title. |

| | | |

|o-sl/counseling/SelfHelp044.html |o-sl/counseling/SelfHelp044.html | |

|References |Ferrari, J. (2005, December 7). There’s always tomorrow [live |Many elements of a reference citation are missing. |

| |chat with E. Hoover]. Transcript available at Chronicle of Higher|Information about authors, titles, and publication dates |

|12/procrastination/ |Education Web site: |helps readers judge the credibility of a source and makes it|

| |12/procrastination/ |easier to track down a source if the link changes. |

|pto-20030823-000001.html |Marano, H. E. (2003, August 23). Procrastination: Ten things to |In APA style, links are not underlined. To get rid of the |

| |know. Retrieved August 3, 2007, from |underline, right-click and select Remove hyperlink. |

| | | |

| |pto-20030823-000001.html | |

|References |References |Each dictionary entry should be cited separately. |

|Dictionary. (no date). The free dictionary. The free .|Procrastination. (2003). In The American heritage dictionary (4th|If you are repeating information two or three times within a|

|Retrieved May 20, 2008, from |ed.). Retrieved May 20, 2008, from |reference citation, something’s wrong. Ask for help or check|

|procrastination | |a guide to APA formatting. |

| |procrastination |If you can’t find a date, use n.d. |

|References |References |Stick to plain, readable fonts, such as Times or Courier, 12|

| |Ferrari, J. (2005, December 7). There’s always tomorrow [live |pt. |

|Ferrari, J. (2005, December 7). There’s always tomorrow [live chat |chat with E. Hoover]. Transcript available at Chronicle of Higher|Double space throughout. |

|with E. Hoover]. Transcript available at Chronicle of Higher |Education Web site: |Use hanging indents (Control + T). |

|Education Web site: |12/procrastination/ | |

|12/procrastination/ |Marano, H. E. (2003, August 23). Procrastination: Ten things to | |

|Marano, H. E. (2003, August 23). Procrastination: |know. Retrieved August 3, 2007, from | |

|Ten things to know. Retrieved August 3, 2007, from | | |

| | | |


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