Computer Repair WorkSheet

Computer Repair Worksheet

(Student Techs: Please attach this worksheet to the original Computer Repair Request Form after you have worked on the computer. Do not forget to pass in the repair request sheet prior to doing any work on any computer. Thank You)

Student Technicians

Classroom Teacher Room Number

Date of Problem Date of Request

Computer/Workstation Number

1. Was the repair request form passed in to the Tech Team Teacher?

Check one yes no

2. Date passed in

3. Suggestions to correct problems : (To be completed by Student Tech Team Teacher)

(continue on the back as needed)

4.Were the problems corrected? Check one yes no

5. If no, please state the problem you are still having.

(If more room is needed, please use the back of this paper.)

6. Other repair suggestions

(continue on the back as needed)

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