Word 2016 .uk

[Pages:26]Word 2016




INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 2 COVER PAGE........................................................................................................................................... 3 PAGE SETUP ............................................................................................................................................ 4

Page Size ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Margins ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Alignment ............................................................................................................................................... 4 Line spacing............................................................................................................................................ 5 Paragraph spacing................................................................................................................................. 5 Font .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Breaks ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Page numbering ..................................................................................................................................... 7 HEADINGS ............................................................................................................................................. 13 Applying numbered headings ............................................................................................................. 15 TABLES OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................................... 16 QUOTES ................................................................................................................................................... 17 Quotes of less than thirty words...................................................................................................... 17 Quotes thirty words or longer.......................................................................................................... 17 Indenting your quotes manually ...................................................................................................... 17 Indenting your quotes using styles ................................................................................................. 18 TABLES..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Font size................................................................................................................................................ 19 Orientation ........................................................................................................................................... 19 List of tables ......................................................................................................................................... 19 FIGURES .................................................................................................................................................. 21 Text wrapping ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Grouping ............................................................................................................................................... 21 List of figures........................................................................................................................................ 22 ENDNOTE CITATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 23 Referencing styles ............................................................................................................................... 23 APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................................... 23 CARE FORM............................................................................................................................................ 23 PDF MERGE TOOL.............................................................................................................................. 24



The School has very stringent guidelines for the preparation of project reports. This workshop will assist you in starting a template to use for your project reports, and will familiarise you with some of the features of Word 2016, which you will need to be able to use in order to meet the School's requirements for project submission. If your course has alternate or additional requirements with respect to the formatting of your project reports those will take precedence over the guidelines presented here. The MSc in Veterinary Epidemiology (with RVC) and MSc in Health Policy, Planning and Finance (with LSE) have their own requirements for project reports ? the guidelines that follow should not be used if you are submitting your project report as part-fulfilment for either of these two courses. This booklet is intended to be used in conjunction with the Master's Programme Project Handbook. You can access the Project Handbook through Moodle ().



There is a standard cover page that must be used for all MSc Project Reports. The cover page can be accessed through Moodle. The coversheet template looks like this:

TITLE: You must replace `type title here' with the title of your project. SUPERVISOR: Please insert your supervisor's name: (e.g. Supervisor: Gill Walt).

CANDIDATE NUMBER: your candidate number must be entered here. Your candidate number is six digits and contains only numbers. It is not your student number which begins with `lsh'. NOTE: Your name must not appear anywhere on your project report. WORD/PAGE COUNT: This is the number of words starting with the Introduction through to the end of the report (i.e. the title page, the table of contents and the reference list are not included in the word count). All tables are included in the word count and must be inserted in a format that can be read by the word count feature in Word (i.e. they cannot be inserted as images). Numbers in tables correspond to one word each. Footnotes are included in the word count.

PROJECT LENGTH: Most MSc projects are Standard Length ? if you are doing and MSc Immunology of Infectious Diseases then your project may be Extended Length. Choose either Standard or Extended.

COURSE: You must insert the name of your course here (e.g. MSc Global Mental Health).

You are not permitted to add any further information on your cover page. Make sure all information that needs to appear on the cover page fits on one page.



Your pages should be set up before you can begin writing your project.

Page Size

Click on the LAYOUT tab, and then click on SIZE ? you must ensure that the paper size is set to A4. The cover page is in A4 by default, but it is best to put your cursor each of the three pages you have created in your document thus far to make sure each page is set to A4.

NOTE: If you are writing your project in your own copy of Word on your own laptop the default page size may not be A4 ? if your page size is set to Letter (and not A4) you will need to change this!


You must use normal margins in your document. Click on the LAYOUT tab and then click on MARGINS. The NORMAL MARGINS must be selected.

NOTE: If you insert text boxes, tables or images Word will allow you to place them anywhere on the page. Do not allow these elements to extend over the margin.

HINT: If you wish to see the margins on the page you can turn gridlines on. To turn on your gridlines click on the VIEW tab and tick GRIDLINES. The gridlines will show the area inside the margins. To turn off your gridlines simply un-tick GRIDLINES in the VIEW tab.


You must left align your text (i.e. it must be lined up on the left side of the screen).

NOTE: Do not use justification. This makes the text line up on both sides. Word does this by putting extra space in between words. This is difficult to read and is not disability compliant




To set left aligned text click on the HOME tab and make sure the left alignment option is selected.

Line spacing

You are required to set your line spacing at 1.5 lines. You may use 1.15 spacing for offset quotes (see the section on Quotes below). The default line spacing when you open a new Word document is 1.15 ? this will need to be changed.

To change the line spacing click on the HOME tab and then click on the line spacing button and select 1.5 from the list.

Paragraph spacing

Word has the capacity to set paragraph spacing. Clicking enter and then enter again in order to force a paragraph break is NOT CORRECT and causes many problems in long documents.


To set the paragraph spacing; click on the HOME tab and then on the little arrow in the bottom of the paragraph section.


The Paragraph box should appear. Set the SPACING AFTER to 12pt.

Font The default font setting in Word is usually Calibri (11pt). The Project Handbook indicates that you must use Arial (11pt). The default setting for normal font if you use the standard Cover Sheet should already be set to Arial (11pt).



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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