DNA Replication, Transcription, and Translation Quiz

DNA Replication, Transcription, and Translation Quiz

__1__ and __2__ were the first scientists to create a model of DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid is made of the sugar deoxyribose, phosphates, and __3___.

In DNA replication, the DNA unzips and free __3__ match up with each single strand. __4__ bonds to Thymine (T) and Cytosine (C) bonds to __5__ to form two identical strands of ___6___.

In protein synthesis, the __7__ makes a single stranded copy of the DNA in the __8__ which is a large organelle found in the center of most cells. The __7__ then leaves the __8__ and travels to the __9__ which is an organelle that makes proteins. Translation begins when the nucleotide sequence (order) is AUG on a __10__.

__11__ brings nucleotides to the __7__, bound in groups of three called __12__. The __13__ on the __7__ are matched up with __12__ from __11__. Once the __7__ has been read the __14__ ends protein synthesis.

In RNA strands Adenine (A) bonds to __15__ and Cytosine (C) bonds to __5__.

1. _____ A. Adenine (A)

2. _____ B. Anticodon

3. _____ C. Codon

4. _____ D. Crick

5. _____ E. DNA

6. _____ F. Golgi body

7. _____ G. Guanine (G)

8. _____ H. Holmes

9. _____ I. Hooke

10. _____ J. Mendel

11. _____ K. Messenger RNA (mRNA)

12. _____ L. Nucleolus

13. _____ M. Nucleotide bases

14. _____ N. Nucleus

15. _____ O. Ribosome


Q. Start codon

R. Stop codon

S. Transfer RNA (tRNA)

T. Uracil (U)

U. Watson


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