| | |

|Marco Polo / Vikings |John Smith / John Rolfe |

| | |

| | |

|Renaissance |Joint-Stock Companies |

| | |

| | |

|Causes for European Exploration |Roanoke |

| | |

| | |

|Caravel / Compass / Astrolabe |Jamestown |

| | |

| | |

|Prince Henry the Navigator |Powhatan |

| | |

| | |

|Christopher Columbus |“Starving Time” |

| | |

| | |

|Ferdinand Magellan |Indentured Servants |

| | |

| | |

|Vasco da Gama |Bacon’s Rebellion |

| | |

| | |

|Plantations |Governor Berkeley |

| | |

| | |

|Columbian Exchange |Puritans |

| | |

| | |

|Treaty of Tordesillas |Mayflower Compact |

| | |

| | |

|Impact of Colonization on Natives |John Winthrop |

| | |

| | |

|Conquistadores |“The Elect” / “City Upon a Hill” |

| | |

| | |

|Aztecs / Montezuma / Hernan Cortes |Plymouth Colony |

| | |

| | |

|Incas / Atahualpa / Francisco Pizarro |Massachusetts Bay Colony |

| | |

| | |

|New Spain / New Mexico |Dissenters |

| | |

| | |

|Mestizos |Roger Williams / Anne Hutchinson |

| | |

| | |

|Encomienda |Metacom / King Philip’s War |

| | |

| | |

|Black Legend |William Penn |

| | |

| | |

|Bartolome de las Casas |New Netherlands |

| | |

| | |

|Ponce de Leon |Middle Colonies |

| | |

| | |

|Pope’s Rebellion |Quakers |


| |Stamp Act / Stamp Act Congress |

|Mercantilism | |

| |Boycotts / Tar & Feathering |

|Parliament | |

| |Samuel Adams |

|Navigation Acts | |

| |Townshend Acts |

|Dominion of New England | |

| |Boston Massacre |

|Sir Edmund Andros | |

| |Paul Revere |

|Salutary Neglect | |

| |Committees of Correspondence |

|Causes of / Desires for Self-Government | |

| |Tea Act / Boston Tea Party |

|Agricultural Southern colonies | |

| |King George III |

|Cash Crops | |

| |Intolerable Acts |

|Triangular Trade | |

| |Martial Law |

|Middle Passage | |

| |Minutemen |

|Stono Rebellion | |

| |Lexington and Concord |

|Commercial Northern colonies | |

| |1st / 2nd Continental Congress |

|Salem Witchcraft Trials | |

| |Battle of Bunker Hill |

|Enlightenment | |

| |Olive Branch Petition |

|Benjamin Franklin | |

| |Thomas Paine |

|Poor Richard’s Almanac | |

| |Common Sense |

|John Peter Zenger (Trial) | |

| |Thomas Jefferson |

|Jonathan Edwards | |

| |Declaration of Independence |

|Great Awakening | |

| |Loyalists / Patriots |

|French and Indian War | |

| |Valley Forge |

|Last of the Mohicans | |

| |George Washington |

|New France | |

| |Horatio Gates / Benedict Arnold / Nathaniel Greene |

|George Washington | |

| |Battles of Trenton, Saratoga, Yorktown |

|William Pitt | |

| |Molly Pitcher |

|Pontiac | |

| |Friedrich von Steuben |

|Proclamation of 1763 | |

| |Hessians |

|George Grenville | |

| |Marquis de Lafayette |

|Sugar Act | |

| |General Cornwallis |

|Impact of war on England / colonies | |

| |Treaty of Paris |

| | |

| |Egalitarianism |


| | |

|Republic |Two-Party System |

| | |

|Articles of Confederation |Excise Tax |

| | |

|Debates over Representation |Precedent |

| | |

|Land Ordinance of 1785 |Whiskey Rebellion |

| | |

|Northwest Ordinance of 1787 |Neutrality |

| | |

|Powers/Limitations of Congress |Pinckney’s Treaty |

| | |

|Weaknesses of the Articles |Little Turtle / Miami Confederacy |

| | |

|Shays’ Rebellion |Battle of Fallen Timbers |

| | |

|Constitutional Convention |Jay’s Treaty |

| | |

|Roger Sherman |Election of 1796 |

| | |

|Great Compromise |John Adams / Thomas Jefferson |

| | |

|New Jersey Plan |Sectionalism |

| | |

|Virginia Plan |XYZ Affair |

| | |

|Three-Fifths Compromise |Alien and Sedition Acts |

| | |

|Constitution |Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions |

| | |

|Federalism |Nullification |

| | |

|Three Branches of Government |John Marshall |

| | |

|Checks and Balances |Judiciary Act of 1801 |

| | |

|Electoral College |Midnight Judges |

| | |

|Ratification |Marbury v. Madison |

| | |

|Federalists / Anti-Federalists |Judicial Review |

| | |

|Bill of Rights |Election of 1800 |

| | |

|Amendments |Alexander Hamilton / Aaron Burr |

| | |

|Veto |Louisiana Purchase |

| | |

|Comparison between Articles of Confederation and Constitution |Napoleon Bonaparte |

| | |

|Mount Vernon |Lewis and Clark |

| | |

|Judiciary Act of 1789 |Sacajawea |

| | |

|Cabinet |Impressment |

| | |

|Bank of the United States |War of 1812 / “The Forgotten War” |

| | |

|District of Columbia |Embargo Act of 1807 |

| | |

|Federalists / Democrat-Republicans |Tecumseh & The Prophet / Battle of Tippecanoe |

| | |

| |War Hawks |

| | |

| |Star Spangled Banner |

| | |

| |Treaty of Ghent / Battle of New Orleans |

Big Picture Concepts: Units 1-3

1. What inspired Europe to begin overseas explorations in the mid 1400’s?

2. What are some similarities in differences in the vast range of Native Americans societies?

3. How did Christopher Columbus and subsequent European explorers impact both Europe and the Americas?

4. What were the positives and negatives of the Columbian exchange on the globe?

5. How did Spanish conquistadores in relatively small numbers come to dominate so many Native Americans?

6. How would Spanish colonization efforts and practices come to differ from later European rivals’?

7. What role did joint-stock companies and colonies play in the era of mercantilism?

8. What were the similarities and differences in experiences for English colonies like Roanoke, Jamestown, and those in New England?

9. What values did the Puritans bring with them to the New World?

10. How did Puritan practices lead to both dissension from colonists and resistance from Native Americans?

11. What characteristics and values made the Middle Colonies distinguished from those in the North & South?

12. Why did strict measures under King James I give way to a Parliamentary policy of salutary neglect, and what were the implications of this policy on the English colonies?

13. How did movements like the Great Awakening in North America and the Enlightenment in Europe affect English colonists?

14. What were the causes and effects of the French and Indian War?

15. How did American colonists react to the strict British policies of the 1760’s and 1770’s?

16. What contrasting perspectives caused colonists to identify themselves as either Patriots or Loyalists?

17. How did the Continental Congress make efforts to avoid war even as hostilities erupted in Massachusetts?

18. What did the experiences of George Washington and the Continental Army say about the overall colonial war effort?

19. How did the Battle of Saratoga come to be known as the “turning point’ of the war?

20. What impact did the involvement of Europe allies like the French have on the war effort?

21. What is the distinction between the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the Treaty of Paris in 1783?

22. In what way did the Founding Fathers craft the republican government described in the Articles of Confederation based upon previous experience with British rule?

23. What were the overall weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

24. In what ways did the Constitutional Convention produce a more effective form of government that was based on the compromise of all 13 states?

24. How did Federalists and Anti-Federalists develop as perspectives during the drafting of the Constitution?

25. Why were the Bill of Rights incorporated as a last requirement prior to ratification?

26. What precedents were established by Presidents Washington, Adams, and Jefferson?

27. Why was neutrality a delicate response to the diplomatic pressures coming from France and Britain?

28. How did sectionalism grow in the midst of the presidencies of Adams and Jefferson?

29. How did the Louisiana Purchase initiate a precedent for the expansion of the United States?

30. What were the causes and outcomes of the War of 1812, and why did it gain the nickname the “Forgotten War”?


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