CURRICULUM VITAEMAY AUNG, Ph.D.Associate Professor (Tenured) Department of Marketing and Consumer StudiesCollege of Management and Economics, University of Guelph Lifetime AchievementJune 2021EDUCATION AND DEGREESPhDYork University, Toronto, Canada1997Dissertation: How Multinational and National Firms Compete: A Case Study of the Hospitality Industry in ThailandSupervisor: Dr. Roger mInstitute of Economics, Rangoon, mInstitute of Economics, Rangoon, Burma1978EMPLOYMENT HISTORYDatesRank/positionDepartmentInstitution2010-currentAssociate ProfessorMarketing & Consumer StudiesUniversity of Guelph2007-2009Associate Professor& Graduate CoordinatorMarketing & Consumer StudiesUniversity of Guelph(MSc MCS and PhD Mgt programs)2002-2006Associate ProfessorMarketing & Consumer StudiesUniversity of Guelph1997-2002Assistant ProfessorConsumer StudiesUniversity of Guelph1995-1997LecturerConsumer StudiesUniversity of Guelph1991-1995Instructor & Research AssistantMarketingYork University, Canada1990-1991Research AssistantSchool of ManagementAsian Institute of Technology,Bangkok*1985-1990LecturerFaculty of Business AdministrationAssumption University, Bangkok**1979-1984Tutor &Research AssistantCommerce DeptInstitute of Economics, RangoonNotes:* It is one of the top Universities in Asia. formerly known as SEATO graduate school. Offers graduate programs only (MBA, MEng, MSc, Ph.D.).** It is one of the top Universities in Thailand. Offers BBA, MBA and Ph.D. programsSCHOLARLY HONOURS, AWARDS AND DISTINCTIONS PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTSTourism and Hospitality Management Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada.Division Chair* (1999-2000)Program Chair* (1998-99)Academic Reviewer* (1997-98)Note: *Elected positions for ASAC (Administrative Sciences Association of Canada), one of the top academic professional organizations in Canada.INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL AWARDS2009 Undergraduate NVivo Teaching Grant Award– Valued at US$10,000, QSR International, USA**Note: ** NVivo Teaching Grant award indicated international recognition of my role as exceptional qualitative researcher and educator. QSR awarded only two teaching grants to academics teaching qualitative research methods in American and Canadian universities. My submission was deemed as ‘an extremely high standard’ and it is a great honor to be chosen from a large pool of strong applicants from across the USA and Canada.Honourable Mention Award, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC)***, 2001 “Competency-Based Marketing Strategy: A Case Study of Two Luxury Hotels in China,” Tourism and Hospitality Management, L. Heroux (ed). ASAC, Vol. 22, No. 24, pp 13-23. Won the 2001 Honourable Mention Award in the Tourism and Hospitality Management Division, ASAC with Qun Yang.Best Paper Award, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC)***, 2000A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Models in Measuring Customer satisfaction in the Tourism Industry, Tourism and Hospitality Management, N. Church (ed). ASAC, Vol. 21, No. 23, pp. 1-11. Won the 2000 Best Paper Award in the Tourism and Hospitality Management Division, ASAC with D. Panton, A. Wilcock and V. Kanetkar.Note: ***ASAC (Administrative Sciences Association of Canada) is one of the top academic professional organizations in Canada.INTERNAL AWARDSAwards Nomination 1996/97 - Family and Consumer Studies Community Learning and Teaching AwardsRESEARCH FUNDING AWARDSYearGrantPIAmount2013-14UGH Research FundM.Aung$8,9062012-13UGH Research FundM.Aung$6,2192011-12UofG (SSHRC Internal Grant -Canada)M. Aung$2,5092000-02Vrije University, the NetherlandsM.Aungin-kind support1998-00SICI - CIDA Research Grant (Canada)O.P Dwivedi$132,000*1999-00SSHRC Internal Grant (Canada)M. Aung$3,0001999-00Vrije University-Research Grant (The Netherlands)M. Aung$2,5001999-00Vrije University-Research Grant (The Netherlands)C. Ralston$1,5001998-99Vrije University-Research Grant (The Netherlands)M. Aung$2,5001998-99Vrije University-Research Grant (The Netherlands)C. Ralston$2,5001998-99Vista Hospitality Management Co. (Canada)M. Aungin-kind support1996Nabisco Research GrantM. AungNote: *SICI-CIDA Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Calgary and Canadian International Development Agency.This major research grant of $132,000 was for a multi-disciplinary, multi-collegiate team of researchers of the University of Guelph, and their collaborators in India for a study “Managing Environmental Risks: An Analysis of India’s Regulatory Policy on the Use of Harmful Household Products.”PUBLICATIONSBooks EditedAung, M. (ed.) (1998) Tourism and Hospitality Management, Vol 19, No. 23, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.Chapters in BooksAung, M. (2011), “Storytelling Research: Interpreting Own Experiences in Face of Atrocities” in Jacobs, M. (Ed), Trauma, Social Dislocation and Human Rights, Toronto, Canada.Aung, M. and Sharan, R. (2001), “An Empirical Investigation of the Nature and Incidence of Consumption Behaviour in India: A Case of Harmful Household Product” in Southey, C., Kaushik,N. and Trivedi, R., (Eds.), Detergents and the Environment: The Canadian Experience and the Indian Scenario, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Dehli, pp. 203-216.Sharan, R. and Aung, M. (2001), “Social Context and Decision Behaviour of Indian Detergent Consumers” in Southey, C., Kaushik, N. and Trivedi, R., (Eds.), Detergents and the Environment: The Canadian Experience and the Indian Scenario, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Dehli, pp. 217-231.Papers in Refereed JournalsVillers, S., Abrams, R., Anderson, S., Aung, M., & Sweeney, E. (2020). Marketing Insights: A Netnographic Study of the Fitbit Sleep Better Online Community.?Journal of Applied Business and Economics,?22(11). , L., Aung, M., & Rohani, K. (2017). Customer preferences toward hotel facilities and service quality: A cross-cultural analysis. International Journal Review of Business Research Papers, 13(1), 9-12.Aung, M., Bahramirad, S., Burga, R., Hayhoe, M., Huaung, S., & LeBlanc, J. (2017). Sense-making accountability: netnographic study of an online public perspective. Social and Environmental Accountability Journal, 37(1), 18-32.Aung, M. & Sha, O. (2016). Clothing consumption culture of a neo-tribe: Gay professionals within the subculture of gay consumers. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 20(1), 34-53.Aung, M., Zhang, X, & Teng, L. (2016). The evolving gift-giving practices of bicultural consumers.Journal of Consumer Marketing, 34 (1), 43-52.Rohani, L., Aung, M., & Rohani, K. (2014). One step closer to the field: Visual methods in marketing and consumer research. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 17(4), 300-318.Teed, M., Norman, C., Aung, M., Adlam, D., Goswami, S., Surgeoner, B., & Zhu, B. (2010). Wal- Mart is coming to Guelph: Hedonic to utilitarian shoppers’ perceptions. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 13(2), 130-153.Ball, B., Wilcock, A., & Aung, M. (2010). Background factors affecting the implementation of food safety management systems. Food Protection Trends, 30(2), 22-30.Ball, B., Wilcock, A., & Aung, M. (2009). Factors influencing workers to follow food safety management systems in meat plants in Ontario, Canada. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 19(3), 201-210.Colwell, S., Aung, M., Kanetkar, V., & Holden, A. (2008). Measuring service convenience: Multiple item scale development and empirical test. Journal of Services Marketing, 22(2), 160-169.Cox, D., Wilcock, A., & Aung, M. (2007). Human capital valuation: Tripartite paradigm framework and narratives. Management Decision Journal, 45 (9), 1446-1456.Sha, O., Aung, M., Londerville, J., & Ralston, C. (2007). Understanding gay professionals: Fashion involvement in the context of clothing consumption. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 31, 453-459.Pun, M., Wilcock, A., & Aung, M. (2007). Experience and perceptions of ISO 9000 and HACCP by Hong Kong food and beverage organizations. Journal of Asian Business Studies, 1(2), 67-76.Aung, M. & Arias, M. (2006). Examining waste management in San Pablo del Lago, Ecuador: A behavioural framework. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 17(6), 740-752.Chen, J., Aung, M., Zhou, L., & Kanetkar, V. (2005). Chinese ethnic identification and conspicuous consumption: Are there moderators or mediators effect of acculturation dimensions? Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 17(2/3), 117-136.Boys, K., Wilcock, A., Karapetrovic, S., & Aung, M. (2005). Evolution towards excellence: Use of business excellence programs by Canadian organizations. Measuring Business Excellence, 9(4), 4-15.Aung, M. & Arias, M. (2005). Waste management in Ecuador: Environmental attitude and behaviour. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. 1, sustainability-Teng, D., Wilcock, A., & Aung, M. (2004). Cheese quality at farmers markets: Observations of vendor practices and survey of consumer perceptions. Journal of Food Control, 15(7), 579-587.Wilcock, A., Pun, M., Khanona, J., & Aung, M. (2004). Consumer attitudes and food safety: A review. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 15(2), 56-66. (invited paper)Nyugen, T., Wilcock, A., & Aung, M. (2004). Food safety and quality systems in Canada: An exploratory study. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 21(6), 655-671.Fuchs, C., Wilcock, A., & Aung, M. (2004). Application of gap analysis to education: A case study of the food safety and quality assurance program at the University of Guelph. Journal of Food Science Education, 3(3), 33-40.Hepner, I., Wilcock, A., & Aung, M. (2004). Auditing and continual improvement in the meat industry in Canada. British Food Journal, 106(7), pp. 553-568.Chen, J., & Aung, M. (2003). Understanding Chinese-Canadian consumers’ conspicuous consumption: Empirical evidence and implications. Canadian Journal of Marketing Research, 21(1), 51-64.Aung, M., & Heeler, R. (2001). Core competencies of service firms: A framework for strategic decisions in international markets. Journal of Marketing Management, 17, 619-643.Aung, M., Zhang, M., Farhat, H., Gan, W., Salameh, M., Wu, L., & Yang, Q. (2001). An exploratory study of the smoking issue in restaurants. Management Decision Journal, 39(4), 279-284.Aung, M. (2000). The Accor multinational hotel chain in an emerging marketplace: Through the lens of the core competency concept. Service Industries Journal, 20(3), 43-60.Papers in Refereed Conference ProceedingsZhang, X., Aung M. and Wang, J., (2021) Understanding Contemporary Political Consumerism: Consumer Boycott and Consumer Buycott, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, June 12-15, 2021, Montreal, QC, Canada.Aung, M., Gubarni, K., and Lei, S. (2013). Extended consumer-brand relationship theory, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 21-23, Charleston, SC, USA.Rohani, L, Aung M, and Rohani K, (2012), Glocalization of Social Media: Facebook Consumption Culture, Asian consumer insight division of Global Marketing Conference in Seoul, Korea.Rohani, L., Aung, M., Rohani, K., Shergill, G., Ralston, C. (2011) An analysis of hotel customers preferences in Canada, New Zealand and UAE, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, July 2-5, 2011, Montreal, QC, Canada.Astray, T., Aung, M., Brown, C., Sarantoulias, C. (2011) Conceptualizing the Canadian Post-Modern Dinner Culture: Insights from Canadian Women’s Lived Experiences Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 26-28, Panama City, FL, USA.Audit, S., Aung, M., Aziz, S., Field, K., She, Y., Su, H., Thomson, K. (2011) Art Speaks, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 26-28, Panama City, FL, USA.Rohani, L., Aung, M., Rohani, K. (2011) One Step Closer to the Field: Visual Method in marketing and Consumer Research, Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 26-28, Panama City, FL, USA.Aung, M., King, J., Kivimaki, K., Kolten, R., McCreary, S., O’Doherty, K., Rodrigo, A., (2010) The Portrayal of Native American Stereotypes: A Semiotic Analysis of Sports Logos Overtime Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 25-27, Hilton Head, SC, USA.Aung, M., Bester, K., El Gamal, M., Lozinski, E., Oldfield, C., Wu, K. (2009) The Portrayal of Barrack Obama through Canadian and American Mass Media: Insights for Creative Advertising, Proceedings Royal Bank International Research Seminar: Globalization, Culture and Marketing Strategy, Sept. 28-29, Montreal, Canada.Aung, M., Guo, S., Latuff, C., Leizerovici, G., Li, J., Neri, M., Patel, R., Terzis, K., Van Herten, A., and Worden, D. (2009) A Rich Qualitative Investigation of the Online Dating Society, Proceedings Royal Bank International Research Seminar: Globalization, Culture and Marketing Strategy, Sept. 28-29, Montreal, Canada.Aung, M., Bedi, A., Hui, J., Richards, K., Selvakumar, K. and Stewart, T. (2009), “An Exploration of the World of Warcraft: Beyond the Game,” in Shepherd, C.D., (ed), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 18, pp. 208-213, March 26-28, Jekyll Island, GA, USA.van Herten, A. and Aung, M. (2009), “The Changing Dynamics of the Internet Platform,” in Shepherd, C.D., (ed), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 18, pp. 50-55, March 26-28, Jekyll Island, GA, USA.Hui, J. and Aung, M. (2009), “Research Studies on Destination Image: Past, Present and Future Directions,” Proceedings of the 18th Tourism and Hospitality Education and Research Conference, 10-13 February, Fremantle, Perth, Australia.Ogden, H. and Aung, M. (2008), “Fair-Trade Awareness across Two Geographic Areas in Canada,”Proceedings of the Association of Marketing Theory and Practice, March 26-28, Savannah, USA.Ku, A. and Aung, M. (2007), “A Review of Acculturation and Ethnic Identity Research,”Proceedings of the 12th Cross-Cultural Research Conference, December 12-15, Hawaii, HI.Ogden, H. and Aung, M. (2007), “The Antecedents of Stakeholder Collaboration in Multi-Sector Responsibility,” Proceedings of the Society for Marketing Advances, November 7-10, 2007, San Antonio, TX.Aung, M., Clarke, M., Hernandez, S., Ku, A., Noseworthy, T., Rokitnicki-Wojcik, F. and Wang, J. (2007), “Sojourner Acculturation Strategies: From the Perspective of Chinese Graduate Students inCanada,” Proceedings Royal Bank International Research Seminar: Culture and Marketing Strategy, Sept. 28-29, Montreal, Canada.Aung, M., Clarke, M., Hernandez, S., Ku, A., Noseworthy, T., Rokitnicki-Wojcik, F. and Wang, J. (2007), “Acculturation during Scholastic Pursuit: International Graduate Students at the University of Guelph,” Proceedings Royal Bank International Research Seminar: Culture and Marketing Strategy, Montreal Sept. 28-29, Montreal, Canada.Cox, D., Wilcock, A. and Aung, M. (2007), “Beyond Babel: Measuring Social Responsibility Using Tripartite Paradigm Framework and Narratives,” Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, June 2-5, 2007, Ottawa, Canada.Cox, D., Wilcock, A. and Aung, M. (2007), “Human Capital Valuation: Tripartite Paradigm Framework and Narratives,” Proceedings of the 28th McMaster World Congress on Intellectual Capital and Innovation, Corporate Governance and Strategic Business Evaluation, January 24-26, Hamilton, Canada.D. Adlam, M. Aung, S. Goswami, C. Norman, B. Surgeoner, M. Teed, B. Zhu (2006), “A Qualitative Investigation of ‘Wal-Mart’ in Canada: Consumers’ perceived Wellbeing and Anxiety,” in Sinkovics,R. and and Yamin, M. (eds), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Academy of International Business -UK Conference, April 2006, Manchester, UK.Cox, D. and Aung, M. (2005), “Using Tripartite Paradigm Modelling to Understand Enterprise Value,” in Bector, C.R. (ed), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Vol 26, No 2, editor C.R.Bector, Management Science Division, pp. 202-213, May 28-31, 2005, Toronto, Canada.Chen, J., Aung, M., Liang, L. and Sha, O. (2004), “The Dream Market: An Exploratory Study of Gay Professional Consumers’ Homosexual Identities and Their Fashion Involvement and Buying Behavior,” The 7th ACR Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behavior, June 24-27 2004 Madison, WI. (, J., Aung, M., Zhou, L., and Kanetkar, V. (2004), “Assessing Conspicuous Consumption Behavior in a Multicultural Society: A Mediation Approach of Acculturation Dimensions on Chinese Ethnic Identification,” in Young-Won Ha and Youjae Yi (eds.), ACR: Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. VI, 2004.Chen, J., Aung, M., Zhou, L. and Kanetkar, V. (2003), “Chinese Identification, Acculturation, and Conspicuous Consumption: A Proposed Framework and an Empirical Evidence from a Multicultural Society,” Proceedings of the 9th Annual Cross Cultural Research Conference, Jamaica, December 11- 14, 2003.Guo, L., Xia, L., Title, E., Nevins, G. and Aung, M. (2003), “Canadian and Chinese Gift Giving Behavior in a Multicultural Society,” Proceedings for the Atlantic Schools of Business Annual Conference, October, 2003, Halifax, Canada.Arias, M. and Aung, M. (2003), “A Study of Environmental Behaviour: Garbage Management in the Community of San Pablo Del Lago-Imbacocha, Ecuador,” Proceedings of the Academy of International Business South Western Chapter, March 2003, Houston, Texas, USA.Aung, M., van Kooten, I.C.M. and Ralston, C.E. (2002), “An Investigation of the Factors Influencing Hotel Choice Behaviour: A Two County Comparison,” Proceedings 5th International Business and Economics Conference, De Pre, Wisconsin, USA.Aung, M., van Kooten, I.C.M. and Schumacher, G. (2001), “A Cross-Country Comparison of Purchase Intentions: The Effects of Price and Brand Image Moderated by Usage Situation,” Proceedings of the 4th International Business and Economics Conference, De Pre, Wisconsin, USA.Yang, Q. and Aung, M. (2001), “Competency-Based Marketing Strategy: A Case Study of Two Luxury Hotels in China,” in Heroux, L. (ed), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Tourism and Hospitality Management Division, Vol. 22, No. 24, pp 13-23.Nguyen, T., Wilcock, A., and Aung, M. (2001), “A Qualitative Study of the Perceptions of Canadian Food Companies of the HACCP and ISO 9000 Standards, Production and Operations Management,” in Boyle, T.A. (ed), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 46-57.van Kooten, I. and Aung, M. (2000), “Culture as a Moderator of Price and Brand Effects on Consumer Behaviour: A Two Country Experiment,” Proceedings for the Atlantic School of Business Conference, St. John’s, NewFoundland.Panton, D., Wilcock, A., Aung, M. and Kanetkar, V. (2000), “A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Models in Measuring Customer Satisfaction in the Tourism Industry,” in Church, N. (ed), Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Vol. 21, No. 23, pp. 1-11.Ralston, C., Aung, M. and van Kooten, I.C.M (2000), “The Road to Consumer Satisfaction: A Two- Countries Comparison of 4 star Canadian and Dutch Hotel Guests,” in Church, N. (ed), Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Vol. 21, No. 23, pp. 71-81.Aung, M., Farhat, H., Gan, W., Salameh, M., Wu, L., Yang, Q. and Zhang, M. (2000), “An Exploratory Study: Customers’ Perceptions on Smoking in Restaurants,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Business and Economics Conference, pp. 19-29, De Pre, Wisconsin, USA.Aung, M. (2000), “An Empirical Investigation of the nature and Incidence of Consumption Behaviour in India: A Case of Harmful Household Product,” Proceedings: International Congress of Asian and North African Studies (ICANAS), August 27-September 2, Montreal, Canada.Aung, M. and Sharan, R. (2000), “Recollections and Reflections on Household Survey of Detergent Consumer,” Trivedi, R. (ed), Proceedings for the International Conference on Managing the Environment: Challenges Facing Surfactants (Detergents) in the 21st Century, SICI-CIDA Partnership Project, January 5-7, Kanpur, India.Dempsey, M., Aung, M., Wilcock, A. and Sharan, R. (2000), “An Exploratory Study: Values, Attitudes, and Purchase Intentions of Indian Students,” in Trivedi, R. (ed), Proceedings for the International Conference on Managing the Environment: Challenges Facing Surfactants (Detergents) in the 21st Century, SICI-CIDA Partnership Project, January 5-7, Kanpur, India.Sharan, R., Suman, S. and Aung, M. (2000), “Socio-Demographic Context of Detergent Consumers A case of Kanpur (India),” Trivedi, R. (ed), Proceedings for the International Conference on Managing the Environment: Challenges Facing Surfactants (Detergents) in the 21st Century, SICI- CIDA Partnership Project, January 5-7, Kanpur, India.Aung, M. (1999), “Sustainable Development for Vulnerable Consumers in India. Managing Environmental Risks: An Analysis of India’s regulatory Policy on the Use of Harmful Household Products,” Trivedi, R. (ed), Proceedings Inception Workshop, SICI-CIDA Partnership Project, pp. 71-76.Aung, M. and Schumacher, W. (1999), “The Role of Competency-based Strategies: A Case Study of Entrepreneurs Competing in the Hospitality Industry of Canada,” Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on International Entrepreneurship, Singapore.Aung, M. (1998), “Building Competitive Advantage through Core Competencies: Evidence from the Hospitality Industry,” Proceedings of the International Business and Economics Conference, Green Bay, Wisconsin, 2-4 October, 1998.Aung, M. (1997), “A Conceptualization of Core Competencies for Service Firms, Tourism and Hospitality Management,” in Csipak, J. (ed), Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Vol. 18, No. 23, pp. 43-56.van Kooten, I.C.M. and Aung, M. (1996), “Global Service Industry Dynamics: Multinational and Local Hotel Chains Strategies in the Netherlands and Thailand,” in Wybouw, G. (ed), Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference, Micro-Entrepreneurship: Self Reliance, Innovation & Growth, Atlantic Schools of Business, Canada, pp. 241-252.Aung, M. (1996), “Case Studies of International and Local Firms in Competition: The Hong Kong Hospitality Industry,” Proceedings of the Research Conference of the Association of Deans of Southeast Asian Graduate Schools of Management, Manila, Phillippines, August 22-24, 1996.Heeler, R., Aung, M., Ismail, M. and Ibrahim, A. (1996), “The Creative Competition: Multinationals and Local Firms as Catalyst of Asian Market Development,” Proceedings of the Research Conference of the Association of Deans of Southeast Asian Graduate Schools of Management, Manila, Phillippines, August 22-24, 1996.Aung, M. and Heeler, R. (1995), “David and Goliath in the Thai Hotel Industry: A Comparison of the Marketing Strategies of Local and International Companies. Creating management Synergy in Asian Economies,” in Sulaiman, M., Shafie, A. G. and Ali, J.H. (eds), Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, Asian Academy of Management, Malaysia, pp. 10-16.Aung, M., Heeler, R., Ismail, M. and Ibrahim, A. (1995), “A Comparative Analysis of the Tourism Industry in Thailand and Malaysia. Creating Management Synergy in Asian Economies,” in Sulaiman, M., Shafie, A. G. and Ali, J.H. (eds), Proceedings of the First Annual Conference, Asian Academy of Management, Malaysia, pp. 48-56.Aung, M. and Heeler, R. (1995), “Competitive Marketing of the Multinational and the Local Hotel Chains. Marketing and Development,” in Basu, K., Joy, A. and Hangsheng, Z. (eds), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference, International Society for Marketing and Development (U.S.), Beijing, People's Republic of China, pp. 233-237.Aung, M. and Heeler, R. (1994), “Case Study of the Dusit Thani Group. The Dynamics of Global Cooperation and Competition,” in Reitsperger, W. and Edelstein, B. (eds), Proceedings of the Seventh Annual International Symposium on Pacific Asian Business (U.S.), Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 142-151.Aung, M. and Heeler, R. (1994), “International Marketing of Hotels,” in Crouch, G. (ed), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Vol. 15, No. 13, pp. 89-98.Aung, M. and Heeler, R. (1994), “How Multinational and National Firms Compete: A Case Study of the Hospitality Industry in Thailand,” Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, The Netherlands.Abstracts in Refereed Conference ProceedingsAung, M., Bishara, M., Ghazizadeh, M., Hadi, M., Kamran, S., Rizwan, T., Yaghoobi, R., and Zhang, X., (2021), “A Netnographic Approach To Study The Relationship Between Movie Genre And Actor’s Image On Online Negative Word Of Mouth,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, June 12-15, 2021, Montreal, QC, Canada.Abrams, R., Anderson, S., Aung, M., Sweeney, E., and Villers, S., (2020), “Marketing Insights: A Netnographic Study of the Fitbit Sleep Better Online Community,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, June 12-15, 2020, Si. John’s Newfoundland, Canada.Rohani, L., and Aung, M. (2019), “Social Media Personality Edifice: Understanding through Facebook Consumption Culture of Canadian and Korean Users,” (Abstract) American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference, Austin, Texas, USA.Rohani, L., Aung, M., & Rohani, K. (2017). “Understanding Facebook Profile Pages and Attributes Preference: A Cross-cultural Perspective,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, June 1917, Montreal, Canada.Li, J., McKenzie, B., Aung, M. and Miller, D. (2009), “Private Label and National Brands: A Comparative Case Study of Canadian Tire,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the 16th International Conferences on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer Services Science, The European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies, Jul 6-9, Niagara Falls, Canada.Du, L., Teng, L., Aung, M. and Londerville, J. (2009), “Testing the Linkage Between Personality and Consumer Traits across Global Brands and Store Brands,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Marketing Division, June 6-9, Niagara Falls, Canada.Glynn, J., Aung, M., Lane, C., Mohan, L., Nwaoha, F. and Uhm, B., (2009), “Marketing Horseracing: 150 years of Media Reports Construct the Surprising Image of a Community Raceway,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Gambling and Risk Taking, May 25-29, 2009, Stateline, Nevada, USA.Aung, M., Glynn, J., Lane, C., Mohan, L., Nwaoha, F. and Uhm, B. (2008), “The Role of Quinte Exhibition Raceway: A Qualitative Exploration,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, May 24-27, 2008, Halifax, Canada.Ogden, H. and Aung, M. (2007), “Exploratory Research: Understanding Socially Responsible Consumers,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, June 2-5, 2007, Ottawa, Canada.Lui, B. and Aung, M. (2006), “An Exploratory Study: Chinese International Students’ Preferred Voyages to Discover Canada,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Tourism and Hospitality Management Division, Smith, G (ed), Vol. 27, No. 23, p. 77, June 3-6, 2006, Banff, Canada.Holden, A., Aung, M., Colwell, S. and Kanetkar, V. (2005), “Service Convenience: Scale Development and an Empirical Test,” (Abstract) INFORMS Marketing Science Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, Georgia.Arias, M. and Aung, M. (2005), “Waste Management in Ecuador: Environmental Attitude and Behaviour,” (Abstract) Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Neubauer, D., Douglass, M., Steger, M., Spokes, J. and Phipps,P. (eds), East-West Center, Oahu Island, Hawaii, 25-27 February, p 22.Ralston, C.E., Aung, M. and van Kooten, I.C.M. (2000), “The Road to Consumer Satisfaction: A Comparison of Canadian and Dutch Hotel Guests,” (Abstract in CD-Rom) Proceedings of The Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Tenth Annual Conference, February 2-5, 2000, Melbourne, Australia.Ralston, C., Aung, M. and van Kooten, I.C.M. (1999), “Capitalizing on Core Competencies: The Road to Consumer satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry,” (Panel Paper). Ralston, C. (ed), Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Tourism and Hospitality Management Division, Vol. 20, No. 23, p. 51.Aung, M. and van Kooten, I.C.M. (1997), “A Core Competencies Framework for Diagnosing Hospitality Firm’s Strategies,” Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference, European International Business Academy (EIBA), Stuttgart, Germany, 14-16 December. ................

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