Exercise 9: Career Assessment using the Campbell Interest ...

Exercise 9: Career Assessment using the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS)

Javier is a junior at a local state university. He is seeking career counseling for help in choosing a major. Both of Javier’s parents are attorneys, and although they have encouraged him to choose a major that he is interested in, he feels some pressure to pursue law school after graduation. Although he is interested in some aspects of the legal profession, he is not certain if that is the career for him. He recalls his time spent as a camp counselor as a high school student and remembers greatly enjoying working with children. He enjoyed working outside and supervising various sports and activities with the children.

Javier was administered the Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS; Campbell, Hyne, & Nilson, 1992). The CISS measures interests and self-estimates of skills related to career assessment. The table below provides a brief description of the Orientation scales and the Basic Interest and Skills scales, as well as sample occupations for each scale.

|Orientation |Basic Interest & Skill Scales |Description |Sample Occupations |

|Influencing |Leadership |Acquire resources, inspire others to high |CEO/President, School Superintendent |

| | |performance. | |

| |Law/Politics |Debate issues, be politically active, |Attorney, Judge, Elected Official |

| | |negotiate. | |

| |Public Speaking |Give interests to the media, deliver speeches, |Public Relations Director, Corporate Trainer |

| | |conduct training. | |

| |Sales |Make sales calls, persuaded others to purchase |Realtor, Manufacturer’s Representative, Selling|

| | |goods or services. |Merchandise to Others |

| |Advertising/Marketing |Develop marketing strategies, design |Advertising Executive, Marketing Director |

| | |advertising campaigns. | |

|Organizing |Supervision |Manage others, plan budgets, schedule work. |Hospital Administrator, Retail Store Manager |

| |Financial Services |Coordinate financial planning, investments, |Accountant, Insurance Agent, Bank Manager |

| | |study economics. | |

| |Office Practices |Perform secretarial duties and handle |Secretary, Bookkeeper Office Manager |

| | |schedules, supplies and files. | |

|Helping |Adult Development |Teach new skills to adults, work with students.|College Professor, High School Teacher |

| |Counseling |Counsel, help, advise, support people. |Psychologist, Counselor, Social Worker |

| |Child Development |Teach classes, play with children, tell |Child Care Worker, Teacher K-12 |

| | |stories. | |

| |Religious Activities |Conduct religious programs and services |Religious Leader, Religious Educator |

| |Medical Practice |Provide healthcare services and first aid. |Nursing Administrator, Medical Service |

| | | |Personnel |

|Creating |Art/Design |Draw, create works of art, design room layouts.|Commercial Artist, Interior Decorator |

| |Performing Arts |Play music, act, sing, dance, direct plays. |Musician, Actor, Stage Director |

| |Writing |Research topics, write and edit materials. |Writer, Editor, Researcher |

| |International Activities |Travel, work overseas, speak foreign languages |Translator, Interpreter, Tour Guide |

| |Fashion |Design fashions, buy and sell clothes and |Fashion Designer, Buyer, Sales Personnel |

| | |jewelry. | |

| |Culinary Arts |Prepare gourmet meals, manage a restaurant. |Chef, Restaurant Manager, Caterer |

|aNalyzing |Mathematics |Write computer programs, analyze data, teach |Computer Programmer, Math/Science Teacher |

| | |mathematics | |

| |Science |Perform lab research, work with scientific | Chemist, Medical Researcher, Physician |

| | |concepts and equipment. | |

|Producing |Mechanical Crafts |Work with cars, machines, and electrical |Electrician, Airline Mechanic, Repair Personnel|

| | |systems. | |

| |Woodworking |Do carpentry, build furniture and decks. |Carpenter, Contractor, Cabinetmaker |

| |Farming/forestry |Raise crops, manage timber, care for livestock.|Agribusiness Manager, Farmer, Forester |

| |Plants/Gardens |Design, plant, and care for gardens. |Landscape Architect, Gardener |

| |Animal Care |Care for pets, raise and train animals. |Veterinarian, Animal Trainer, Rancher |

|Adventuring |Athletics/Physical Fitness |Exercise, coach, compete, stay fit. |Athletic Coach, Fitness Instructor, Athlete |

| |Military/Law Enforcement |Use military strategies in challenging or |Military Officer, Police Officer, Detective |

| | |dangerous situations. | |

| |Risks/Adventure |Engage in high-risk, exciting, physically |Test Pilot, Emergency Medical Technician |

| | |strenuous activities. | |


Review Javier’s CISS Individual Profile Report (this can be found on your Exercises in Assessment CD—the PDF is called Campbell Interest and Skill Survey). The profile shows Javier’s scores on the CISS Orientation Scales and the Basic Interest and Skills Scales.

1. Based on his scores on the Orientation scales, what areas should Javier pursue? What areas should he avoid?

2. According to Javier’s Basic Interest and Skill Scale scores, which interest and skill scales should he pursue? What should he avoid?

3. On the Child Development scale, notice the difference in Javier’s interest score (T score = 68) and the skills score (T score = 52). Explain what the difference in these two scores indicate.

4. Should Javier pursue a career as an attorney? Explain.

5. What occupation(s) could Javier pursue based on his CISS scores? Explain.

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|Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS). Copyright © 1995 David P. Campbell, Ph.D. Reproduced with permission of the publisher NCS |

|Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved. |



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