Look at the map of Melton Park (Big Resource Book – Page

Look at the map of Melton Park (Big Resource Book – Page 61) and show whether these sentences are true or false. If you cannot say whether they are ‘true’ or ‘false’, write ‘don’t know’:

1. There isn’t a river in Melton Park.

2. The playing field is near the leisure centre.

3. Margaret Hart’s house is next to the newsagent.

4. Norfolk Park has public tennis courts.

5. The playing field has two football pitches.

6. The bank is next to the museum.

7. The supermarket is opposite the bank.

8. The train station is on Ford Road.

9. The school is opposite the turning for Oak Avenue.

10. The leisure centre is on Murphy Road.

11. The bookshop is next to the library.

12. The surgery closes at 6 pm.

13. The hospital is near the surgery.

14. The museum is next to the art gallery.

15. The post office is near the school, on Murphy Road.

16. Mrs Simon’s house is near the river.

17. Margaret Hart lives on Oak Avenue, next to the newsagent.

18. The museum is next to the park.

19. The bakery is behind the clothes shop.

20. The leisure centre is on River Street.


Key to places on map of Melton Park:

bank 3 newsagent 12

bookshop 7 playing field 10

clothes shop 2 post office 14

hospital 8 school 11

Margaret Hart’s house 15 supermarket 6

leisure centre 9 surgery 1

Mrs Simon’s house 13 train station 5

museum 4

1. False

2. False

3. True

4. Don’t know

5. Don’t know

6. False

7. True

8. False

9. True

10. True

11. Don’t know

12. Don’t know

13. False

14. Don’t know

15. False

16. True

17. False

18. True

19. Don’t know

20. False


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