Why do we need an equality, diversity and inclusion strategy?

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Vision and 2 year Strategy 2018-2020.Why do we need an equality, diversity and inclusion strategy?To ensure all staff demonstrate the Trust values with each other respect diversity and strive for inclusion.To demonstrate equitable and fair processes and that all staff feel valued and able to challenge discrimination To support the mechanisms in place to create, maintain and sustain a diverse and talented workforce.To ensure all patients receive the best quality care regardless of their protected characteristics.We will achieve this by:Placing equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of all we do, embedding our values into practice Complying with all Equality and Human Rights legislation, ensuring our regulatory processes are fair, consistent and non-discriminatory for all.Being a fair employer and aspires to develop a talented workforce that reflects the diversity of the community we serve, at all levels of our organisationBeing an influential employer and service provider, promoting wider participation and equality, diversity and inclusion for all.Seeks to understand the needs and preferences of patients, carers and all staff that share protected characteristics, building trust and challenging discrimination Collecting evidence, evaluating and adapting processes and systems to ensure continuous improvements embed equality, and inclusion. By being an exemplar in providing quality safe care to our patients and respect and support to our staff. The Strategy consists of 3 pillars. Each pillar comprises of 3 priority objectives for the next 2 years. The strategy in combination with the WRES action plan, Equality Delivery System2, staff survey implementation plan including the finding from the Big Conversation will be used to evaluate and monitor the impact of the set objectives with amendments being done throughout the year if needed. 3 pillars of ED&I Strategy are:Providing Inclusive healthcare to our patients Pledging to be an inclusive workplace and Our promise to workplace equality.5778504565650Act with Integrity. Respect others.Providing high quality inclusive patient care.all staff feel valued and respected and can reach their aspirations.0Act with Integrity. Respect others.Providing high quality inclusive patient care.all staff feel valued and respected and can reach their aspirations.532130984253 Pillars of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 003 Pillars of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion 6629400981075PROMISE To workplace equality PROMISE To workplace equality 3409950952500PLEDGETo be an inclusive workplace 0PLEDGETo be an inclusive workplace 361950942975PROVIDE Inclusive Healthcare PROVIDE Inclusive Healthcare centertop001905045275500Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Trust priority objectives 2018-2020 Provide Inclusive Healthcare Pledge to be an inclusive employerPromise to Workplace Equality All patients receive equitable access to hospital services, health care and information.All jobs (external and internal) are advertised equitable and fairly at all levels with equal opportunity for all to be appointed.Fair and equitable HR processes for all to challenge discrimination at all levels. Identify, record and support all patients with a disability and/or vulnerability. Identify health inequalities to address. To be a fair employer actively supporting and promoting the recruitment pipeline. Visible representing as an employer proud of diversity including work placements and apprenticeships.Transparent, fair and Inclusive career progression including shadowing, reverse mentoring and secondments. Robust and fair education, training and development opportunities. Improve diversity monitoring across all protected characteristics on patient feedback and surveys to enable continuous improvements and eliminate any inequalities in care or provision. Reduce the disparity between BME and White staff being appointed from shortlisting.Greater understanding and engagement of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. with a strong commitment to what matters to staff with clear actions ................

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