General Services Administration

Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan U.S. General Services AdministrationOffice of the Chief People OfficerMarch 2012TABLE OF CONTENTSPurpose ………………………………………………………………….…………………………3 Background…………………………………………………………………………………………3Overview of the General Services Administration……………………………….....................4Mission……………………………………………………………………………………… 4Vision………………………………………………………………………………………...4Strategic Goals…………………………………………………………………………..... .4 Innovation……………………………………………………………………………4 Operational Excellence …………………………………………………………….4 Customer Intimacy…………………………………………………………………..5Definitions of Diversity and Inclusion…………………………………………………………….5Goal 1: Workforce Diversity……………………………………………………………………….6 Priority 1.1………………………………………………………………………………….6Priority 1.2………………………………………………………………………………….7Goal 2: Workplace Inclusion………………………………………………………………………8 Priority 2.1………………………………………………………………………………….8Priority 2.2…………………………………………………………………………………..9Goal 3: Sustainability………………………………………………………………………………10 Priority 3.1…………………………………………………………………………………10 Priority 3.2…………………………………………………………………………………11 Priority 3.3…………………………………………………………………………………11PURPOSEThis document outlines the General Services Administration’s (GSA’s) Diversity and Inclusion Strategic plan. GSA understands the importance of an inclusive workforce and has made diversity and inclusion a high priority. GSA conducts diversity activities that honor, respect, appreciate and value its employees and recruits from all sectors of the civilian labor market to achieve a diverse workforce. While some progress has been made to increase workforce diversity, we have not achieved parity with civilian labor force data. GSA must develop and implement effective plans to achieve a diverse workforce reflective of our nation’s society. Increasing the workforce representation of women, individuals with disabilities, and Hispanics/Latinos continues to be a major challenge for GSA. These efforts include but are not limited to participation in career fairs, recruitment and outreach activities to local communities, educational institutions, professional organizations, groups and associations, and the use of the hiring flexibilities and special authorities. Competition with other Federal agencies and the private sector for the same talent pool requires the use of innovative methods to leverage recruitment efforts. As a planning tool, GSA must use effective diversity strategies to attract and hire applicants from the full spectrum of the labor market to sustain business continuity and success, especially in its leadership and mission critical occupations.BACKGROUNDOn August 18, 2011, President Obama issued Executive Order 13583: “Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce,” which directed Federal agencies to develop strategic plans to recruit and retain a more diverse and inclusive workforce. ?The EO called for the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), along with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), to release a government-wide framework to guide agencies in their efforts to create a diverse and inclusive workplace.? OPM released the Government-Wide Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan on November 18, 2011 agencies were given 120 days to develop agency-specific strategic plans.??Overview of the General Services Administration GSA was established by President Harry Truman on July 1, 1949, to streamline the administrative work of the federal government.? GSA consolidated the National Archives Establishment, the Federal Works Agency and its Public Buildings Administration, the Bureau of Federal Supply and the Office of Contract Settlement, and the War Assets Administration into one federal agency tasked with administering supplies and providing workplaces for federal employees.?GSA’s original mission was to dispose of war surplus goods, manage and store government records, handle emergency preparedness, and stockpile strategic supplies for wartime. GSA also regulated the sale of various office supplies to federal agencies and managed some unusual operations, like hemp plantations in South America.Today, through its two largest offices, the Public Buildings Service (PBS) and the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS),?and various staff offices, GSA provides workspace to more than one million federal civilian workers, oversees the preservation of 425 historic buildings, facilitates the purchase of high-quality, low-cost goods and services from quality commercial vendors, and influences the management of $500 billion in federal assets.MISSIONGSA’s mission is to use expertise to provide innovative solutions for our customers in support of their missions and by so doing foster an effective, sustainable, and transparent government for the American people.VISIONGSA means excellence in the business of government. GSA has a more diverse range of business lines compared with any number of large corporations. Excellence in the business of government means meeting customer expectations for high value, effectiveness and efficiency. GSA is a leader in government sustainability efforts and strives for Zero Environmental Footprint (ZEF).strategic GOALSInnovation:? Develop new and better ways of conducting business that result in more productive and effective federal policies and administrative operations. GSA strives to provide our customers with the best solutions to address their needs.Operational Excellence: Improving our bottom line. GSA strives to ensure that offerings provide best value, low cost, convenience and high quality by effectively managing its performance. Customer Intimacy: Understanding the needs of each customer to improve our ability to deliver best solutions. GSA strives for highest customer satisfaction by customizing real property, products and services solutions that best respond to customer needs. GSA strives to establish and maintain customer confidence and dependability to provide best-in-class solutions to the Federal government in terms of products, services, policies and real property. The best-in-class standard requires solutions that are tailored, well-coordinated and continue to provide best value, reliability, and convenience. GSA’s customers and the American public deserve best-in-class solutions that provide the government with greater efficiency and effectiveness. GSA has a significantly diverse range of business lines to ensure that it can respond to the needs of its customers.? The commitment of GSA’s workforce toward understanding the expectations, needs and requirements of their customers is an essential component to mission success. GSA’s success requires that its’ workforce provide proactive, knowledgeable, and change-oriented expertise about GSA products and services that address core customer needs and enable customers to have the greatest capacity for success in accomplishing their missions. DeFINITIONS oF DIVERSITY AND INCLUSIONDiversity is a collection of individual attributes that together help agencies pursue organizational objectives efficiently and effectively. These include, but are not limited to, characteristics such as national origin, language, race, color, disability, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, veteran status, and family structures. The concept encompasses differences among people concerning where they are from, where they have lived, and their differences of thought and life experiences.Inclusion is defined as a culture that connects each employee to the organization; encourages collaboration, flexibility, and fairness; and leverages diversity throughout the organization so that all individuals are able to participate and contribute to their full potential.DEFINITIONS OF ACRONYMSOCPO – Office of Chief People OfficeOCR – Office of Civil RightsGSA has adopted the framework of the Government-Wide Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan which includes the following goals and priorities:Goal 1: Workforce DiversityGSA shall recruit from a diverse, qualified group of potential applicants to secure a high- performing workforce drawn from all segments of American society.Priority 1.1: Design and perform strategic outreach and recruitment to reach all segments of society.Action ItemsMeasuresCollect and analyze applicant flow data.OWNER: OCPOReview applicant flow data to determine whether outreach and recruitment efforts are effectively reaching all segments of society. Measure percentage of qualified applicants from various hiring authorities used by GSA within the past 12 months by demographic group.Review and ensure that student internship and fellowship programs have diverse pipelines to draw candidates from all segments of society.OWNER: OCPO/OCREvaluate applicant flow data of GSA’s internship programs to determine whether applicant pools are reflective of the relevant civilian labor force.Develop strategic partnerships with a diverse range of colleges and universities, trade schools, apprentice programs, and affinity organizations from across the country.OWNER: OCPO/OCRIncrease formal partnerships across the country with colleges, universities, trade schools, apprentice programs, and affinity organizations.Identify goals and measure participation in outreach activities sponsored by the various Special Emphasis programs and organizations.Work collaboratively with representatives from Heads of Services and Staff Offices from across the regions to develop comprehensive outreach and recruitment strategies that promote the widest use of all hiring flexibilities from a broad spectrum of applicants. Establish metrics to measure the effectiveness of efforts on a yearly basis.Ensure that outreach and recruitment strategies are designed to draw from all segments of society, including those who are underrepresented, are employed when using staffing flexibilities and alternative hiring authorities.OWNER: OCPO/OCRInvolve managers and supervisors in recruitment activities and take appropriate action to ensure that outreach efforts are effective in addressing barriers. OWNER: OCPO/OCRMeasure percentage of managers and supervisors involved in recruitment activities and outcomes of outreach efforts to all segments of society.Priority 1.2: Use strategic hiring initiatives for people with disabilities and for veterans, conduct barrier analysis, and support Special Emphasis Programs (SEPs), to promote diversity within the workforce. Action ItemsMeasuresReview results of barrier analyses required under MD 715, develop action plans to eliminate any identified barrier(s), and coordinate implementation of action plans.OWNER: OCR/OCPOEvaluate the effectiveness of actions plans put in place to eliminate barriers.Use Schedule A hiring authority for people with disabilities and Veteran Hiring Authorities as part of strategy to recruit and retain a diverse workforce.OWNER: OCPOEnhance GSA’s marketing strategy that embraces diversity from all spectrums; branding GSA as a true employer of choice.Measure percentage of hires under the Schedule A hiring authority for people with disabilities and Veteran Hiring Authorities on a quarterly basis.Provide leadership with a quarterly report to show progress of diversity recruitment and retention efforts.Support Special Emphasis Program (SEPs) and appoint SEP Managers to promote diversity and inclusion programs.OWNER: OCR/OCPOAppoint and train SEP managers by the end of FY 2013.Develop and implement metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the Special Emphasis Programs.Establish measures to evaluate the quality of engagement of the SEP Managers in collaborating with Human Resources staff and outreach organizations. Goal 2: Workplace Inclusion Cultivate a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility, and fairness to enable individuals to contribute to their full potential and further retention. Priority 2.1: Promote diversity and inclusion in leadership development programs. Action ItemsMeasuresReview leadership development programs, determine whether they draw from all segments of the workforce, and develop strategies to eliminate barrier(s) where they exist. OWNER: OCPO/OCRMeasure the total percentage of GS-11 through GS-15 level employees (or equivalent) by demographic group and compare with the percent of each group that participated in leadership development programs in the past 12 months.Analyze applicant pool data for all leadership development programs to identify barriers to EEO in the selection process.Measure the number of employees engaged in professional development opportunities such as details, special assignments and leadership shadowing programs.Enhance mentoring programs for employees at all levels with an emphasis on aspiring Executive level employees.OWNER: OCPOMeasure percentage of agency employees engaged in mentoring relationships by all demographic categories. Expand GSA’s mentoring program to include formal and informal mentoring opportunities at all levels.Develop and implement a succession planning system for mission-critical occupations that includes broad outreach to a wide variety of potential leaders.OWNER: OCPO/OCRMeasure percentage of all demographic groups incorporated into agency succession planning system.Measure attrition rates for MCO’s and track by RNO.Priority 2.2: Cultivate a supportive, welcoming, inclusive and fair work environment. Action ItemsMeasuresUse flexible workplace policies that encourage employee engagement and empowerment, including, but not limited to, telework, flexiplace, wellness programs, and other work-life flexibilities and benefits.OWNER: OCPOMeasure percentage of workforce participating in 1) telework, 2) flexiplace and 3) Wellness programs. Evaluate the effectiveness of the Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) action plans to ensure an increase in programs participation and determine where improvements are needed. Review workplace policies to ensure there are no unnecessary limits to employee workplace flexibilities.Ensure new employees receive a briefing on GSA's mobility and telework program during on-boarding and encourage completion of telework training and agreements within the first 30 days of employment.Market and promote senior leaders support of participation in employee affinity and resource groups.OWNER: OCR/OCPOActively promote leadership support for affinity and resource groups via outreach events and communication media.Establish metrics to consistently monitor GSA Executives involvement in employee affinity and/or resource groups.Increase the availability of affinity and resource groups for employees’ participation.Provide annual reports to senior leaders to show agency support. Administer a robust orientation process for new Federal employees and new members of the SES to introduce them to the agency culture and to provide networking opportunities.OWNER: OCPOIn FY13, complete enhancements to the Executive orientation program.Evaluate GSA’s on-boarding and new employee celebration process through survey feedback. Evaluate survey results and make necessary enhancements to process. Goal 3: Sustainability Develop structures and strategies to equip leaders with the ability to manage diversity, be accountable, measure results, refine approaches on the basis of such data, and engender a culture of inclusion. Priority 3.1: Demonstrate leadership accountability, commitment, and involvement regarding diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Action ItemsMeasuresAffirm the value of workforce diversity and inclusion in each agency’s strategic plan and incorporate in workforce planning activities.OWNER: OCPO/OCRIssue annual diversity and inclusion policy statements by the Administrator.Develop and implement GSA’s diversity and inclusion plan in coordination with the Chief Human Capital Officer, the EEO Director, and the Director of Diversity outlining the agency’s strategy to ensure a diverse, inclusive, and high performing workplace.OWNER: OCPOFinalize and submit GSA’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan by OPM suspense.Ensure that all SES members, managers, supervisors and employees throughout the agency have performance measures in place to ensure the proper execution of the agency’s strategic plan, which includes diversity and inclusion, and that all are trained regarding relevant legal requirements.OWNER: OCPOEvaluate and measure percentage of SES members, managers, and supervisors, who have diversity and inclusion performance measures as a part of their performance evaluation. Develop and widely distribute a set of diversity and inclusion measures to track agency efforts and provide a mechanism for refining plans.OWNER: OCPOAnnually review GSA’s metrics and as requested report to OPM.Priority 3.2: Fully and timely comply with all Federal laws, regulations, Executive orders, management directives, and policies related to promoting diversity and inclusion in the Federal workforce. Action ItemsMeasuresEmploy a diversity and inclusion dashboard with metrics as a tool for agency workforce planning and reporting.OWNER: OCPOAs requested by OPM, submit GSA metrics for posting on designated reporting system.Timely submit to the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) reports required by Federal laws, regulations, Executive orders, management directives, and policies.OWNER: OCPO/OCRSubmit reports to OPM no later than the requested suspense dates.Priority 3.3: Involve employees as participants and responsible agents of diversity, mutual respect and inclusion. Action ItemsMeasuresCreate a formal diversity and inclusion council with visible leadership involvement.OWNER: OCPO/OCREstablish a formal Diversity and Inclusion Council that includes leadership from across the agency.Provide quarterly updates on progress of council/taskforce in achieving items listed in the Agency Specific Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan. Participate in, and contribute to, OPM’s Diversity and Inclusion Best Practice Program, pursuant to Executive Order 13583.OWNER: OCPO/OCRShare GSA Best Practices with OPM annually.Ensure all employees have access to diversity and inclusion training and education, including the proper implementation of the Agency-Specific Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan as well as relevant legal requirements.OWNER: OCPODevelop and institutionalize diversity and inclusion training for all employees.Measure percentage of workforce (counting managers/supervisors separately) completing diversity and inclusion related training (both mandatory and elective). ................

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