The Treasurer shall have charge of all receipts and monies of the Association, shall deposit them in the name of the Association in a bank approved by the Board of Directors, and shall disburse funds as ordered or authorized by the President or Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep regular accounts of receipts and disbursements, shall submit these records when requested, and shall mail to any active member, on request, an itemized financial statement following the end of each fiscal year. The Treasurer shall chair the Budget Committee of the Association and shall further perform such other duties as may be required by the By-Laws, the President, or the Board of Directors.


1) Attends Board of Directors meetings and participates in discussions relating to ARA operations. Votes on issues that come up for decision by the Board.

2) Maintains close contact with other officers and Directors on the Board to coordinate planning, implementing, and publicizing ARA activities.

3) Maintains a check register listing each and every deposit and disbursement made to and from ARA accounts. Balances these accounts each month after receiving a statement from the bank.

4) Maintains a spread sheet of expenditures by the date and by budget category. Summarizes expenditures monthly for inclusion in monthly financial report.

5) Prepares a monthly accumulative report for distribution to the Board of Directors.

6) Disburses monies only as listed on Form 3. Enters amount paid, check number and date on the bottom of Form 3.

7) Chairs the ARA Budget Committee to establish an annual budget for the Association which is attended by the President, Vice President, Program Director, Facilities Director and any other interested board member. Establishes meeting date and notifies meeting participants of date, time and place of meeting. Presents proposed budget to the Board of Directors for approval.

8) Supplies appropriate financial information to CPA for preparation of Federal income tax forms. Signs tax forms, which are filed by CPA.

9) Submits all financial records for audit following close of fiscal year (July 2 through June 30). Internal auditor is appointed by the Vice President annually. Notifies president and Board of Directors of results of audit.

10) Retains all financial records in accordance with ARA Record Retention Policy approved on October 18, 2011. Obtains approval from Board of Directors before disposing of any records.

11) Deposits ARA monies in appropriate accounts in a local bank approved by the Board of Directors. Selects types of accounts that produce optimum return too the Association, provide convenience for the Treasurer, and offer protection from bank failure.

12) Transfers fund to or from the special accounts to the regular ARA operating accounts as necessary. Includes these special accounts in all financial reports.

13) Serves as an ex officio member on the Memorial Fund Committee.

14) Completes and submits to the President a Form 3 for payment of ARA bills or for reimbursement of expenses personally incurred for ARA operations.

15) Develops transition plan for successor to ensure continuity of specific tasks.

Previous revision: January 19, 2010

Revised and Approved: February 21, 2012


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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