Chapter 18-1 Guided Reading Activity

History 8 Name ______________________

Mr. Caprow Date ________________________

War in Europe

Chapter 23-1 Reteaching Activity

Pages 666 – 670

Directions: Putting Events in Sequence Number the events in the order in which they occurred.

______ A. The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente are established.

______ B. Germany invades Belgium, violating a treaty guaranteeing Belgium’s neutrality.

______ C. The Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers in war.

______ D. Great Britain declares war on Germany.

______ E. Germans first use poison gas, a new and devastating weapon‚ against Allied forces.

______ F. The French launch a major offensive—the Battle of the Somme.

______ G. Gavrilo Princip and the nationalist group, the Black Hand, plot to advance the cause of the unification of Slavic peoples.

______ H. The British and the French armies stop the German advance on Paris at the Marne River, just a few miles east of the city.

______ I. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.

______ J. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria- Hungary, is assassinated.

______ K. The Germans launch a major offensive—the Battle of Verdun.

______ L. Germany declares war on Russia.

______ M. Germany challenges British naval supremacy in Europe.

______ N. Japan, a rival of Germany in Asia, joins the Allies in war.

______ O. Germany declares war on France.

Directions: Short Answer In a short paragraph each, answer the questions below.

1. How did nationalism and imperialism lead to tension and conflict in Europe?

2. What were trenches and what did they provide for soldiers?


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