Chapter 12: RNA, DNA, and Protein Synthesis

Unit 5 – Protein Synthesis

Key Terms: Write and define

1. double helix 5. messenger RNA 9. mutation 13. translation

2. nucleotide 6. ribosomal RNA 10 codon 14. replication

3. DNA helicase 7. transfer RNA 11. RNA polymerase 15. DNA

4. DNA polymerase 8. transcription 12. RNA 16. mutagen

Questions: Answer the following in complete sentences.

1. Draw and label a segment of DNA showing its helix and complementary base pairing.

2. Indicate the sequence of the template strand of DNA if the non-template strand has the sequence: ATGGGGCGC

3. Describe the role of DNA helicase and DNA polymerase.

4. Summarize the process by which the DNA code is made into a protein.

5. Describe the function of each of the following in protein synthesis: rRNA, mRNA and tRNA

6. Distinguish between these three point mutations: substitution, insertion, and deletion. Which of these are considered frame shift mutations?

7. A point mutation can affect the structure of a protein. Explain what happens to the structure and function of the protein hemoglobin in a person with sickle cell anemia.

Unit 5 – Protein Synthesis

Key Terms: Write and define

1. double helix 5. messenger RNA 9. mutation 13. translation

2. nucleotide 6. ribosomal RNA 10 codon 14. replication

3. DNA helicase 7. transfer RNA 11. RNA polymerase 15. DNA

4. DNA polymerase 8. transcription 12. RNA 16. mutagen

Questions: Answer the following in complete sentences.

1. Draw and label a segment of DNA showing its helix and complementary base pairing.

2. Indicate the sequence of the template strand of DNA if the non-template strand has the sequence: ATGGGGCGC

3. Describe the role of DNA helicase and DNA polymerase.

4. Summarize the process by which the DNA code is made into a protein.

5. Describe the function of each of the following in protein synthesis: rRNA, mRNA and tRNA

6. Distinguish between these three point mutations: substitution, insertion, and deletion. Which of these are considered frame shift mutations?

7. A point mutation can affect the structure of a protein. Explain what happens to the structure and function of the protein hemoglobin in a person with sickle cell anemia.


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