Council Rock School District / Overview

Name: ____________________________________________DNA PRACTICE—WORKSHEET #1Complete the statement using one of the following terms:DeoxyriboseAdenineNucleusPhosphateThymineGenetic codeNitrogenous baseGuanineWatson and CrickReplicationCytosineNucleotidesMutationHydrogen bondsCovalent bondsGenesHelix The fundamental unit of structure in the DNA molecule is the ________________________.The sugar found in DNA is called ___________________________________.In DNA, cytosine bonds to ___________________________.A nucleotide consists of a sugar, a nitrogenous base, and a (n) _____________________________.Nitrogenous bases are held together in DNA by weak _______________________________________.The production of exact copies of DNA is known as DNA ____________________________________.In DNA, adenine bonds to _________________________________.The DNA molecule is described as a double-stranded ________________________.A mistake in the replication of a DNA molecule results in a(n) _______________________________.The scientists who discovered the structure of DNA were named __________________________________________________________.The sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA is held together using _________________________________________.The monomers of DNA are ____________________________________.Name: ____________________________________________DNA PRACTICE—WORKSHEET #2Answer the following questions based on the section of the DNA molecule you see below:Identify part A.Identify part B.What do parts, C, D, and E represent?What holds C to D and E to F?Give the name for the structure containing parts A, B, and E.If C represents adenine, what is structure D?If E represents guanine, what is structure F?Which letters contain the genetic code?How many strands does DNA have?What term describes the way these strands wrap around each other?Name: ____________________________________________DNA PRACTICE—WORKSHEET #3Show the base pairing that results in new strands of DNA:A __________ TT __________ AC __________ GG __________ CA __________ TT __________ AG __________ CC __________ GT __________ AC __________ GWhat bonds had to have been broken first for new bases to be added? ______________________________________________How do the new strands compare to each other? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How do the new strands compare to the original strand from which they came? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Where does this process take place in eukaryotic cells? ______________________________Name: ____________________________________________RNA PRACTICE—WORKSHEET #4Complete the statement using one of the following terms:RiboseAdenineNucleusPhosphateUracilCytoplasmNitrogenous baseGuanineTransfer RNATranscriptionCytosineNucleotidesRibosomal RNAMessenger RNAThymineTranslationThe sugar found in RNA is called ___________________________________.In RNA, guanine bonds to ___________________________.This nitrogenous base is not found in RNA _________________________________.This type of RNA brings amino acids to the ribosome during translation ______________________________________________.Transcription takes place in the _______________________________.In RNA, adenine bonds to _________________________________.This type of RNA makes up the ribosome and is the site of protein synthesis _____________________________________________________________.This process is also known as protein synthesis _____________________________________.The monomers of RNA are ____________________________________.Protein synthesis takes place in the ______________________________________.This type of RNA carries the instructions for making proteins ________________________________________________.Name: ____________________________________________RNA PRACTICE—WORKSHEET #5Protein synthesis is a complex process made up of the 2 processes transcription and translation. In this activity you will trace the steps that are involved in protein synthesis.A. TranscriptionProtein synthesis begins with DNA in the nucleus. Transcription takes place in the nucleus of the cell. During transcription messenger RNA (mRNA) reads and copies DNA's nucleotide sequence in the form of a complimentary RNA strand. Then the mRNA carries the DNA's information in the form of codons to the ribosome. Codons are a 3 nucleotide sequence in an mRNA strand. At the ribosome, amino acids will be assembled to form a polypeptide, which will become a protein.Below is a DNA sequence. Write the sequence of mRNA codons that would result from the transcription of the DNA sequence.B. TranslationTranslation takes place on the ribosome. For translation, another type of RNA called transfer RNA (tRNA) is needed. tRNA is a molecule made up of 3 nucleotides called anticodons. Anticodons are complimentary to the codons of mRNA. Attached to the tRNA anticodons are amino acids. During translation a tRNA anticodon will bind to a specific mRNA codon and bring with it the specific amino acid coded for. As tRNA bring amino acids, the amino acids bond together forming polypeptide chains, which will form proteins.Rewrite your mRNA sequence from part A. Using the amino acid chart, determine the sequence of amino acids based on your mRNA strand. Use hyphens (dashes) to separate amino acids.181927583248500Label the following diagram of Protein Synthesis.29051251047750012345Answer the following questions about Protein Synthesis.List all of the molecules in the process transcription.Transcription takes place on the ____________________________________.List all of the molecules in the process translation.Translation takes place in the ___________________________________.Why do cells need protein synthesis to occur? ................

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