Documentation for Foreigners

Documentation for Foreigners


Registration of Foreigners (alien identity card)

The document which permits the temporary stay of foreigners possessing a valid consular visa is known as the Registro Nacional de Estrangeiros (RNE). Only after obtaining this document will it be possible for foreigners to open a bank account, obtain a school pass or undertake any other activity which requires proof that they are long stay visitors to Brazil. The RNE should be obtained through a Federal Police Office (Delegacia de Policia Federal, DPF) within 30 days of entering the country. Failure to do so may result in a fine. The following items will be required.

1. Valid travel document (passport) as well as an authenticated copy of the used pages (those which contain personal details of the passport carrier, the visa and the entry stamp). Authenticated copies must be obtained through an official registry office (cartório).

Official Registry Offices in São Carlos:

1. Tabelionato Campos Porto 1o Tabelião – São Carlos

Rua Dona Alexandrina, 958 – Centro

2. Tabelionato Tombi 2º Tabelião – São Carlos

Rua Marechal deodoro, 2318 – Centro

2. Two 3 x 4 cm colour photographs on a white background (no jewelry).

3. The original visa request as presented to the Brazilian consulate in the country of origin, showing the concession of the visa.

4. Proof of payment of the corresponding fee via a Brazilian bank. Payment should be made by use of a GRU form which can be obtained from the following website .br (go to GRU – Guia de recolhimento da União and click on “GRU – Funapol (emissão da guai para pessoas e entidades estrangeiras”). Fill out the form with your name, street address, district, town, country, email and the names of your parents. In the box marked “unidade arrecadadora” select “SP(102-3) Delegacia de Policia Federal em Araraquara/SP” and in the box marked “Código da Receita STN” select “140 082 – Registro de Estrangeiro”. Then click on “Gerar Guia” and print the document (“imprimir”). The charge is currently R$64.58 (February 2011).

Subsequently it is necessary to fill out the same GRU document once more but with some minor modifications. This time in the box marked “Código da Receita” select “140 120 – Carteira de Estrangeiro de 1a via”. This second form is a request to obtain the foreigners ID card (RNE). Click on “Gerar guia” as before and print as previously. The charge is currently R$124.23 (February 2011).

Please note that the name entered on the GRUs must be in accordance with that which appears on your passport and the names of your mother and father (mãe and pai) must be identical to those on the original visa request form.

The GRUs can be paid at any bank. Please pay attention to the deadline.

The bank will provide a proof of payment slip which should be taken together with documents 1, 2 and 3 listed above, to the address below. It is recommended that on presenting yourself to the federal police you should not wear bermuda shorts or sleeveless shirts as you may not be admitted.

Delegacia da Policia Federal de Araraquara (Federal Police Office in Araraquara)

Av. Maria Antonia Camargo Oliveira, 3013 – Vila Ferroviária (Via Expressa)

CEP: 14.802-330

Tel: (0xx16) 2108 5100

Fax: (0xx16) 2108 5114


The opening hours for foreigners at the Federal Police Office in Araraquara are from 9 am to 11:30 am. Applicants will be dealt with on a first come first served basis. A number will be given to you on arrival and you should wait to be called. It is recommended to arrive early (8 am) in order to avoid a long wait.

Once registered with the Federal Police you will receive a provisional number (protocolo) which proves the legality of your presence in the country. The foreigner’s ID card (RNE) can take approximately 60 days to be issued but the corresponding number can be obtained by telephone two days after registering in Araraquara. It is also possible to find out if the document itself has been issued by consulting .br. Once issued it can be picked up at the same office where the request was made.

Renewal: should it be necessary to extend your stay in Brazil you should make such a request at the Federal Police Office in Araraquara at least 40 days prior to the expiry date indicated on the RNE.


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