Mohawk high School Lesson Plan

Mohawk High School Lesson Plan

American History Grade 10 Mr. Stobbs H113 Period 2, 4, 8, 9

Lesson Plan (Unit): Getting On With Business – America in the Twenties

Lesson (Unit) Description: In this unit, students will explore these themes in order to understand the era leading up to the Great Depression.

Time Period: Appr. 10 class periods.

Introduction: World War I sapped the nation’s energy for sacrifice and reform. During the 1920s, many Americans turned inward, enjoying the economic boom triggered by the growth of big business. An expanding middle class took advantage of its new-found buying power to purchase new consumer goods and to escape in pastimes such as movies and baseball. However, there was no escaping the issues that still troubled American society – cultural conflicts over religion, immigration, civil rights, and political conflict.


• OH SS G10 – 1.9.a-f

Unit Ojectives: Working individually and in groups, students will…

• Analyze the major political, economic and social developments of the 1920s including: The Red Scare; Women's right to vote; African-American migrations from the South to the North; Immigration restrictions, nativism, race riots and the reemergence of the Ku Klux Klan; The Roaring Twenties and the Harlem Renaissance; f. Stock market speculation and the stock market crash of 1929.

• Explain how the policies of Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover supported big business.

• Describe how Republican foreign policy fostered the international expansion of big business.

• Explain the reasons for American involvement in Latin America.

• Explain the reasons for American prosperity in the ‘20s.

• Describe American attitudes toward business.

• Identify changes in the structure and management of business.

• Explain how corporate policies reduced the appeal of unions.

• Identify how scientific management changed the workplace.

• Explain white-collar job growth.

• Identify the kinds of white-collar jobs that most women held.

• Describe the office environment.


• American Odyssey: The United States in the 21st Century, Ch. 11, 12

• What Every American Should know about American History (WEASK)

• Film, Just The Facts: The Roaring Twenties

• See daily plans for additional resource requirements

Week of January 30, 2012


1. ASSIGN HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 12 Section 2. Complete Section Assessment. DUE WEDNESDAY.

2. Review Ch.12 Section 1 Homework “Blind Review” pop quiz: Pose questions rto students, who write the answers from memory.


1. ASSIGN HOMEWORK: Read Chapter 12 Section 3. Complete the Section Assessment. Due Thursday.

2. In class, working individually: Complete Step 2 of “Practicing the Skill” on page 393, Critical Thinking:

a. Review the meaning of “synthesis’ and the process.

b. Complete step 2.


1. Review homework: Trade and grade.

2. Conduct case study, “The National Origins Act,” pages 404 – 407:

a. Use Round-robin technique to read the case aloud.


1. Turn in homework for grading.

2. Complete case study:

a. Working in teams, DISCUSS answers to questions 1, 2 and 3 on page 407. Allow about

b. Working INDIVIDUALLY, students answer the questions on paper in sentence and paragraph form.

3. ASSIGN HOMEWORK: In an essay of five or more paragraphs (modified per IEP, as applicable), respond to the prompt on page 407 “Responding to the Case.” DUE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7.


1. DEMONSTRATE KNOWLEDGE: Quiz over Chapters 11 and 12.

2. Conduct payday Activities.


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