The Role of Business in Society: Delivering Sustainable ...

PricewaterhouseCoopers Board Agenda Series Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

The Role of Business in Society: Delivering Sustainable Development

Gopinath Menon 13 March 2008

The Role of Business in Society: Delivering Sustainable Development

? Sustainability Development: the challenge ? Corporate Responsibility: finding the right balance ? A framework for response: strategy, management and reporting

The Role of Business in Society PT PricewaterhouseCoopers FAS

13 March 2008 Page 2

Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainable Development: Some executive perspectives

"Corporate social responsibility is

a hard edged business decision. Not because it is a nice

thing to do or because people are forcing us to do it....because it is good

for our business"

Unilever, Former CEO

"People are going to want, and be able,

to find out about the citizenship of a brand, whether it is doing the right

things socially, economically and environmentally"

Proctor & Gamble Europe, President of Business Development

"Four strategic guidelines

describe our path to the future, with which we align our activities:

Earn a premium on our cost of capital Help our customers be more successful

Form the best team in industry

Ensure sustainable development

"We believe a company that behaves ethically, responsibly and sustainably will

ultimately be more successful than its competitors because it addresses

issues on which its long-term success depends"

Stephen Green, Chairman, HSBC

The combination of these four guidelines makes us successful"


"The brands that will be big in the

future are those that tap into the social changes that are taking


Centrica plc, Chairman

The Role of Business in Society PT PricewaterhouseCoopers FAS

13 March 2008 Page 3

Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainable Development: the challenge

"20% of the world's population consumes 80% of its resources. If everyone consumed at this level it would take two extra planets to provide the necessary resources. Global marketing of this consumer lifestyle guarantee disaster"

Jonathon Porritt, 2006 PwC Partner Conference

"By 2050, 85% of the world's population of some nine billion people will be in developing countries. If these people are not by then engaged in the marketplace, our companies cannot prosper and the benefits of a global market will not exist"

WBCSD 2005

The Role of Business in Society PT PricewaterhouseCoopers FAS

13 March 2008 Page 4

Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Sustainable Development: the challenge

Global population increase

Global population reached 6 billion in 1999. It's expected to reach 7 billion in 2012 and exceed 9 billion by 2050. Global population in 1950 was 2.5 billion.

The Role of Business in Society PT PricewaterhouseCoopers FAS

13 March 2008 Page 5


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