
Traditions and Encounters: Chapter 11 – Mediterranean Society: The Roman PhaseEYEWITNESS: Paul of Tarsus and the Long Arm of Roman LawFROM KINGDOM TO REPUBLICThe Etruscans and RomeRomulus and RemusThe EtruscansThe Kingdom of RomeThe Roman Republic and Its ConstitutionEstablishment of the RepublicConflicts between Patricians and PlebeiansThe Expansion of the RepublicExpansion in the MediterraneanThe Punic WarsFROM REPUBLIC TO EMPIREImperial Expansion and Domestic ProblemsThe Gracchi BrothersCivil WarsThe Foundation of EmpireAugustusAugustus’s AdministrationContinuing Expansion and Integration of the EmpireThe Pax RomanaRoman RoadsSea LanesRoman LawECONOMY AND SOCIETY IN THE ROMAN MEDITERRANEANTrade and UrbanizationCommercial AgricultureMediterranean TradeThe City of RomeRoman Cities and Their AttractionsFamily and Society in Roman TimesThe PaterfamiliasWealth and Social ChangeSlaveryTHE COSMOPOLITAN MEDITERRANEANGreek Philosophy and Religions of SalvationRoman DeitiesGreek InfluenceCicero and StoicismReligions of SalvationMithraismCult of IsisJudaism and Early ChristianityThe Jews and the EmpireThe EssenesJesus of NazarethJesus’ Early FollowersPaul of TarsusEarly Christian CommunitiesThe Growth of Early ChristianityExtrasPicture of the Roman Forum (p. 220)Which civilization that we have studied used this same architectural style?Map 11.1The date 146 B.C.E. corresponds to the end of which event in Roman history?Which modern countries were parts of the Roman Republic in 146 B.C.E.?Picture of Trajan’s Column (p. 222)What was paramount to Roman expansion success?Picture of Augustus (p. 223)What is the purpose of Augustus’ portrayal in this statue?Map 11.2Which regions were conquered by the Romans after 146 B.C.E.?What was the importance of the Roman system of roads?Sources from the Past: Tacitus on the Abuse of Power in the Early Roman EmpirePicture of Roman city of Pompeii (p. 228)Which other Mediterranean civilization utilized fresco paintings?Picture of boat painting (p. 229)Why did Rome need to import grain?Sources from the Past: Jesus’ Moral and Ethical Teachings ................

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