
Student: Mrs. WyattCooperating Teacher: Mrs. LundbergGrade: 3/4/APSubject: Latin Lesson Topic: Augustan ArtDate: 4/6/17PlanningSOL LIII.3The student will examine interrelationships among the perspectives, practices, and products of Roman civilization. 1.Understand that literary and nonliterary products reflect practices and perspectives of the Roman world. 2.Expand knowledge of archaeological evidence, art forms, and artifacts as reflections of Roman perspectives and practices.Learning ObjectiveBy the end of this lesson, TWBATAnalyze Augustan artwork to identify the key feature of his propaganda pare and contrast Augustan propaganda with modern propaganda.Students’ Background KnowledgeStudents have learned about Augustan literature, history, and building program, now they will learn about art.Key Terms/VocabularySee ppt.DifferentiationGroup or individual project choiceAssessment Augustan art propaganda project, google forms informal assessment, interactive bulletin board informal assessment.Resources Art pictures, map, Augustan principate ppt, project handout, google formsDelivery of the LessonAnticipatory SetHook: Spread out Pictures of art from the forum, temple of mars the avenger, temple of Apollo on the Palatine, and temple of Jupiter Tonans. As a class, tell them each piece of art belongs to one of the buildings. They have to identify which one goes with what building. Then they have to stick the picture of the art work onto a blown up map of Rome from last class. They may use whatever internet resources they see fit. Everyone must work together.Statement of Learning: Today we will be learning about propaganda art in the Augustan Age.Explicit/Direct InstructionStudents gets out note books and close your computers. Have a few notes on Augustan art and propaganda.PPts lecture Slides #25-40Student Practice Student may choose any piece of Augustan propaganda art and write a project based grade that must contain the following things:(Display on promethean board and post on schoology)What does the work literally depict? What do you see? What materials are used? Do we know the artist?What symbols are present and what do they represent?Compare and contrast with a modern piece of propaganda pare and contrast with a modern politician/political figure.Handout rubric attached.Students may work alone or in pairs.ClosureExit Ticket: Each student must write one sentence on each of the four pictures from the opening activity and why they represent Augustan propaganda virtues on google forms.Latin 3/4/APQuarter 4 Project GradeAugustan Art and PropagandaNomen:Dies:Directions: You may choose any piece of Augustan propaganda art and write a project based grade that must contain the following things:What does the work literally depict? What do you see? What materials are used? Do we know the artist?What symbols are present and what do they represent?Compare and contrast with a modern piece of propaganda pare and contrast with a modern politician/political figure.A brief 5 minutes or less presentation to the class on your artwork.A grading rubric is attached below. You may work alone or in pairs. This assignment will be uploaded onto Schoology. This assignment is due ________________.CriteriaPointsSpelling/Grammar/PunctuationXXVCitation page in MLA formatXXVDescription of work of art, materials used, artist, place where found, dateLDescription and Analysis of symbolsLCompare and contrast with modern propaganda artXXVCompare and contrast with modern political figureXXVInstructive class presentationLTOTALCCL2865120565150000398780021018500049803051987550001435100123190000-1219200-1104900000-15938500908050518477500063500 ................

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