Ms. Betzel

righttopRubric for United States vs. Roman Republic Venn DiagramClear Title centered on top of paper that says “Governments of the Republic of Rome and the United States” (2)Draw a large Venn Diagram covering as much of the paper as you can. Be sure the area in which they intersect is large enough to list at least four comparisons. (1)In area labeled only Roman Republic, write at least five elements of the Roman Government that is NOT shared with the United States. (5)In the area labeling only United States Government, write in at least five elements of the U.S. Government that is NOT shared with the Roman Republic. (5)In area where they intersect, write in at least four elements that each form of government shares. (4)In blank areas around the diagram, draw symbols and/or pictures that depict the governments of the United States and the Roman Republic. Look in your History text and other sources for inspiration- Be creative! (5)All labels, outlines should be in neat, dark ink or colored pencil. (2)All symbols and/or illustrations should be in colored pencil and are neat and show effort. (5)Write your name, period, date on the back of the paper. (1)Total Points: 3056292755181600Rubric for United States vs. Roman Republic Venn DiagramClear Title centered on top of paper that says “Governments of the Republic of Rome and the United States” (2)Draw a large Venn Diagram covering as much of the paper as you can. Be sure the area in which they intersect is large enough to list at least four comparisons. (1)In area labeled only Roman Republic, write at least five elements of the Roman Government that is NOT shared with the United States. (5)In the area labeling only United States Government, write in at least five elements of the U.S. Government that is NOT shared with the Roman Republic. (5)In area where they intersect, write in at least four elements that each form of government shares. (4)In blank areas around the diagram, draw symbols and/or pictures that depict the governments of the United States and the Roman Republic. Look in your History text and other sources for inspiration- Be creative! (5)All labels, outlines should be in neat, dark ink or colored pencil. (2)All symbols and/or illustrations should be in colored pencil and are neat and show effort. (5)Write your name, period, date on the back of the paper. (1)Total Points: 30 ................

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