Mrs. Reif's History Classes

Name: Date:

Global 9/Period: Roman Republic

DIRECTIONS: Use the video from my website or YouTube Channel () to complete the notes.

The Rise and Fall of the Roman Republic

The Expansion of Rome

Rome uses their…

Roman Legions

* Legions-

* Legionnaires-

* Century-

Roman Expansion


* Keep own gov’t if they helped fight

* Given partial rights or citizenship

The Punic Wars


Rome & Carthage


* Mediterranean’s wealthiest city


1st Punic War

* Begins 264 BC


* 241 BC-

2nd Punic War

* 216BC-202BC

* Hannibal-

* 216 BC-

Hannibal VS Scipio

* Scipio-


* 202 BC-Battle at Zama


3rd Punic War

* 149-146 BC


* Carthage burned to ground


Post-Punic War Rome



Brought problems…




Economic Problems

* Gap btw. rich & poor gets wider

* Wealthy=

* Poor=

* Small farmers couldn’t compete

* (

Problems between rich & poor lead to…

Military Problems

* Generals recruited by promising land


* Generals use troops to take over by force

Chaos leads to the….



1st Triumvirate

* 59 BC-

* Military victories for Caesar in Gaul

* Crassus dies in battle

* Pompey & Senate order Caesar home



* No turning back.

* “Crossing the Rubicon” (meant making a decision that cannot be undone

Caesar’s Reforms

* 45 BC-

* Granted citizenship to people outside of Italy

* Senate includes rep. from outside provinces

* Set up public works programs, colonies set-up to provide land for poor

* Set up a new calendar


Caesar’s Death

* Many thought Caesar was a tyrant who wanted to become king

* March 15, 44 BC-

* Beware the Ides of March! 44 BCE

2nd Triumvirate


* Octavian forced Lepidus to retire

* Antony married Egyptian queen – Cleopatra

Rise of Augustus


* Defeats him at Actium

* Antony & Cleopatra committed suicide to evade Octavian

* Octavian becomes unchallenged ruler


Goodbye, Republic –

Hello, Empire!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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