Ancienet Rome Webquest

Ancient Rome Web Quest

Answer all questions in your notebook.

Directions: Use the links, follow the directions, and answer the questions. Some answers will be a FEW WORDS and other answers will be SENTENCES LONG. GOOD LUCK!

Go to website please. Only use the definitions that relate to government.

1. Define the word REPUBLIC

2. Define the word EMPIRE

3. Define the word TRIUMVIRATE

4. Define the word CONSUL

5. Define the word TYRANNY

10. Define the word SLAVE

Go to the website ~bmcmanus/romangvt.html

11. Go down to the area labeled senate

a. How many members were in the senate?

b. What does SPQR mean?

c. Based on the third bullet, why did the Senate have so much power?

Go to the website

12. Go down to the area labeled Punic Wars

a. Describe the second Punic War.

b. Who won the third and final Punic War?

Read the paragraph below and write three main ideas in your notebook.

Problems at Home

After the Punic Wars the Roman Republic continued to expand. Patricians became wealthier but the plebeians gained very little. Slaves replaced workers and soldiers returned from battle to find their land destroyed or taken by patricians. As the Republic grew the average Roman became poorer.

Go to the website

13. Who was Julius Caesar?

14. How did Julius Caesar become popular with the Roman people?

Go to the website

15. When was Julius Caesar made dictator for life?

16. Why was Julius Caesar assassinated (murdered)?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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