Romanticism & Realism

Romanticism & Realism

1. What was the difference between ideas of Enlightenment and Romanticism?

The Enlightenment thinkers believed in reason

Romantics believe in feelings, emotions and imagination

2. From pg. 606-607 (complete these sentences)

a. The Romantics believed that emotion and sentiment were the only understandable to the person experiencing them

b. Romantics also valued individualism, the belief the uniqueness of each person

c. Many Romantics had a passionate interest with the past

d. The exotic and unfamiliar also attracted many romantics

e. The Romantics viewed poetry as the direct expression of the soul (love of nature)

f. (p.607) To many Romantics, music was the most romantic of the arts because it enabled the composer to probe deeply into human emotions

3. List three descriptions of Ludwig van Beethoven from p. 607

Bridge between classic and Romantic periods

Single-handedly transformed the art of music

His music had to reflect his deepest inner feelings

4. What was different about science in the 1830s?

Ind Rev. created a heightened interest in scientific research – led to many new discoveries. Science came to have a greater impact on people

5. Three advancements in science were

a. in biology: Louis Pasteur – germ theory of disease

b. in chemistry: Dmitry Medeleyev – classified known elements into atomic weights

c. in Great Britain: Michael Faraday made a primitive generator to use electrical current

6. Why was there an increase in secularization?

Secularization – indifference or rejection of religious matters

Because of the new discoveries in science, many people looked to these concrete truths

7. Charles Darwin:

Wrote a book called On the Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection that said that each kind of plant and animal had evolved

over a long period of time from earlier and simpler forms of life.

This idea is called Organic Evolution.

8. Define Natural Selection (use the glossary)

some organisms are more adaptable to the environment than others – survival of the fittest

9. Define Realism.

19th century movement that rejected Romanticism and sought to portray lower and middle class life as it actually was

10. Who was Charles Dickens, and what did he write about?

British Novelist (Realism)

Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Christmas Carol

CH.20 Sec.4


1. Marie Curie Discovered radium gave off energy – radiation from and atom

2. Albert Einstein Physicist – Theory of Relativity – led to the discovery of atomic energy

3. Sigmund Freud “Interpretation of Dreams” – people’s behavior was determined by past experiences. Devised the psychoanalysis method to uncover repressed memories

4. Pablo Picasso Modern Art pioneer. Created the style Cubism – geometric shapes to recreate reality in the viewers mind

What is Social Darwinism?

A theory used by nationalists and racists based on Charles Darwin’s theory of Survival of the Fittest. Promotes the idea that people, business and countries struggle in Survival of the Fittest

Give 3 Examples of Social Darwinism

1. People – Stronger Races/war

2. Business – successful business

3. Nations – powerful countries/imperialism

What is Anti-Semitism? Hostility and discrimination towards Jews

What is Zionism? Movement to create a Jewish State/country

What led to Zionism? Hostility and discrimination towards European Jews

Define Modernism. Movement in which writers and artists b/w 1870 and 1914 rebelled against traditional literary and artistic styles that had dominated European cultural life since the Renaissance


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