WeWaiKai Nation


Michelle Billy, We Wai Kai Nation Social Development Manager


Income Assistance Payment Date

March 24, 2021 (for April 2021)

April 21, 2021 (for May 2021)

May 19, 2021 (for June 2021)

June 23, 2021 (for July 2021)

*Cut off day for your paperwork (renewal slips/job search) is 10th of the month.

If you have not submitted your renewal slip / job search forms please do so immediately if you require continued assistance.

Elder smile of the Month [pic]


Name: Violet Grey

I am now the eldest. My sister Carol and brother Arnold passed. I had 11 siblings. There was 6 girls and 6 boys. My dads name was Alec and my mother was Emma. Emma was from the Grey family. Her brothers were Paddy, Bill, & Albert and her sister was Maudie.

Married: Brian Devlin (DECD) 32 Years togetherY

Children: “Duke”(DECD), Lester, Caroline, Mark + 9 grandchildren and 4 great grand-children.

Birthday: Nov. 17, 1945

Violet Grey cont.…

Where were you born and where do you live now? Born in C.R. after a stormy ferry ride from Quadra.

Did you go to Residential School? I went to Kuper Island for 2 years and St. Mary’s in North Vancouver for 2 years until it was shut down. My sister Carol was there also, except she was in a separate dormitory.

What is one of your fondest memories from Cape Mudge? Well, we lived on Quadra but not at Cape Mudge. I enjoyed when my dad would take us to the beach for a picnic.

What is you Favourite Traditional Food: Baked salmon, gowis’ and t’lina.

Any advice for the young people of today? “Get an education. Respect your elders and honor them. They are only here for a short time.”

[pic] ELDERS [pic]

Did you have your COVID-19 vaccination?

Colleen is continuing to do elders shopping and lunches are being delivered to you once a month.

If you are not on the elders age 65+ lunch delivery and would like to be added please let Colleen or Jonathon know so they can put you on to the list.

>>>>>>The Elders program is now offering “Wellness rides” for those elders who need to get out of the house for a mental health boost.

>>>>>This is a 1-hour time slot (including pick up & drop off) to get out of the house and go for a scenic drive You must book with Colleen a week in advance.

>>>>Wellness rides are not for shopping, instead it is a drive along the waterfront to take in some of our beautiful scenery in CR and Quadra Island.

>>>>The elders van is set up with a special safety barrier, only 1 passenger at a time is permitted in the back seat unless you are in the same household, 2 people max. The seats are sanitized between passengers.

>>You must have your Covid vaccination 2 weeks prior and wear a medical grade mask provided to you.

>It is suited for the elders that do not have a family member or friend to take them out for a wellness drive


Crafts & Games Café times Wellness Rides Shopping Lunch

Monday – Cape or Quinsam - Rides for pre-scheduled medical apt.’s or wellness time out. Please call Colleen before booking your appointment to see what times are available.

Tuesday – Quinsam Elders Shopping Day. Call Colleen if you would like her to do your grocery shopping.

Tuesday afternoon - 1:00pm - 3:30pm - Game Time @ Quinsam Elder room. Come do a puzzle, play games or do some crafts.

Wednesday morning – 9:00am – 12:00pm - Café Time @ Quinsam Elder Room. Coffee & Tea time, Games, puzzles, and crafts.

Wednesday afternoon – 1:00pm - 3:30pm - Game Time @ Quinsam elder room. Shop for Cape groceries.

Thursday - 9:30-11:30 - Café Time. Coffee & Tea @ Cape Mudge Elder Room (Band office) 12:30-2:30 - Crafts and Games or Wellness Rides. *Lunch delivery at Cape last Thursday of the month.

Friday – Cape or Quinsam- Rides for pre-scheduled medical apt.’s. and wellness time out. *Lunch delivery at Quinsam last Friday of the month.

Please note: This is a temporary schedule and is subject to change. See weekly newsletter for updates! Please, sign up at least 1 week in advance for sessions.

[pic] Elders- We welcome your ideas and input. If you have not filled out your survey and would like one contact Michelle. The Elders Programs will be running under strict Covid safety measures. You must have had your Covid-19 vaccination 2 weeks prior to participating. Individual & small: ‘same bubble’ groups; mask wearing; hand sanitizing, room air purifiers; plexiglass barriers; sanitizing surface areas before & after each session; temp checks; and continued monitoring for any symptoms will be in place. If you have a weakened immune system or chronic illness we ask that you not attend at this time.

[pic] The youth are busy bee’s in their Spring Break camps this week and next.[pic] . The programs continue to run at Cape Mudge & Quinsam under Covid-19 safety protocols. Please see schedules in the newsletter. It is required that you continue to do the Daily Health check with your children before sending them to group. You can contact Michelle, Raven or Taylor if you have any questions.

Mental Health and Substance Use Information

Vancouver Island Crisis Line *24/7 - 1-888-494-3888

Crisis Nurse at the hospital 250-286-7159

CR Mental Health and Substance Use 250-850-2620 self- refer or dr. referred for an intake apt.

KDC Health- call 250-286-8064 to make an apt.to speak to or see a counsellor at Quinsam or Cape Mudge.

Laichwiltach Family Life Society 250-286-3430 *by apt. only

heretohelp.bc.ca Mental Health and Substance Use Info.

foundrybc.ca 250-286-0611 Foundry offers young people ages 12 -24 health and wellness resources, services, and supports. As well as offering a Homelessness Prevention Program.

Smart Recovery held in Rose Harbour Common Room every Wed. & Fri. 1:30-2:30pm

Pre- register by email: kateb@annelmorehouse.ca or phone: 250-286-3666 *Bring a pen & a mask


[pic] Job Search and Employment / Training






Jobs for Youth -

NIEFS (North Island Employment Foundations Society)

If you are looking for a job you can call NIEFS @ 250-286-3441 and make an apt. with an Employment Counsellor who can assist you with your resume and job search.

NVIATS (North Vancouver Island Aboriginal Training Society)

If you are looking for a job; training; support; or would like to talk to career advisor call 250-286-3455 and leave a message. Someone will back to you. You can also email the career advisors; Danielle @ dlecours@ or Lorraine @ lredpath@


Take time to smell the flowers

BC HYDRO COVID-19 RELIEF FUND CALL 1 800 BCHYDRO to discuss bill payment options

Ph: 250-914-1890ext106 or email at michelle.billy@[pic]




Please let Colleen or Michelle know if you require a ride to an important medical appointment or if you are needing assistance for grocery shopping.

Colleen is also scheduling elders in for Wellness Rides.

Call 250-287-0613














310Mental Health Support


(no need to di scheduling elders in for Wellness Rides.

Call 250-287-0613














310Mental Health Support


(no need to dial area code

KUU-US Crisis Line Society 1-800-KUU-US17 (1-800-588-8717)

Crisis Line:  1-888-494-3888

Crisis Chat: vicrisis.ca

Crisis Text:  250-800-3806



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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