Science Rubrics.PDF


Name: ___________________ Date: ______________

Course:___________________ Title/Topic: ______________

| |Clearly and concisely states the |Clearly states the paper’s purpose.|States the paper’s purpose. The|Incomplete and/or |N/A |

| |paper’s purpose. The |The introduction states the main |introduction states the main |unfocused. There is no | |

| |introduction is engaging, states |topic and previews the structure of|topic but does not adequately |clear introduction or main | |

|Thesis Statement/ |the main topic and previews the |the paper. |preview the structure of the |topic and the structure of | |

|Introduction |structure of the paper. | |paper. |the paper is missing. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Each paragraph has thoughtful |Each paragraph has sufficient |Each paragraph lacks supporting|Each paragraph fails to |N/A |

| |supporting detail sentences that |supporting detail sentences that |detail sentences. Logical |develop the main idea. No | |

| |develop the main idea. Writer |develop the main idea. Paragraph |organization; organization of |evidence of structure or | |

| |demonstrates logical sequencing of|development present but not |ideas not fully developed. |organization. | |

|Body and |ideas through well-developed |perfected. | | | |

|Content |paragraphs; transitions are used | | | | |

| |to enhance organization. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |The conclusion is engaging and |The conclusion restates the thesis.|The conclusion does not |Incomplete and/or |N/A |

| |restates the thesis. Conclusions |Conclusions are supported by the |adequately restate the thesis. |unfocused. Little | |

| |are strongly supported by the |paper. |Some conclusions are not |indication of synthesis or | |

|Conclusion |paper. | |supported by the paper. |drawing of conclusions. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |No errors in punctuation, |Almost no errors in punctuation, |Many errors in punctuation, |Numerous errors in |N/A |

| |capitalization and spelling. No |capitalization and spelling. Almost|capitalization and spelling. |punctuation, capitalization| |

| |errors in sentence structure and |no errors in sentence structure and|Many errors in sentence |and spelling. Numerous | |

|Mechanics and |word usage. |word usage |structure and word usage. |errors in sentence | |

|Usage | | | |structure and word usage. | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |All cited works are noted in the |Some cited works are noted in the |Few cited works are presented |Absent. Includes few |N/A |

| |correct format with no errors. |correct format. Inconsistencies |in the correct format. The |proper references, such as | |

| |The paper includes, if applicable,|evident. The paper includes, if |paper includes, if applicable, |journal articles and/or | |

| |more than the specified number of |applicable, the minimum specified |less than the minimum specified|books. | |

|Citation and |proper references, such as journal|number of proper references, such |number of proper references, | | |

|Bibliography |articles and/or books. |as journal articles and/or books. |such as journal articles and/or| | |

| | | |books. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


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