This document provides a high-level overview of the DBCrystal installation process. There are two major tasks required. First, the host computer is checked for prerequisites like Microsoft .Net and Microsoft SQL Server and they are installed if necessary, and then DBCrystal itself is installed and configured



64 Bit machine Windows 7 Pro - Service Pack 1 or greater Windows Server 2008R2 SP1 or greater Intel i3 or greater 4GB RAM 100GB HDD


Microsoft .Net 3.5 and .Net 4.5 IIS ? (for Easyweb2015)

SQL server is installed by the installer, if you have an existing SQL instance you want to use. (not recommended, it must be SQL 2008 or newer, SQL Express or full SQL Server.) We strongly recommend that the SQL server and the DBCrystal reside on the same machine for performance reasons.

The installer may direct you to reboot your machine after the installation of either of these required software packages, if this happens you may need to restart the installation process if it doesn't automatically restart.


Here are a few steps intended to make the DBCrystal installation run a little smoother.

2.3.1 Check for updates If your machine has outstanding updates waiting to be installed or your machine needs a reboot, then this will interfere with software installation packages. An easy preliminary step is to reboot your machine prior to beginning the installation process and apply any outstanding windows updates; however this is not always convenient. If you want to check if your machine has any updates to be applied, go to the troubleshooting section in this document and look at the heading "Outstanding Updates".

2.3.2 Sign on as administrator If you either sign on as administrator or at least someone with administrative privileges, then installation software typically has a higher percentage chance of succeeding.


Please run the DBCrystal Matrix download from our website which will walk you through the installation process. Selected topics and screen shots from the installation process are listed below.


The ISONAS DBCrystal Matrix software requires 2 software packages in order to run smoothly. The installer program runs and is looking for both of these, .Net 4.5 and SQL Express Server. If the installer does not find these programs it will install them automatically.

For those versed in SQL, ISONAS will install SQL Express and name the instance "IsonasExpress." Please note that you will have 2 options on how to install SQL, the Express instance ? which ISONAS recommends or the advanced SQL install.

Note: There are several reasons to choose the Advanced SQL install option:

1. The SQL instance is on a different machine than the one you are installing DBCrystal on. 2. SQL has never been installed and you want to install it; however you do not want to use the

default settings.


Data migration is required to export the data from one ISONAS database and then import it into another ISONAS database. The installer is set up to help you through this process and you can rerun the installer as many times as needed to complete the task.

Note: The installer actually uses an installed ISONAS tool named DBDBRM to perform the export and import, this tool can be run outside of the installer. Please refer to the DBCrystal User's Guide for more information on this utility program.

3.2.1 Understanding the Data Migration The data migration is comprised of two functions, exporting data from either TPS files or SQL tables and then importing them into SQL tables. You cannot import back into TPS files. In either case, the files are always exported into the folder ExportedXML under the Isonas_Dbcrystal folder. It is not important that you understand the XML file format, but it is important that you understand where you can locate the files.

3.2.2 Starting the Data Migration There are two times that the data migration option is available in the installer, during a brand new installation where the installer is being run on a machine where DBCrystal is not installed, and updates where the installer is being run on a machine where DBCrystal is installed. New installs The option to perform the data migration is always available on one of the last dialogs of the installer during a new install. The option is a check box on the "Migrate Data" dialog which is discussed later on in this document. Updates To enable the data migration on an update to DBCrystal, you need to select the "Custom" option on the "Setup Type" dialog as seen below.

3.2.3 Migration Variations Although the data migration is always from the legacy TPS files to SQL server, sometimes you are moving the application to a new host machine at the same time. Legacy TPS to SQL same machine 1. Install DBCrytal 2. Select the check box to run the Data Migration Legacy TPS to SQL different machines 1. Copy the "Isonas" folder from the source machine into the "c:\apps" folder on the target machine. Resulting in old data in "c:\apps\isonas" 2. Run the DBCrystal installer on the target machine. 3. Select the option to enable the data migration when prompted to import data. 4. This will run the data import tools and populate the DBCrystal database.

5. If needed you can select custom install and then select install "data migration" to local disk. This will present you the option to run the migration again. It will delete any data in the database when this is run. SQL to SQL different machines Rather than use the data migration tools provided by ISONAS to move a SQL database from one machine to another, it is better to use the SQL tools for moving a SQL database. This topic is covered under Advanced Topics in this document under the heading "Moving your SQL database".


Register the software, using the on-line registration tool within the DBCrystal Administrator. Open the Registration form (DBCrystal Administrator Main Menu Help Support) If your previous system was registered, the form will already contain your system information. In this case, just click on the "Register" button If your system has never been registered, then fill out the form and then click on the "Register" button



If the SQL Express installation fails with a message similar to the one below, there is a good chance that the machine has other outstanding updates that must be applied prior to install SQL Express or the machine needs to be rebooted. It's a good idea to reboot the machine and try the DBCrystal installation again.

5.1.1 Outstanding Updates One easy way to check to see if there are outstanding updates is to right click on the Windows icon on your task bar and choose the option to Shut down or sign out, if you see options to Update and restart, then you need to do this before continuing with the DBCrystal installation.



Microsoft provides a free program for managing your SQL instances, it is called the SQL Server Studio Manager. You can download and install this program for performing common tasks like:

Backing up your SQL Database Restoring your SQL Database Running maintenance on your SQL database

The SQL Server Studio Manager program is not required to perform these tasks because a utility program named sqlcmd.exe is automatically installed when you install any SQL server including SQL Server Express. The SqlCmd utility can perform the same functions as the Studio Administrator; however it is run from a command line and is not as intuitive.

The remaining examples will assume that you are going to use the SqlCmd utility.


The SqlCmd utility is actually pretty easy to use and the syntax is pretty straight forward. Here is the syntax of the command to perform a SQL backup.

Sqlcmd ?S SeverName\InstanceName

Use databasename Backup database databasename to disk='databasename.bak' Go

Here is an example of the backup command using the SQL instance Isonas2\IsonasExpress and the database Crystal:

C:\Sqlcmd ?S Isonas2\IsonasExpress

Use Crystal Backup database Crystal to disk='Crystal.bak' Go

If the command is successful, then the file Crystal.bak will be in the default location for your SQL installation. This location is typically:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA

Note: You need to substitute the version of your SQL and the name of your SQL instance. In the above example we had Express version 12 installed and the instance name was SQLEXPRES.

You can also use the SqlCmd utility to find out the default location, here is the syntax for the SQL command.

SELECT LEFT(physical_name,LEN(physical_name)-CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(physical_name))+1) FROM sys.master_files mf INNER JOIN sys.[databases] d ON mf.[database_id] = d.[database_id] WHERE d.[name] = 'Crystal' AND type = 0;

Here is the command execution using the SqlCmd utility where the server name is Isonas2 and the SQL instance is IsonasExpress.

C:\Sqlcmd ?S Isonas2\IsonasExpress

SELECT LEFT(physical_name,LEN(physical_name)-CHARINDEX('\',REVERSE(physical_name))+1) FROM sys.master_files mf INNER JOIN sys.[databases] d ON mf.[database_id] = d.[database_id] WHERE d.[name] = 'Crystal' AND type = 0;


Note: If you cut and paste the text make sure that there are no embedded carriage returns.

The results should look like:


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