VictorEF | About Physycal Education in ESO & Bachillerato

APRENDEMOS A CONTROLAR LA INTESIDAD DEL EJERCICIO CON EL PULSO (2nd ESO)We are going to analyse what happens with the heart rate during physical activity.The heart rate, also known as pulse, is the number of heartbeats by minute. In addition, we can count it in 30/15/6 seconds and multiply by 2/4/10 respectively. The shorter time to calculate pulse, the greater margin of error in the result.The heart rate at rest depends on several factors and is not the same for all people. It can be different from another person, and even in the same person depending on some aspects.left186563000There are mainly two points to take the pulse accurately. One in the neck "carotid pulse" and another in the wrist "radial pulse". It can really be taken anywhere an artery can be pressed on a bone or a muscle.To take the pulse we must use only the index and middle fingers. The pulsations should never be taken with the thumb because confusion can occur.9525630999500left49187100028575352615500Carotid Pulse: Carotid arteries are going on both sides of the neck. To calculate the pulse in this area we will use two fingers, index and middle fingers, you press lightly on one side of the neck until you feel the pulsations. Look at the example in the photo.Radial pulse:?put your index and middle fingers pressing lightly on the wrist font side (palm of the hand) and near the outer edge, almost at the beginning of the hand near the thumb, until you feel the pulsations. The area is immediately above the base of the thumb. It is usually more complicated to count in this area because the artery is smaller than the carotid artery.There is also the possibility of taking the pulse directly with the hand on the chest, above the heart (left side of the chest), but we should only use this technique in case of not locating the carotid or radial pulse.When we do sport regularly, use a heart rate monitor is a great idea. The heart rate monitor is a device that is usually contained in a watch and that uses different systems to measure the heart rate directly without having to use the fingers and count the pulsations (image on the left).How can you control the intensity of the exercise?The maximum heart rate (HRM) is the maximum number of beats per minute that the heart can perform without risking our health. In general, it is very easy to calculate; we will only have to subtract our age from 220 and we will obtain that limit that we should not overcome. FCM = 220 - AGE (YEARS)To practice controlled and healthy physical activity, we will have to calculate our range of physical activity, which would be between 60 and 85% of the FCM.Eg: Age: 13 years; MHR = 220-13 = 207 bpm; 60% = 0.6x207 = 124 bpm; 85%=0,85x207=176 bpmNOW YOU!: Date __________Name & Surname: ____________________________________ Course & Group_________We will calculate your resting pulse. Lie on the floor and stay calm for a few minutes. When you feel calm, start counting the heart contractions for a minute. Write your result here. Pulse at rest_________ bites per minute (bpm).Now you are going to calculate our heart rate range for a healthy physical activity.Fill in the gaps:Maximum Heart Rate (MHR)= 220 - Age = bpm; 220 - ________ = ______ bpmLower limit of healthy physical activity zone: 60% MHR= 0,6 x ________ = _______bpmUpper limit of healthy physical activity zone: 85% MHR= 0,85x_________=_______bpmWith these results, make two lines parallel to the abscissa axis (X-axis) in the graph below to delimit the area of safe physical activity and colour it. Also, make a horizontal red line at your maximum heart rate and a green line at your resting heart rate.Now you are going to move. You are going to run for 20 minutes, controlling our heart rate every 5 minutes. Therefore, we can gradually adjust the proper rhythm to keep within the healthy limits. A clue; if you can talk while you run, you have a healthy rhythm.RUNNING PULSERECOVERY PULSERest HR.MHR5 min10 min.15 min.20 min.1st minute2nd minute3rd minuteResoruces ................

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