Insitute of Far Eastern Studies Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Far Eastern Studies Russian Academy of Sciences

Is part of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Here is the Japanese National Institute for Research Advancement description:

Organizational Status: Governmental institute, founded in 1966.

General Description: The main task of IFES is the comprehensive study of China, Japan, South Korea and North Korea; relations of the former Soviet republics and Russia with these states; and the experiences in social and economic development of these states. The institute is a leading academic institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which coordinates research work on current political problems in China, Japan, the Korean Peninsula and internationally, and on the process of economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region. For more than 30 years, IFES RAS has been one of the largest academic centers for comprehensive research work on East Asia and Russia's relations with this region.

Annual Budget: USD 490,000 (2000)

Anatoly Kozlov (seems like a somewhat common name, so I have only referenced things that are certainly the man associated with the Institute of Far Eastern Studies)

Has written and spoken about China and Russia/China relations. He is the Scientific Secretary of Far Eastern Studies at the IFES.


Hong Kong in 2005. From Far Eastern Affairs. 2006, 002.

Mikhail Titarenko

He is a leading expert on China and eastern affairs and has been frequently interview and has written extensively. Ria Novosti describes him as a “prominent political scientist and specialist on China, Fellow of the Russian Academy of Sciences and director of the Institute of Far Eastern Studies”

He spoke very positively on the recent Beijing Olympics.

Here is his webpage from the IFES website:




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