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“Language, Culture, and Society”

Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages

26–29 September, 2013

Dear colleagues,

The Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Russian Academy of Linguistics and the "Journal of Philology" have great pleasure in inviting you to attend the Seventh International Conference "Language, Culture, and Society" to be held in Moscow 26–29 September, 2013.

The Conference will take place in the building of the RAS Presidium, Moscow.

The Conference Organisers:

Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)

Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages (MIFL)

Russian Academy of Linguistics (RAL)

The Research Council for the Study and Preservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage of Russia

(the RAS Presidium)

"Journal of Philology"

The Organising Committee:


Academician Evgeny P. Chelyshev, Vice-President of the RAL, Counsellor of the RAS Presidium

Academician Emma F. Volodarskaya, Chancellor of MIFL, President of the RAL, Editor-in-Chief of the "Journal of Philology"

Academician Anatoly V. Torkunov, Chancellor of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO-University), PhD in Political Science, Professor


Corresponding Member of the RAS Vladimir M. Alpatov,

Director of the Institute of Linguistics (RAS), Professor

Corresponding Member of the RAS, Yury L. Vorotnikov, Professor

Amet A. Volodarsky, Deputy Chancellor of MIFL


Warwick Gould, Director of the Institute of English Studies, London University, UK

Ian Kirby, Professor, Lausanne University, Switzerland

Tom Eason, Cambridge University, UK

Jane Roberts, Professor, London University, UK

Andrew Breeze, Professor, Navarra University of Pamplona, Spain

Academician Alexander B. Kudelin, Deputy Academician-Secretary of History and Philology Department of the RAS, Director of the Institute of World Literature named after A.M. Gorky (RAS)

Valery Z. Demyankov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Linguistics (RAS), Professor

Olga V. Alexandrova, Professor of the Philological Faculty of the MSU

Academician Victor A. Vinogradov, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor

Academician of RAL Vida Yu. Mikhalchenko, Director of the Research Centre on

Ethnic and Language Relations of the Institute of Linguistics (RAS), Professor

Evelina N. Shevyakova, Professor of MIFL

Irina G. Sorokina, Executive Secretary of the “Journal of Philology”, Head of English Department of MIFL.

Conference secretaries:

Alexandra Fedotova + 7 499 267 89 71

Maria Altopuz + 7 499 267 89 71

Maria Galyaeva + 7 495 632 25 33

Anastasia Bodareva + 7 499 265 75 21

The Conference aims to reflect multifarious aspects of Language,

Culture and related Sciences in the following Working Groups:

Russian in Modern Times (Russian as the National Language of Russians; Russian on the Post-Soviet regions; Russian as a World Language)

World and National Languages, the Modes of their Development and their Functions in the Contemporary World, Language Planning and Legislation, the Process of Globalisation and the Fate of Minor Languages

Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Cultural Studies. Languages and Cultures

Sociolinguistics and Psycholinguistics

Translation and Lexicography

Literature and Art at the Turn of the Century: Historical Fates and Prospects; Russian and English; Shakespeare’s Studies

Language Teaching

Common Issues of History, Archeology, Paleography and Linguistics

Fundamental Problems of the Development of Contemporary Society. Business Communication in the Globalising Economy:

10.1 Russian Priorities - Technological Innovations;

10.2 Business Communication in the Globalising Economy;

10.3 The Role and the Place of Russia in the World Cultures Dialogue;

10.4 The Image of the Russian Federation and other CIS Countries in Foreign Mass Media

Poster Presentations

The themes of the Roundtable Discussions will be given in Information Letter No. 2.

The Conference venue: Presidium of the RAS, 32a, Leninsky prospect, Moscow, Russia.

Should you wish to participate in the Conference, let us have your registration form and abstract before January 31st , 2013. The Registration form and the abstract of your paper with the attached summaries in English and in Russian as well as with the note on the number and the title of the chosen Working Group should be e-mailed to

or sent to the postal address:

Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages,

105005, 9/8, Ladozhskaya Street, Moscow, Russia

For details concerning the organisation of the Conference, please, call using the following telephone numbers: + 7 (495) 632 25 33

+ 7 (499) 267 89 71

Requirements for abstracts

An abstract must not exceed one page. It should be attached to your e-mail letter or saved on a compact disc and sent by post (Microsoft Word; font - Times New Roman; font size - 12; line space – 1; margins: left – 3 cm, right, top, and foot – 2 cm).

Any abstracts submitted without Registration forms, summaries in English and Russian or e-forms will not be accepted.

Please note that duration of the Plenary Sessions presentations is 20 min; of the presentations at the Working Groups sessions – 15 min. The authors who are in no position to attend the conference may submit their papers as poster presentations.

The Organising Committee intends to publish the Plenary Session presentations and ready-for-printing Working Groups presentations before the beginning of the Conference if they are received before the 3rd of March, 2013 provided they have been given a positive review. Other presentations will be published in the Conference Proceedings after the Conference upon the groups chairpersons’ recommendation. A presentation must meet the above requirements and do not exceed 10 pages.

The working languages of the Conference are Russian and English.

The Organising Committee offers a special social programme both to conference participants and their accompanying persons.

Visas, invitations and social programme are being dealt with by the International Department of the MIFL. To obtain visas, participants should send a copy of the first page of their passports to the International Department of the MIFL: fax / tel. +7 (495) 632-25-33, +7(499) 267-89-71


Participation fee is $70.

Details for the payment:

Recipient: Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages, Taxpayer ID No.7703029013

RRC 770301001, Sberbank of the RF, Moscow, Krasnopresnenskoe Dept. No. 1569

Account 40703810538170101323,

Corresponding account 30101810400000000225,

BIC 044525225.

In the payment document, we kindly ask you to state correctly the purpose of payment and the name of the participant of the Conference.

The original of your payment document should be presented at registration.

The Organising Committee requests you to confirm your participation in the Conference as soon as possible. This will help us to make the arrangements more efficiently organised.

The Organising Committee assists the participants in booking accommodation for the conference days. Here are some prices for hotel and hostel rooms:

The price of a room in a hotel is app. €150 per day;

The price of a room in a hostel is app. €30 per day.

If you need an accommodation, please, choose from a hotel or a hostel room options and tick your choice in the Registration form attached to the present Call for Papers.

Looking forward to seeing you at the Conference,

Organising Committee


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