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WH—Unit 2 Objectives Name:___________________

You may define or illustrate all vocab on the provided paper.

Answer all objective questions to receive 5 bonus points on your Unit test.


1. Who was Alexander the Great and what did he achieve?

2. What cultures made up Hellenistic culture?

3. Where was the city of Rome (modern day country)?

4. Why were aqueducts so important to the Romans?

5. Describe Julius Caesar as a ruler.

6. When could the Roman Republic elect a dictator?

7. Describe the Pax Romana

8. Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?

9. Explain the significance of the Roman 12 Tables.

10. Compare Plebeian and Patrician.

11. Who were Romulus and Remus?

12. Define “Republic”.

13. Define “Monarchy”.

14. Who was Augustus Caesar?

15. Explain and list reasons (give me 3) for the Roman Empire’s collapse.


16. List some major contributions of Justinian. (Think church and law)

17. Capital of Byzantine Empire? (There were technically 2)

18. Describe the Justinian Code. What was it? Why was it created?

19. Explain the impact of Empress Theodora on the Byzantine Empire.

20. Explain the Great Schism and key events that led to the Great Schism. (Think land and Leo and excommunication)

21. Compare and contrast the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH and the EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCH (You have a chart on this)

22. How did the city of Kiev in Russia develop?

23. Explain the Byzantine influences on Russia.

24. What was the Cyrillic alphabet and why was it important?

25. Who was Ivan III and explain his idea of “Third Rome”.


26. Who was Genghis Khan? Who was Kublai Khan?

27. How did the Mongols impact Russia?

28. Describe the Mongols relationship with their horses?

29. Who was Marco Polo? What was his relationship with the Mongols?

30. How did the Mongols treat people who they conquered?




1. Alexander the Great

2. Augustus Caesar

3. Julius Caesar

4. Romulus and Remus

5. Patrician

6. Plebeian

7. Abraham

8. Justinian

9. Theodora

10. Jesus

11. Marco Polo

12. Mongols

13. Genghis Khan

14. Ivan III


15. Kiev

16. Hagia Sofia

17. Constantinople

Religious Terms

18. Judaism

19. Torah

20. Christianity

21. Bible

22. Great Schism

23. Roman Catholic

24. Eastern Orthodox

Government Terms

25. Republic

26. Empire

27. 12 Tables

28. Triumvirate

29. Justinian Code


30. Hellenistic Culture

31. Pax Romana

32. Cyrillic Alphabet


SSWH3—The student will examine the political, philosophical, and cultural interaction of Classical Mediterranean societies from 700 BCE to 400 CE.

a. Compare the origins and structure of the Greek polis, the Roman Republic, and the Roman Empire.

b. Identify the ideas and impact of important individuals; include Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and describe the diffusion of Greek culture by Aristotle’s pupil Alexander the Great and the impact of Julius and Augustus Caesar.

c. Analyze the contributions of Hellenistic and Roman culture; include law, gender, and science.

d. Describe polytheism in the Greek and Roman world and the origins and diffusion of Christianity in the Roman world.

e. Analyze the factors that led to the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.

SSWH4—The student will analyze the importance of the Byzantine and Mongol empires between 450 CE and 1500 CE.

a. Analyze the importance of Justinian, include the influence of the Empress Theodora, Justinian’s Code, and Justinian’s efforts to recapture the west.

b. Describe the relationship between the Roman and Byzantine Empires; include the impact Byzantium had on Moscow and the Russian Empire, the effect of Byzantine culture on Tsar Ivan III and Kiev, and the rise of Constantinople as a center for law, religion, and the arts.

c. Explain the Great Schism of 1054 CE.

d. Analyze the spread of the Mongol Empire; include the role of Chinggis (Genghis) Khan in developing the empire, the impact of the Mongols on Russia, China and the West, the development of trade, and European observations through the writings of Marco Polo.

e. Explain the Ottoman Empire’s role in the decline of Byzantium and the capture of Constantinople in 1453 CE.


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