Pennsylvania State University

 ArcelorMittal Sustainability Design ProjectEngineering Design – 100Section # 014Group 3: Team De’LuxeSubmitted To: Professor Catanach, 04MAY15-11429966675 Alex Troxell: McKinley Ross: Matthew Verne: mjverne95@ Joel Schuck: Table Of Contents Executive Summary ………………………………………………………….... 3Introduction …………………………………………………………………… 3Mission Statement ……………………………………………………………... 4Customer Needs Analysis ……………………………………………………... 4Sustainability Survey…………………….…………………………………...…..6Needs Statements ……………………………………………………………… 8External Research ……………………………………………………………….10Concept Generation ……………………………………………………………..15Concept Selection ……………………………………………………………….16Final Design Description ………………………………………………………..17References…………………………..…………………………………………...20Executive SummaryThe De’Luxe Company specializes in improving the sustainability of industrial production systems. Established in January 2015, De’Luxe’s second group project is to improve the sustainability of the steel making process for Arcelor Mittal. Given left over resources such as wooden pallets, leftover empty drums, and refractory brick, we are tasked with recycling these materials in an abstract form to improve the sustainability of Arcelor Mittlal’s steel production process. The final process improvement must reuse these materials efficiently and create the final product without using extra materials. Extra materials and external resources can negate the sustainability process and work against the initial purpose of the project. In development and research our team has evaluated a variety of reuse options. One of these options was refinishing fireplaces and in the local residential and industrial community with the leftover refractory brick from the steel production mill. Another idea was running the steel drums through a cleansing and re-washing process and selling them back to Arcelor Mittal’s Steel drum supply company for re-use. These ideas improved the reuse of leftover materials from the plant however both require external resources and investment to continue. This defeats the purpose of improving overall sustainability. Our final idea was to re-use the wooden pallets and 1) break the pallets down to produce wood chips for the playground and residential and commercial landscaping and 2) using the leftover boards from the pallets to create a playground for local residential communities concerned about the sustainability of the Arcelor Mittal production process. Several risks arise from the process of reusing these pallets. The largest concern about the re-use of these pallets is damage to the integrity of the wooden beams as a result of them holding a large amount of weight at the plant previously. Another concern is that the wood if not stored in a proper area can rot and them be rendered useless in the application for use in the park. These risks can be minimized by keeping the used pallets under cover and out of the elements to preserve them until they are churned up into wood chip and broken down into wooden beams. The final playground design plans will be completed and delivered to Arcelor Mittal on April 29th 2015. IntroductionArcelor Mittal is the world’s largest commercial producer of steel. They provide steel production and materialization for applications from skyscraper construction to automotive steel frames for many of the cars that are popular and driving around on the roads today. It is also likely that at least one of your home appliances is made from steel produced by ArcelorMittal. Needless to say. ArcelorMittal is a leader in their field of production expertise and has a great responsibility to be not only a world leader in the production of steel but also a world leader in making the steel production process sustainable and reusing/recycling as many of their waste/by-products as possible to conserve the environment and be responsible with the raw resources that they need to pull in. Mission Statement “Providing sustainable solutions for production processes” Customer Needs AnalysisCustomer Requirements:Based on the Customer Statements vs. Needs Matrix and our survey’s on ways to improve sustainability we can draw a few conclusions about what is desired and what people really want in the improved sustainability of the ArcelorMittal Steel production process. Motivation: As the world’s leading producer of commercial and automotive steel, ArcelorMittal has a great responsibility to make their production process as sustainable as possible. For this reason the company has an entire division dedicated to making their business model more sustainable and through the reuse of leftover and unused materials increasing their own sustainability. To further improve their reuse of materials they have been smart to not only look internally for a solution but to be open to other ideas for improving sustainability from younger students that may have fresh ideas for the company to interpolate into their own steel production process. Cost: Even though the goal of this assignment isn’t necessarily to create a consumer product it does not mean that cost isn’t a factor in improving the sustainability of ArcelorMittal's steel production process. There are a lot of cost factors to consider in increasing the reuse of materials. In the external research portion our team has analyzed a great amount of the opportunity costs of taking different actions to make the steel production process more sustainable. For example, using the pallets to make woodchips and selling the woodchips in bulk to local municipality’s public works departments not only leaves ArcelorMittal with a profit margin for selling and creating the woodchips in the first place but also saves the works department money. There are also tax benefits for using recycled materials in bulk like this. However, the greatest cost that using these recycled woodchips saves is trees. Instead of needing to harvest and de-forest large areas for the wood. Woodchips can be simply synthesized from the used pallets. This saves a vital natural resource of ours that is not entirely renewable and takes a long time to grow. Resources to Be Recycled: The three resource to be recycled/reused for our assignment are 1) Used wooden pallets from steel resource transportation 2) Empty metal drums from the steel company 3) Finally, refractory brick that can be superheated and used as normal brick as well.Needs Statements: Many of the needs that Team De’Luxe has conceptualized for improving the sustainability of the ArcelorMittal steel production process can be found in the Needs Statements section of this report. This is because the Needs Statement portion of the report directly addresses the criteria necessary to satisfy improvements to the steel production process for ArcelorMIttal.Sustainability Options Survey:Needs Statements:Reduce ArcelorMittal’s waste stream at one of its facilities by designing an opportunity to reuse and/or recycle one or more of the largest sources of refuse: pallets from incoming material delivery, empty drums or totes received from delivery of fluids, and waste refractory brick.Operate in the Long Carbon divisionManufacture steel from recycled scrap metals.Max steelmaking capacity of 1.1 million net tons of steel per year.Product lines include cast and rolled blooms for the forging and re rolling industries; rails for railroad, transit, and crane application; rolled billets, squares, and flats; construction equipment sections; and large diameter specialty ingots.Our design will recycle materials to reduce the strain on current resources We will reduce consumption in order to have the greatest recycling impact.Many steel companies are able to sell the slag produced in the process of making liquid steel for roadbed filler, and some also sell the iron oxide mill scale byproduct.Our company will design our product with sustainability, quality and leadership in mindOur product will reduce the waste stream to improve the companies sustainabilityOur company will reduce disposal costs, thus increasing profitabilityIdentify an opportunity for reuse or recycling of waste materials.Examine your opportunity as a system and examine all inputs and outputs.Consider the connections to the plant, city, region, state, country if need beDesign the opportunity and explain how it will help ArcelorMittal reduce its waste footprint.Investigate behavior—how will stakeholders share the vision you are proposing?Ensure that the solution meets all applicable requirements, satisfies relevant regulatory codes, and is economically viable.Team‐generated definition of sustainabilityRationale for the opportunity identifiedDescription of alternative concepts and their evaluationImplementation planAssessment of the amount of waste diverted from landfillCAD drawings detailing the design solution(s)Systems diagramPrototype/model of systemComplete list of design conceptsExternal ResearchWhat ArcelorMittal Actually Does for Consumers (Commercial and Residential):ConstructionThe Leading Global Provider AutomotiveHas been working very closely for quite some time with Honda/Acura in designing steel frames for vehicles that are lighter and thus reduce the carbon foot-print left by a large number of vehicles on the road. Domestic ApplianceHas been in partnership with Bosch Siemens, Electrolux, Whirlpool, Indesit and Miele in the production process for home appliances producing strong steel that lasts a long time and helps keep the machines clean and running for a longer time than the competitionEnergyArcelorMittal supplies the energy production sector with much of the steel resources needed in the production of Geothermal heating systems, solar panel energy systems, as well as wind turbine steel creation. TransportThe steel that ArcelorMittal produces has being used for construction projects around the world, including Northport in New Zealand, Straubing port and JadeWeserPort in Germany and Marina Pez Vela in Costa Rica.The vast expanse of distance that the steel supplies cover across the world shows how important Arcelor Mittal’s steel production is to not only the national but international community.PackagingArcelorMittal produces more than 1.6 million tons of steel for packaging in Europe at five production sites in France, Belgium and Spain. This production power shows that ArcelorMittal’s company has the ability to supply many companies in many different continents with not only building supplies (ie. Things as big as I-Beams for building skyscrapers) and things that need to be mass produced but are very small as an individual unit (ie. The top of a soda can opener)By-Product SalesThe most relevant part of what ArcelorMittal does as a steel making company for our project specifically From ArcelorMittal’s corporate website “Using the by-products generated during the steelmaking process makes good business sense, as well as reducing the environmental impact”Although the company talks a lot about reusing by-products well there was very little detail about how ArcelorMittal does this specifically.It isn’t clear whether or not they simply don’t list everything or whether they just want to show that they are re-using their resources to give back to the environment and community after It is our aim as a team to provide the company with a simple and feasible way to use these by-products and send a clear message to those communities disrupted by mining and other parts of the steel production process that ArcelorMittal is concerned for the sustainability of its production process and cares about keeping the earth and their production process clean and green. What Are ArcelorMittal’s Plans for Sustainability Currently?Listed are the Statements by ArcelorMittal’s about the applications of their sustainability. “Creating products that reduce sustainability impacts in use, such as advanced high strength steel for vehicles and solutions for low carbon buildings.“Creating infrastructure for sustainable economies, such as water treatment facilities and flood defenses.”“Improving the immediate impact of our production processes, such as innovating the steelmaking process, investing in de-dusting equipment and energy efficiency programs.”“Promoting the lifecycle approach to evaluating the sustainability impact of materials, through modelling, environmental product labelling and research to improve scrap recovery rates.”Although these statements outline a great intention to create a cleaner environment using the by-products that ArcelorMittal releases, it does not give any clear indication or numerical data like the other outlined points above on how they achieve sustainability as a company. How to Make the Steel Production Process More Sustainable for ArcelorMittal Uses for Pallets:Team De’Luxe found many different uses for the leftover pallets that ArcelorMittal desires to reuse and recycle. One of the primary uses of these pallets is for home renovation and design. Ideas for their use in the residential sector are vast and are open to a lot of creativity and multiple areas of use. We will only take the time to highlight a couple of these creative ideas and then go on to explain why many of these ideas did not end up making sense for our project. The first of these ideas was using the 2X4 beams from the pallets to make rustic bed frames for kids that can bring a woodsy/outdoor theme to room. Another use for this avenue of reuse was to use the wood from the pallets to line an accent wall or all the walls of a room with pallets to almost create a wood paneling theme. A final idea for home use of these pallets is making a coffee table and finishing it with a dark wood lacquer. These were all great ideas that could be very profitable in home design, however there were some problems with using the pallets in residential home décor/design. The first of which is that it is hard to make the transition from the commercial business and mass stock of pallets coming in and out of the company compared to the relatively small number of pallets needed to complete a lot of these smaller home décor projects. Using the pallets in this way would require a large amount of external staff to coordinate the construction and management of the used pallets coming out of the ArcelorMittal plants. Combined with a need for more expensive manpower to make this happen, there is no way to anticipate the size of the market for this type of home décor and could end up being a great success or a great failure. Not a smart business proposal. For this reason we decided that it was not going to be a good idea to reuse the pallets in home décor. Uses for the Empty Drums: Team De’Luxes original thought with these barrels was to simply wash them out, refurbish them and then simply re-sell them back to the barrel supplier for ArcelorMittal as to vastly improve the sustainability of the steel production process. There were a lot of positive thoughts about how this was a very likely avenue of approach for greatly improving sustainability. Our main concern was the innovative nature of Team De’Luxe’s assignment. We wanted to do something that would not only stand out to the company and its own sustainability but something that the public concerned about the sustainability of the company would also understand. This is why we wanted to find a way to bridge the realm of commercial steel production with the realms of residential communities near ArcelorMittal production plants as well as people groups concerned with the damage that ArcelorMittal’s steel production was causing in the local environment. This is where the idea for making a playground began to work itself into our team’s thought process. It combined the positive reuse of materials that were left-over by the steel production process while looking good in the public eye in a very open solution. Uses for Refractory BrickOne of the primary uses of refractory brick is in residential fireplace applications. Our research shows that the leftover refractory brick used in the steel production process is more than adequate for insulating a residential fireplace. In fact using the leftover factory brick would increase the effectiveness of the fireplace as the refractory brick would contain the heat far better than the typical brick used for home fireplace application as the refractory brick is made of a ceramic composite and can withstand the heat of molten steel (a typical fire is at least ten times as cool as molten steel). The problem in application for integrating into ArcelorMittal's steel production process is very similar to the issues discussed in the section two above on how it would be difficult to manage residential applications of smaller projects coming from mass quantity of a commercial company. The real problem with the brick is not using it in new construction for fireplaces. The issue lies with using this refractory brick to refinish the insides of fireplaces and chimneys as it often requires a contracting team experienced in refinishing fireplaces and chimneys. As a business model it would cost ArcelorMittal more money than the sustainability payoff is worth to essentially establish a commercial sized contracting firm than it would to find an alternative use for the refractory brick. How to Use These Resources to Build a PlaygroundsApplications for the Pallets:The wood from the pallets will be the main resource for the creation of these “recycled” playgrounds. The beams from the pallets will be used as the wooden supports and platforms for the main play-structure to be made out of. Wood as the main material to build play-structures is not a foreign concept to playground designers in America. Personally, each member from our team has had experience playing in wooden play-structures and have found that they can often be more fun to play on than metal play-structures. The beams are all connected using nuts and bolts that can be taken apart for easy disassembly and construction as well as repair if needed. Since the pallets used by ArcelorMittal are all standard as well, there is not short supply of materials if repairs need to be made several years after construction. The wood can also be used to make benches and picnic table that surround the playground. This allows the park to serve a large variety of users in all age groups. The wood can also be used to make gazebos that surround the playground that will serve to make the playground a community area that can be used for community gatherings, sporting events, and personal use. Each of our team members have benefited from a park near our locations of residence that have made an easy space for us to get fresh air and enjoy a sandwich while watching all the younger kids run around the park playing. The pallets can be grinded down into wood chips to form the soft play-surface as well. These wood chips can also be sold commercially to profit the company while supplies local public works departments with the resources to use the woodchips in their municipalities without having to purchase wood chips from companies that harvest trees and chop them up for the wood chips. This may seem like a simple idea but is a great way that using the pallets for wood chips can increase the overall sustainability of the steel production process. Applications for the Empty Drums:One of the primary uses of the steel drums used for transporting oil and other resources to ArcelorMittal's production plants is using existing roller machines the plant to turn the empty drums into sheet metal as well as metal plates for the construction on the gazebos in the park made by these resources. The steel production process already involves rolling pliable metal into large sheets to ship away to commercial automotive and construction companies; there is no reason why the empty drums cannot be melted down are rolled out into sheet metal as well. The quality of the metal in the steel drums is not good enough to build skyscrapers but that doesn’t mean that it cannot be formed into the corrugated metal that makes the top of the gazebo or be rolled into the smooth metal required to make a big slide from the center of the play structure. The left over metal that is not used for the park construction can be sold to local municipalities to create road-signs or other signs that can be made out of flat and thin sheet metal. Not only does this save the townships money buying recycled materials but also provides a small profit margin to ArcelorMittal to compensate for the cost of melting the empty drums down in the first place. Applications for the Refractory Brick:The uses for the refractory brick are slightly more limited but none the less necessary to look into in the research portion of the external research. The brick is simply a more durable and heat resistant form of normal red brick. This being said the brick will last a long time and can be used in applications much like red brick. The refractory brick can be used to make walkways around the main play-structure as well as well as pathways the nearby gazebos and benches. Cots BenefitsStandard Metal Playground Costs:Most playgrounds of comparable size to the one that Team De’luxe plans on designing range anywhere from $11,000 to $113,000. That is a serious amount of money for a simple play-structure that can be made out of recycled materials for close to $4000 and can represent a physical demonstration of the increased concern for sustainability of the ArcelorMittal steel production process. This not only covers a large fiscal cost of creating a playground but also answers the cries of those concerned for the sustainability of ArcelorMittal's steel production process. The creation of these types of playgrounds will pay dividends in respect to the public image of ArcelorMittal and its pursuit of creating a more sustainable world be doing what they do best; innovatively producing steel. Concept GenerationIntroduction:To further narrow down the choices after the survey, De’Luxe used the selection matrix shown below to choose one concept to improve sustainability. Wooden pallets were initially thought to be the top choice and the matrix helped us view our other options while finally proving that wooden pallets were our best option. The Concept Generation Process:Our team was given the option of using wooden pallets, oil drums or refractory brick to help improve ArcelorMittal’s sustainability. The concept of wooden pallets was used so that we could improve the company's sustainability while also improving its image in the community. We achieved both of these goals by designing a playground that will be constructed using wooden pallets and will use ground up wood chips from the pallets as a base. Therefore the wooden pallets will not go to waste and ArcelorMittal’s image in the community will be helped immensely. Specifically, some of the the boards from the pallets will be used to construct the playgrounds walkways, steps and platforms while other parts of the pallets will be ground up to make the wood chips for the base. We believe that our idea of using the wooden pallets to create a local playground to improve sustainability, while also improving ArcelorMittal’s image in the community is the best option given our choices. Concept SelectionDuring the concept selection phase we used the metrics-matrix and concept screening and scoring to decide what reusable source to use. We first narrowed our choices to three different sustainable options and proceeded to rate them. Our rating system of using multiple (+) and (-) signs to denote the score of each criterion helped us organize and decide what to eventually proceed with in our final plan. Wooden pallets were our highest rated concept in almost every aspect of our scoring matrix and had a net score of six, so we decided to proceed using them as our sustainable item of choice. In next place, the oil drums received a net score of two compared to the wood pallets score of six. Although we found the idea of recycling and using the oil drums to improve sustainability interesting we scrapped the idea due to its inferior score. In last place, the refractory bricks net score of zero due to its difficulty to recycle and high cost to supplement the companies sustainability made the decision to scrap this idea very easy.Concept Screening/Scoring: Selection CriteriaWood PalletsMetal DrumsRefractory BrickEase of Reusing+0-Benefit to Community++00Cost To Recycle+0-Durability+++ +Ability for Multiple Uses++0Sum +'s622Sum 0's032Sum -'s002Net Score620Rank123Continue?Y esNoNo Final Design DescriptionTeam De’Luxe has decided to build a park playground. The park will feature one playground and several gazebos. The gazebos serve a place for parents to comfortable monitor their children. The park will be built from waste products from ArcelorMittal's production line. The playground serves as a way for ArcelorMittal to give back to the surrounding communities, rewarding communities for the cooperation and support for America’s largest steel production. It includes slides, a climbing wall and walkways made of refractory brick. The park also gives employees community access to the park and a good place for community members to come together and foster a mindset of sustainability for generations to come. References ................

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