


Introductory Material:

|Date of Lesson: |Class Time: |

|School Name and Grade: |Class Ability Level: |

|Length of Lesson (Time): |Number of Students: |

|Equipment/Supplies (be complete): |Description of Facility: |

Teaching Style to be used: _______________________________________________

Behavioral/Performance Objectives: INCLUDE MORE THAN ONE. | Safety Considerations

|(For PE classes – Include motor learning/development concepts/theories that relate to skillful | |

|movement, physical activity, and fitness). | |

|Cognitive: 1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|For PE classes - Include physiological & biomechanical concept(s) that relate to skillful movement, | |

|physical activity, and fitness) | |

|Psychomotor: 1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

|Affective: 1. | |

|2. | |

|3. | |

Academic Language (Terms associated with the Unit, Lesson Plans, physiological/biomechanical principles, or motor learning/development principles)

1 2 3.

4 5 6

7 8 9

NASPE Standards/NEW Georgia Performance Standards (GPS):

|Major Focus: |Sub-focus: |

|National Standards Addressed (NASPE): |GPSs Assessed: |


|(Instant/Motivational Activity; Warm-Up & Review; Set Induction) | | |(include transitions and equipment |

| | | |distribution) |

| | | | |

| | | | |



|(Specific and detailed plan to facilitate student learning and skill development) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|(Specific and detailed plan to assess student learning and skill development) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|(Wrap Up, Review, Transition) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|(Specific and detailed plan to modify lesson to meet learning needs of all students) | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |





Self-Reflections: (to be completed after implementation of your lesson)

1. How well did your plan meet your goals and objectives? Why do you think this was the case?

2. How well did this lesson promote student learning and skill acquisition?

3. In retrospect, what else might you have done? (Include student comments, questions, interest and engagement).



|Components |Unacceptable/ Insufficient (L1) |Needs Improvement/ Emerging (L2) |Acceptable/ Basic Proficiency (L3) |Exemplary/ Target Proficiency (L4) |

|Introductory Material |Introductory material not included. |Introductory material included but not |Introductory material is complete. |Introductory material is complete |

| | |complete. | |and clearly outlines the purpose and|

| | | | |content of the lesson. |

|Objectives |Behavioral/performance objectives are missing, |Objectives are included but do not |Objectives provide a sense of what |Objectives provide a clear sense of |

| |unclear or unrelated to standards. Objectives |provide a clear sense of what students |students will know and be able to do|what students will achieve as a |

| |are inappropriate for grade/skill level of |will know and be able to do as a result|as a result of the lesson. There is |result of the lesson. There is a |

| |students. |of the lesson. There is a weak |some relationship between the |strong relationship between |

| | |relationship between the objectives and|objectives and learning standards. |objectives and learning standards. |

| | |learning standards. Some of the |Most of the objectives are |All the objectives and learning |

| | |objectives are appropriate for intended|appropriate for the intended |activities are appropriate for the |

| | |grade/skill level of students. |grade/skill level of students. |intended grade/skill level. |

|Standards/GPS |GPS(s) and National Standard(s) are not |GPS and National Standard(s) to be |GPS(s) and National Standard(s) to |GPS(s) and National Standard(s) to |

| |included. There is no mention of the ways |addressed in the lesson are included. |be addressed in the lesson are |be addressed are included and are a |

| |standards connect to the objectives of the |The connection to the objectives and/or|included. Some of the standards |good match for the lesson. |

| |lesson. |instruction is unclear or vague. |connect to the objectives and/or | |

| | | |instruction. | |

|Introduction to the Lesson (Motivation Activity) |No introduction is included |Introduction is included but it is |Introduction is likely to gain |Introduction is likely to gain |

| | |unlikely to gain students’ attention. |students attention but is not |students’ attention and spark |

| | |Does not involve content inherent to |related to content of the lesson. |interest in the content of the |

| | |the lesson. | |lesson. |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Content Development for Lesson Topic |The description of the teaching activities is |The description of the teaching |Description of activities is clear |Description of teaching activities |

| |incomplete. Materials and/or procedures are not |activities is included, but the |and easy to follow. Content is |is complete and very clear. Teaching|

| |current, relevant or age appropriate. Active |information is unclear or confusing. |generally age appropriate. Teaching |activities clearly demonstrate |

| |involvement of students is limited. Activities |Some evidence of active involvement of |activities have potential to engage |creativity. Activities are |

| |are not likely to help students achieve |students is included. Some of the |students’ interest and provide for |age-appropriate and presented in a |

| |objectives of the lesson. |activities are likely to help students |active involvement in the lesson. |logical progression. |

| | |achieve lesson objectives. Lesson focus|Most of the activities are likely to|Activities/tasks will intrigue |

| | |is mostly on content rather than skill.|help students achieve lesson |students and provide for active |

| | | |objectives. Lesson focuses equally |involvement of all children. Lesson |

| | | |on content and skills. |is skill-based. |

|Organization & Time Management |Lesson is not well organized. No time allotments|Some of the lesson is organized. Time |Lesson is organized and time |Lesson is well organized with |

| |are indicated. Transitions are not included. |allocations may be included but are not|allotments are appropriate. Safety |appropriate detail and time |

| |There is no apparent concern for safety. |realistic. No clear plan for |considerations are evident. A plan |allocations. Lesson procedures flow |

| | |transitioning between activities is |for transitioning between activities|well minimal disruptions. Safety |

| | |included. Safety considerations |is included but transition time is |considerations are clearly |

| | |incomplete. |excessive. |addressed. |

|Closure |No closure is included. |Closure activity is included but does |Closure includes some key points. |Closure reiterates key points of |

| | |not relate to key points from the |Focus is on “fun” or transitioning |lesson and summarizes learning |

| | |lesson. |to next activity. |achieved by class. Mention is made |

| | | | |of what will happen in the next |

| | | | |class. |

|Assessment |No evidence on how objectives will be assessed. |Some evidence of how objectives will be|Evidence of a general plan for |Specific evidence on how objectives |

| | |assessed. Behavior assessed is |assessing the objectives. Assessment|will be assessed is included. |

| | |inconsistent with the behavior |will provide data relating to the |Assessment will provide meaningful |

| | |described in the objective and |objective. Behavior assessed closely|information about student learning. |

| | |description of the lesson. |resembles the behavior described in |Behavior assessed exactly matches |

| | | |the objective and description of the|the behavior described in the |

| | | |lesson. |objective and description of the |

| | | | |lesson. |

|Remediation &/or Modifications |No plan for remediation or modifications to |Remediation and modification plan is |The remediation plan and |The plan for remediation and |

| |address the needs of all students in the class. |incomplete. The description of how the |modifications are complete. Lesson |modifications to address the needs |

| | |lesson will help students apply, |includes a description of how |of all students is included. Plan is|

| | |connect or extend their learning is |students will apply what they have |clear and easy to follow. |

| | |poorly articulated, confusing or |learned. Lesson is inclusive of all |Strategies and activities are |

| | |absent. The lesson will be inclusive of|students. Some differentiated |inclusive, creative and thoughtful. |

| | |all students, but there is no |activities are integrated throughout| |

| | |explanation of how activities will be |the lesson. | |

| | |differentiated. | | |


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