Time and Attendance Software

Time and Attendance System

Request for Proposal (RFP)

This cover page and the Table of Contents on the next page may be used for larger projects.  If these are retained, then delete the document header that starts on page 3 and extends through body of document. Alternately, smaller projects should simply delete the cover page and Table of Contents.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) document has been developed as part of the Monroe Board of Education methodology to request vendor’s contractual proposals for some product or service.  The RFP includes detailed specifications that describe the nature of the product/service being requested by Monroe Board of Education.   Specific Monroe Board of Education terms and conditions are stipulated.   The Supplier responds by preparing a Proposal that addresses detailed requirements included in the RFP, identifies unacceptable Monroe Board of Education terms/conditions, and includes cost data.

1. Monroe Board of Education Information

Recognizing that the quality of life, both today and in the future, depends upon the quality of education provided by the public schools, the school district is dedicated to education and committed to meeting the needs of every individual.

For the purposes of this RFP, we will refer to the entity as “Monroe Board of Education”.

2. Scope of Work

Monroe Board of Education is exploring the feasibility of replacing a paper time sheet time and attendance process that is in existence throughout the district.  Ultimately, the data from this process feeds Monroe Board of Education’s Sungard/Pentamation Phoenix HTE payroll application.

Monroe Board of Education will roll out the system starting July 1st.

Monroe Board of Education is looking for a high quality solution that is functional, reliable, manageable, and cost effective.  There will be significant emphasis placed on the demonstrated ability to consistently deliver a first-class product on time, every time.  Monroe Board of Education will also place high value on flexibility to adapt and respond to customer needs.

Details of Monroe Board of Education’s requirements are outlined in Section 5 of this document.


3. History/Background

Monroe Board of Education currently has approximately 200 hourly employees. They are required to fill out time sheets on a weekly basis.  The process of gathering the data varies throughout the district.

Currently, the hourly employees enter their time worked each day onto their hardcopy timesheet.   The supervisors can monitor and approve the entries on a daily basis.  If a supervisor makes changes in an employee’s entry they initial it.  By the end of the second week, all time accumulated must be approved by the supervisors.

The Payroll clerk keys the data into Sungard/Pentamation Phoenix HTE payroll application.

Include a brief (2-3 paragraph) description of:

History of the project

Events leading up to the issuance of this RFP

4       Instructions to Vendors

4.1       Format of Proposals

Vendors should provide a brief response that includes the following:

2. Executive summary

3. Products/Services

4. Address detailed requirements in Section 5 of this RFP

5. Complete breakdown of costs and how they are billed (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually or combined). We would also like to see the price breaks for the different number of participants.

6. List Exclusions

7. Specific exclusions to RFP Specifications

8. Specific exclusions to Other Terms & Conditions

9. References demonstrating vendor’s ability to deliver reliable, consistent time and attendance data that can be fed into Monroe Board of Education’s payroll system.

10. Complete Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement form (see Attachment A)

11. Copy of vendor’s standard contract including length of term and guarantees.

Vendors should submit four (4) copies of their hard copy response to this RFP by 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time on May 31st , 2005 to:

            Monroe Board of Education , Inc.

            Attn:     Steven R. DeVaux, Director of Finance and Management Services



4.2       Key Dates

Vendors should recognize/comply with the following dates:

12. RFP sent to vendors                                                  May 5th ,2006

13. Deadline for questions regarding RFP                       May 19th, 2006

14. Answers to questions disclosed to vendors                May 26th , 2006

15. Last date for vendor responses                                 May 31st ,2006

Evaluation Process

Monroe Board of Education expects vendors to provide competitive responses to this RFP that will meet Monroe Board of Education’s requirements identified in the RFP Specifications.  Based solely on vendors’ responses to this RFP, Monroe Board of Education plans to negotiate final terms and details with a single vendor for the time and attendance system.  There is no guarantee of awarding a contract to any vendor if the solution is not cost effective or does not meet the needs of Monroe Board of Education.  Monroe Board of Education reserves the right to deny all proposals or accept more than one.  Monroe Board of Education will not accept additional proposals after May 31st, 2006.  Vendors should complete all changes and clarifications to proposals before submitting for evaluation.

4.4       Questions

All vendors receiving this RFP will be given the opportunity to submit questions regarding this RFP and its specifications to Monroe Board of Education.   Following the deadline, a list of questions and answers will be disclosed to all vendors.  Inquiries about this RFP should be submitted in writing to Steven R. DeVaux at the above address or via email: sdevaux@, and must be received by May 19th, 2006.  Questions and answers will be disclosed to vendors on may 26th, 2006.

4.5       Response Guidelines

Responses to this proposal are requested to be less than 15 pages in length.  Respondents are encouraged to focus on the specifics of the solution offered.  Vendors may include additional literature outlining features or benefits of their offering, but this material should be excluded from the RFP.  Any documentation forwarded to Monroe Board of Education as a result of this RFP will be held incorporated into the contract if awarded.

5. Specifications

At a minimum, the respondents must address the requirements of this RFP.  Respondents are encouraged to offer information that would benefit Monroe Board of Education and/or differentiate them from their competitors.  The following information details the specific requirements mandated by Monroe Board of Education:

5 Functional Requirements

1. Automation Process

16. 8 stations located in six buildings, all on an intranet.

17. Eliminate need to use a manual data entry system.

18. Employee transactions, whether originating from PC workstations or Data Collection mediums, will be written out immediately to disk, without delay, and available in real-time from any (authorized) client workstation.

19. Provide supervisor with a user friendly review and sign-off process.

20. Flexibility in entering time for future rollouts (ie., hand held units, timeclocks, etc).

21. Allow for a standard work day to be set up and allow for deviations from standard work day.

22. Allow for an automated procedure for corrections both pre-validation and post-validation and track history.

2.       Automatically calculate accruals

23. Allow Monroe Board of Education to define their accrual rules (multiple accrual methods).

3. Pay Rules

24. Allow Monroe Board of Education to define its own pay rules and policies.

25. Multiple pay rules without any customization to software (including holiday compensation).

26. Multiple job codes and labor distributions.

27. Pay people who may have worked in multiple locations.

28. Provide way to compensate salaried non-exempt employees for overtime.

4. Employee Requests

29. Provide the opportunity to an employee to request vacation pay for future payroll periods.

30. Provide employee with means to submit corrections and/or adjustments on timecard for supervisor approval.

31. Provide employee with means to submit timesheet for future pay periods.

5. Reporting

• Provide efficient reporting tools.

6. Training

32. Provide training and documentation for users.

33. Provide training session (online) for remote users.

34. Provide training following an upgrade.

7. Interfaces

• Automated time-tracking allowing employees to view available vacation, personal days, holidays, and sick time.

• Ability to provide employee time data for Sungard/Pentamation -HTE Phoenix payroll package and others seamlessly.

1. Technical Requirements

1. Security:

35. Detail security capabilities of Vendor’s product.

36. Multiple levels of user authority per employee.

37. Biometric devices will use Hand Biometry by Recognition Systems for employee authentication.

2. Performance  

• Vendor will document system and application configurations, user parameters, based upon best practices, to achieve optimal performance of their application.

3. Data

• Vendor will describe storage and system requirements for functions such as logging.

• Product supports data backup capability that can be completed daily.

4. Support

• Vendor must be able to provide ongoing technical support.

• Provide Monroe Board of Education with Technical Support Agreement and costs associated.

• Offer options for a backup system in case of failure.

• Support at least 1 back version.

Include the detailed specifications for the products/services being requested from Supplier.

This may include:

Hardware specifications (and/or other equipment)

Software specifications

Specifications for system interfaces


Renting of equipment/offices

6. Other Terms and Conditions

In addition to the detailed RFP Specifications provided in Section 5, the following are additional terms and conditions required by Monroe Board of Education.

Delete terms/conditions from subsections below as appropriate.  Add additional terms/conditions if appropriate.

6.1       Responsibilities

This section describes delivery/installation activities and who is responsible (i.e. Yellow vs. Supplier) for performing them.  These activities should include distribution, installation, and training.

For systems to be provided to many sites, it may be appropriate to include an installation schedule (with all sites identified).

Specify what tools/equipment Supplier must provide to support delivery/installation.

Vendor will be responsible for:

43. Providing backup plan and disaster recovery plan

44. Ensuring confidentiality and security of time and attendance data

2. References

List three (3) customer references that are currently receiving a similar service to that proposed in vendor's response to Monroe Board of Education for a time and attendance solution. Location in the state of Connecticut is preferred.  Contact will not occur without notification to respondent.   

3. General Evaluation Criteria

Outlined below are the general criteria that will be used to evaluate vendor qualifications.

45. Ability to meet requirements identified in RFP specifications

46. Experience of vendor in providing time and attendance solutions 

47. Pricing strategies including price breaks for additional employee use.

48. Completeness of response

49. Value/price comparison in measuring potential Return on Investment

4. Acceptance Testing

A team comprised of Monroe Board of Education and vendor personnel will develop an Acceptance Test Plan that will be used to perform formal acceptance testing.  Work will be considered complete only upon acceptance by Monroe Board of Education after a successful pilot test.

5. Vendor Performance

Monroe Board of Education and Vendor shall agree on a specific Vendor schedule at a later time.  The Vendor is expected to achieve 100% on-time delivery of products/services as established in that schedule or any financial penalties established in the agreement shall prevail.

6. Adherence to Monroe Board of Education Standards

Vendor agrees to comply with various Monroe Board of Education standards for general purchase orders.

7. Export

Vendor will list any export restrictions on the software.

8. Insurance

If Vendor will be on site, Vendor shall procure and maintain during the term of the Agreement and any extensions or renewals thereof, general liability, property damage and bodily injury insurance naming Customer as an additional insured in a minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence.  This insurance shall be acquired from a reputable and financially responsible insurance company.  Vendor shall furnish to Customers certificates specifying the names of insurers, policy numbers, and expiration dates establishing that such insurance has been procured and is being maintained.


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