Salmon are one of the main reasons many of us are here in the Skeena Watershed, and are the foundation for many of our communities and cultures. Salmon inspire and sustain us. The Skeena Salmon Art Fest aims to celebrate salmon through art. We seek to beautify Terrace through public art initiatives, and raise awareness of salmon as the foundation of our cultures. Salmon build communities. 2018 was the first year of our initiatives. It was a true community collaboration, bringing together diverse groups, organizations and people in a common vision.

Skeena Salmon Art Show The first annual Skeena Salmon Art Show was held at the Terrace Art Gallery during August. This month long juried show featured 90 pieces of art from over 60 regional artists. People were lined up for the opening night reception, and the Gallery set new attendance and sales records for the show.

Kermode Tourism: Great Big Fish Sculpture Local carver Joerg Jung (JJ) was retained to carve a huge salmon to install in front of the

Terrace Visitor Information Centre. JJ selected a huge log from a spruce tree that had grown beside the Skeena River for 200 years before having to be removed for traffic safety reasons. Fed by nutrients from centuries of salmon carcasses, this tree provided a fitting resource to be carved into a salmon and greet visitors to Terrace. The Info Centre immediately noticed an increase in tourism traffic after the fish was installed.

Murals Three spectacular new salmon themed murals were installed in Terrace. These murals brighten our downtown and businesses, and are drawing tourists to town.

Collaboration with Local Businesses Local businesses were keen to join in this community art initiative.

White Goat Coffee created a Headwaters Blend, with artwork by local artist Jaimie Davis. Sherwood Mountain Brewery brewed a Summerfest Lager, with a label featuring artwork by local artist Rod Brown. Sherwood subsequently commissioned Rod to create a huge salmon themed carving that will be unveiled at the Brewery in 2019 and local business owner Glen Saunders commissioned the spectacular sockeye salmon mural by artist Jeff King on the walls of the Flying Fish gift store.

In 2019, we will build on the extraordinary success of these initiatives.

Skeena Salmon Art Show The Terrace Art Gallery is booked for the 2nd annual Skeena Salmon Art Show in August. It promises to be even greater than our 2018 show and is sure to be a premier event of Riverboat Days.

More Murals We have grand plans for more murals. The Province of BC has funded the Terrace Downtown Improvement Area Society to bring building owners and artists together to develop and plan specific murals. We have some of the worlds most talented artists working and living in the Skeena Watershed, and we plan to showcase their art for the world to see.

Millennium Salmon Migration Our local professional artist community will collaborate with schools and community groups to paint large fish silhouettes and install on the fence along the Millennium Pathway. We hope this project will continue for years to come.

Banner Art Project We are collaborating with the City to install banners on light standards that feature local artists. This has been a tremendous success in other cities where banners are auctioned prior to display.

Wood Sculptures We plan to continue with more installed wood sculptures. We have a diverse and extraordinarily talented array of carvers in our region who are eager to showcase their work.

Highway 16/37 Traffic Circle Art Installation The creation of the traffic circle at the junction of Highways 16 and 37 just east of Terrace presents an opportunity to create a large public art installation. We are in the preliminary design stage of an installation featuring a large First Nations carved bear, surrounded by swimming salmon. This will announce to all who traverse the intersection that we are a salmon community with a strong and vibrant presence of First Nations peoples. We are planning for a 2020 installation.

Our Partners: The Skeena Salmon Art Fest is a collaboration of and supported by: Terrace Downtown Improvement Area Society (TDIA), Skeena Wild, Greater Terrace Beautification Society, Kermode Tourism, Terrace Community Foundation, Terrace and District Arts Council, Terrace Community Forest, the City of Terrace, Terrace Chamber of Commerce, Caledonia High School arts program, Terrace Art Gallery, students, staff and graduates of Freda Diesing School of Northwest Art.




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