Sample Student Club Constitution

Sample Student Club Constitution

PREAMBLE We, the members of [New Student Club], to fully realize our purpose, do hereby adopt and establish this constitution as the guiding instrument of our Club.


The name of this Club shall be [New Student Club name], hereafter referred to as [NSO].


The purpose of NSO shall be to help provide information and assistance to groups wishing to become registered student Clubs of Black Hawk College.

ARTICLE III Membership

Section 1. Membership in NSO shall be limited to persons officially connected with Black Hawk College as students, faculty or staff (with voting privileges restricted to students).

Section 2. Membership in NSO shall not be limited to persons based on their race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, ability, gender expression, gender identity or sexual orientation.

Section 3. Active membership in NSO shall be conferred upon those members who, in addition to the above requirements, have paid the semester dues (if applicable) in full within one month of the first day of classes.


Section 1. The officers of the Club shall be elected from the active members. Any student seeking to hold office must have and maintain an overall grade point average not less than 2.5.

Section 2. The elected officers of NSO shall consist of leadership roles, for example ? President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, which shall serve as the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Elections: A. All officers shall be elected on or before April 1 of each year, and shall serve one-year terms, which may take effect after April 1. B. All officers shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast. Only active members are eligible to vote. If no candidate for an office receives a majority of the votes cast, then only the top two candidates will be placed on a second ballot for that office until a majority is reached. C. A quorum of one-half of the active membership shall be required for all meetings where officer nominations or elections take place. D. All elections shall be conducted by secret ballot. The ballots shall be tabulated by any officer not on the ballot and the faculty/staff advisor.

Section 4. Officers' Duties: A. The President shall preside at all NSO meetings and have the authority to appoint all committee chairpersons, to create new committees, to nominate a faculty advisor to be approved by the active members, and to act as a spokesperson for the Club. B. The Vice President shall preside at all NSO meetings in the President's absence, and in the event of her/his resignation, shall become the President of the Club for the duration of the term. The Vice President will support the President on special projects. C. The Secretary shall handle and keep a record of all NSO business and correspondence, including, but not restricted to recording minutes at all NSO meetings, keeping an up-to-date file on all members, and informing members of all NSO meetings and activities. D. The Treasurer shall handle all financial transactions of the Club, including, but not restricted, to the collection of dues (if applicable) and recording all transactions.

Section 5. The faculty/staff advisor to NSO shall be nominated by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority vote of a quorum of active members. The faculty/staff advisor must be selected from fulltime faculty or administrative staff members of the college.

ARTICLE V Dues and Finances

Section 1. The dues for NSO (if applicable) will be established by the Executive Committee. Payment of dues must be received by the Treasurer within one month of the first day of class of each semester to be an active member of NSO.

Section 2. NSO will finance its activities through membership dues, fundraising projects or funding from Student Government Association allocations, if so granted.


Section 1. The first meeting of the fall semester shall be within two weeks after classes start.

Section 2. Regular meetings shall be held at least once a month during the school year at times set by the Club.

Section 3. The meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the revised edition of Robert's Rules of Order.

Section 4. The basic agenda at regular meetings shall follow: A. Call to order B. Roll call (optional) C. Approval of minutes D. Executive committee report E. Officer reports F. Committee reports G. Old business H. New business I. Announcements J. Adjournment

Section 5. Action on any business, old or new, requires a quorum of one-half of the active membership of the Club.

ARTICLE VII Removal from Office

Section 1. An NSO officer whose dereliction of duty adversely affects the operations of the Club shall be subject to disciplinary action or removal from office.

Section 2. A written request stating the reasons for dismissal and signed by at least three (3) active members of the Club must be submitted at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Section 3. Before the next regularly scheduled meeting, written notification of the request and the reasons for dismissal must have been given to the offending officer, who should come to that regular meeting prepared to speak.

Section 4. A two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of all active members is required to remove the officer from office.

ARTICLE VIII Constitutional Amendments

Section 1. The Constitution is binding to all members of NSO, but is not binding unto itself.

Section 2. Amendments to the Constitution must be proposed in writing by an active member of NSO at any regular meeting at which two-thirds (2/3) of the active members are present.

Section 3. Proposed amendments shall be voted upon only after two regular meetings following the introduction of the proposal.

Section 4. Proposed amendments will become effective following a three-fourths (3/4) affirmative vote of the active members.

Sample President's Position Description

Meetings: Prepare for all meetings Preside at Club meetings Facilitate Executive Board meetings Meet weekly with the advisor Inform the Executive Board of other meeting information

Representation: Represent the Club to the institution Serve as spokesperson for the Executive Board and Club Serve on various committees or task forces Prepare prior to all interviews

Club Effectiveness: Lead the setting and accomplishing of goals Assess and fulfill the purpose and needs of the Club Assist all executive officers Be aware of all money matters Coordinate campus-wide programs Provide follow up to Club tasks Coordinate the Executive Board transition Create a shared vision with the group and enable others to articulate the vision

Recognition and Motivation:

Provide motivation for the Club

Be open to all opinions and input Prepare for the annual banquet

Sample Vice President's Position Description

Preside at Club meetings in absence of the President Serve as Parliamentarian Direct constitutional updating and revision Facilitate elections Submit term reports Serve as liaison to committees Perform other duties as determined by the needs of the Club


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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