Environmental impact report form of construction project

Environmental impact report form of construction project

Project Name: Jinan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Heat Supply

Integration Energy Saving Project Utilizing Loan from EIB

Contractors (seal) Jinan Thermal Power Co., Ltd.

Compiled date 2009.9 Tabled by State Environmental Protection Administration

Jinan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Heat Supply Integration Energy Saving Project Utilizing Loan from EIB

Assessment agentsShandong Academy of Environmental Science legal representative Bian Xingyu Project NameJinan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Heat Supply Integration Energy Saving Project Utilizing Loan from EIB File TypeEnvironmental Impact Report Form

AddressLishan Road No.50, Jinan

Telephone(+86)0531-85870051 Fax(+86)0531-85870050 Postcode250013


Jinan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Heat Supply Integration Energy Saving Project Utilizing Loan from EIB

Environmental impact report form of Jinan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Heat Supply Integration Energy Saving Project Utilizing Loan

from EIB

Responsible deansignatureLi Gang

The duty list of assessors and checker &approvers



Professional title


Certificate number


Responsible officer

Yu Jun

Check in premises

Wang Jing

Scientific Committee Qin Xiaopeng


Researcher Engineer

Water Supply and Drainage

Environmental Engineering

Extraction A24020030800

Regional sociology A24020091000

Formulation Investigate

Senior Environmental Engineer Engineering

Registry number -A24020033



Jinan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Heat Supply Integration Energy Saving Project Utilizing Loan from EIB

Check and issue

Li Gang


Environmental Engineering

Registry number -A24020031


Description for drawing up Environmental impact report form of construction project

Environmental impact report form of construction project should be drawn up by units that have qualifications to do environmental impact assessment.

1. Project name--means the name that official approval to registration of the project, the name should not exceed 30. (Two English fields are equal to one character)

2. Location--means the exact address of the location of the project. Starting and finishing place is necessary for the highway and railway.

3. Category of employment--should be filled according to Chinese Standard. 4. Total investment--means the total investment of the project. 5. Mainly environmental protection objectives--mean the residential areas, school, hospital, heritage conservation, landscape and famous scenery, head-water point and eco-sensitive spot around the project. The protection objectives, characteristic, scale and the distance away from boundary should be given as much as possible. 6. Conclusion and Recommendations--analysis conclusions of the cleaner production, satisfaction to standards and volume control of the project should be given. The validity of the antipollution measures should be determined. The influence to the environment of this project should be explained. The conclusion of the environmental feasibility of the project should be given, meanwhile, other suggestions which can lower the influence to environment should be proposed. 7. Prequalified decision--it should be filled in by relevant administrative department. If there is not relevant administrative department, no is permitted 8. Examination and approval decision--it should be replied by the competent administrative department which is to be responsible for this project of environmental protection.


Jinan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Heat Supply Integration Energy Saving Project Utilizing Loan from EIB 4


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